Monday, May 19, 2008

Does Your Ghost Writer Have A Link Generating Strategy?

Many excellent ghost writers are artistes and worry only about the quality of their writing while totally ignoring the "business side" of promotional articles. Yet the two cannot do without each other.

It is like writing a masterpiece of a novel, printing it and then failing to get it out there where potential readers can get their hands on it. Nay, it is worse than that and more like hiding the printed copies of your potential best seller in some dark attic where it will never be found.

Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it? But that is exactly what is being done online the whole time when some ghost writer posts a promotional article in every article directory they can find and hopes for the best.

To be effective an online writer needs to go beyond keyword research to ask themselves which particular article out of the batch that they have written has the best chance of being ranked highest by leading search engines. When they have answered that question, they will then need to ensure that they link all their other articles accordingly to that one single article and also use the right anchor text with frequent variations. They will also need to know how many articles need to be written to generate what kind of level of traffic.

For instance I have found that a batch of about 100 promotional articles is the bare minimum one needs to get done to start seeing an impact on the traffic of a site. It actually depends a lot on the subject matter and the keyword phrases involved. There are some instances when this number of promotional articles posted with a good link generation strategy has opened the floodgates of traffic. And what I find really exciting about promotional articles is the fact that once they've been posted correctly, they can generate traffic for you for many, many years.

This kind of approach to promotional articles online by an excellent ghost writer can make a phenomenal difference.

An effective ghost writer also needs to know the most effective ghost writer article directory to post their article to so as to receive tons of traffic through their links in the resource box.


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