Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Article Marketing - Create Your Own Home Business Writing Articles For Others

Article marketing has a huge and growing popularity as a form of online advertising. By providing free information in the form of articles, Web sites attract customers to their businesses. So if you can write articles, you can develop your own home business.

Because there's such a good Return on Investment (ROI) with article marketing when compared with other advertising, businesses pay well for custom articles written to their specifications.

In this article we'll look how you can start a home business writing articles.

Your first step is to get some experience in writing articles. The more articles you write, the better your income, so look on this start-up phase as way of streamlining your processes, so you can train yourself to write articles fast.

1. Get experience in article writing at the out-sourcing sites

Go to one of the many out-sourcing sites, and bid on article writing projects. When you win some projects, write the articles to the purchaser's specifications.

Some article writers develop their businesses at the out-sourcing sites, however you'll make more money if you develop your own small Web site. Having your own site means that you can cut down on the time required to get article writing jobs, because your purchasers will come to you.

2. Write articles to promote your article writing business

Now you have some experience in writing articles, your next step is to promote your article writing home business - yes, by writing articles.

You need a Web site. Your site can be small and free. (You could create a free Blogger blog to act as your site for example.) On the site, advertise your availability as an article writer, and set your rates, as well as the topics in which you'll specialize.

3. Promote your article writing business to companies which use article marketing

Next, write some articles about article marketing, or about the topics in which you intend to specialize as an article writer, and post the articles to article directories.

In your resource/ bio box at the end of your article, promote yourself as an article writer with a link to your Web site.

You'll soon attract a stream of article buyers to your site, and your article writing home business will be launched.

Discover how easy it is to make money article marketing with Angela Booth's "Sell Your Writing Online NOW" Training Program at http://sellwritingnow.com/Home/training.html The program is fun and profitable too. There's a full year of lessons and assignments:"Sell Your Writing Online NOW" helps you to earn while you learn, even as a brand new writer.

New to writing? Visit Angela Booth's new Writing Hacker Web site at http://writinghacker.com/ - watch Angela's "Make money Writing: Write and sell Web articles - they're in hot demand" video.

For free weekly writing information, subscribe to Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Ezine at http://fabfreelancewriting.com/ezine/fab-freelance-writing-ezine.html and receive "Write And Sell Your Writing: The Power-Write Report" immediately.


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