Sunday, May 4, 2008

Article Marketing - The 3 Most Common Mistakes Made When Marketing Your Articles

Article marketing works when you work it right. Unfortunately, many article marketers do not work it right.

In my experience of coaching hundreds of article writers and marketers, I have noticed at least three common and typical mistakes made by both new and experienced article marketers.

Let's take a closer look at each of these three common mistakes and then look at what to do instead.

Mistake #1 - Not understanding marketing - Many people do not understand marketing because the concept frightens them. Think of it this way - marketing is simply letting other people know what you do. Therefore, in article marketing, marketing is simply getting your articles in front of as many people as possible.

Mistake #2 - Using only article directories - I love article directories. They are not the only way to market your articles however. The ways to market your articles are limited only by your imagination and creativity. Here is my definition of creativity - "Creativity is simply looking at something that has always been there and seeing something that has not been seen before." Ask yourself - "In how many different ways can your ideal client consume the information in your article?"

Mistake #3 - Not having a consistent plan or system to market your articles - Most article marketers treat article marketing like any other form of marketing - they wait until things are getting bad, and then in desperation pull something off the marketing menu and throw some money ad effort at it and hope something will work. I call this "marketing a la carte." When you use a consistent plan or system, you do not have to hope something will work, you know it will work.

Avoid these mistakes and use these tips to ramp up your article marketing.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? You can get free access to an audio teleseminar and study guide of "How to Write 1 Great Article in Less than 30 Minutes and 8 Great Articles in 1 Day."

Download it free here:

Do you want to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

You can also check out my list of 25+ ways to market your articles at

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy


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