Thursday, May 22, 2008

The Holy Grail of Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is much more than putting your product online and pitching it to people. If you're going to be an internet superstar there are three important steps you must take.

Establishing an internet business goes far beyond creating a product and placing it online for sale or seeking out a product to promote for affiliate revenue and blasting it across the internet and through email. Internet marketing starts with building yourself a reputation as someone sincerely interested in your customers, offering them information and help, and promoting your business or product on your website. That of course requires you have a website so another important part of marketing is to present website content that is useful, accurate, and current with the market.

One of the great things about doing business on the internet is that you can get started fro free or very little cost, depending on the approach you take. And you don;t have to have much to start a marketing campaign that is effective. There are many resources and tools available today that are free. You just need to do your research and make sure that the freebie offers you the functionality you need and with a degree of professionalism.

Here are three absolute essential ingredients for creating a successful internet marketing business.

Communication with your Customers

Being available for your customers and potential customers is perhaps the most important aspect of your online presence. It may seem unfair but the global 24 hours a day and seven days a week reach of the internet makes the window of communication opportunity very small. If you don't respond quickly your customer may go elsewhere. E-mail is a great way to communicate with your customers but the key is to stay on top of your inbox and respond quickly. Establish a schedule to review incoming email and respond to your customers' needs. You may need to set up a 3 times per day schedule. f you don't have the ability or the man power to you need to take another look at your setup and either reorganize your business or hire someone to help you.

Products and Services

Customers need to find value in what you have to offer, whether it be your free report that sells your own product or your direct sales product or service you have to offer. There are two motivating factors when it comes to selling online: cost and convenience. Will your customer find it easier to buy online than finding the same product in a local store? Is it cheaper for your customer to buy this product from you online? Do you offer some sort of additional value that encourages the purchase? Consider your offer and ask yourself if you would buy what you are selling. Look around at the other offers and top them. Competition abounds so you have to stay on top of the game to deliver the best offer with the best value for the best price.

Delivery and Support

Immediate delivery is a selling factor that makes online purchasing attractive to customers who want the product immediately. Having to wait for delivery is not in line with the instantaneous nature of the internet. So your key to a satisfied customer is convenience, instant access, and quick service. It can mean the difference in you getting a sale and in losing a returning customer. Test your system. Make sure it is user-friendly, easy to understand, functioning as promised. Be available for your customer's needs after the sale. If your system quirks and there's a problem with delivery you need to be there to get it delivered.

Online success starts with the building blocks of business design. Put yourself in your customers shoes. Communicate with your customers quickly and in a helpful manner. Offer them what they need at a great price and with a bonus product or some other sort of added value. Provide quick, if not instant, delivery. If you can base your business on these three principles you will have the keys necessary to open the door to online business success.

If you're looking for a step-by-step program to getting started in affiliate marketing check out my review of Affiliate Cash Secrets.

Cynthia Mosher shares her advice on internet marketing, affiliate marketing and working at home at her website Feel free to distribute this article in any form as long as you include this resource box with active links.


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