Sunday, May 18, 2008

Article Writing Mistakes--5 Easy Steps To Avoid These Mistakes In Article Marketing

Can you relate to this? You've heard that writing articles creates massive traffic for you, you write an article and wait for the magic to happen. You think writing a feature article, you're going to be instantly successful. When you look at simple mistakes you are making, you can also solve them with just a little tweaking. Remember, article marketing is still the best way to get a lot of targeted traffic to your web site, and increase clients and product sales to match.

Mistake #1 - You don't submit - Believe it or not, there are many article writers you simply do not submit their articles. Procrastination and fear of rejection are the two most common reasons for not submitting articles. You simply must push past the procrastination and do it now. Procrastinate later, do it now. Article directories, the good ones that is, will help you get your article up to speed if it needs a bit of tweaking before it is published. No need to fear rejection here.

********* Solution:**********
Make sure you submit to the popular article directories, do it straight away. Choose one's like,, There are lots more, but there are too many to list here. You should go to Google and search for Article Directories.

Mistake #2 - You believe that just as few articles will do - Some people complain - "I submitted some articles and got nothing, this stuff doesn't work." Let me tell you, this stuff works, you just didn't work it. This is a numbers game - the more articles you get our there working for you, the better article marketing will work for you.

********** Soulution: **********

Dedicate yourself to writing more articles. Get a routine going, put yourself into a mindset of how doing this will benefit you ten fold. Get a template you can model your articles on, like this one. Why not use this one your reading now. If you put your mind to it you could easily write 20-50 articles per week

Mistake #3 - One of the things I've seen is, people just throw up any old article - I've found that many article writers just sort of "throw up" their article and up and hope for the best. I have identified some typical mistakes that article writers make. For example, one tip is "Make the Key words come first" in your title. "The Top 7 Reasons You Need to Write and Market Articles" is a bad title. "Article Writing - The Top 7 Reasons You Need to Ramp Up Your Article Writing" is a great title. Key words come first.

Before you submit your article, read it and read it again, is it addressing a problem for your readers? Are you answering the questions. Look at your Niche Keyword, for instance, it might be, "Affiliate Marketing", Use this in the start of your Headline. Like this, Affiliate Marketing--6 Reasons You Need To Succeed At Affiliate Marketing". Get the idea.

Mistake #4 - The opening sentence. Many writers don't put anything in the first paragraph that makes the reader want to read more. What I mean is, ' State the problem they have', like the affiliate marketing example above. You could use, " Have you tried to make money with affiliate marketing only to find you spend more on buying the so-called get rich programs that promise you the world, and you make nothing?"

Make your opening sentence address a problem. Relate to your reader and what they're experiencing. Feel their pain, write about it. Let them know that you know what they are feeling and put it in print.

Mistake #5 - Format. When I see some articles I cringe, they don't read well, they look like their just thrown together. There's no white space and no bulleting or numbering. By using bullets or numbering, the eyes of the reader naturally focus on this area. It makes for easier reading, hence your article is bound to be read by more readers. Which means your article will be picked up by more web masters and more TRAFFIC for YOU.

This article aims to help the article marketer reach their goals with creating more traffic and get more back links.

You can use this article on your site as long as you include the bio box below.

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