Saturday, May 17, 2008

Resource Box and Click Thru Data Considerations in Online Article Marketing

Many online article marketers believe that the resource box or section for the author's byline should be contiguous and I must say that I absolutely agree. Because I have noticed that it also decreases the chances of people lifting articles, taking your name off and stealing your work. This means you get more "pick-ups" and syndicated usage where the link to your website is still in tact.

Should Online Article Submission Sites Give Click Thru Stats?

Many authors such as my self would like to know the click thru stats on our articles. I believe this can be done with site tracking software to see where surfers go, how long they stay on a page and where they click out too. So, this information is known and it is valuable information too, I agree.

Further, if a reader finishes an article that is of value, the average reader can finish a 300 word article in about 1 minute to 1:30 and longer articles will have more folks clicking out before they completely read the article and less likely to bother to scroll down the page, but it would take about 2-3 minutes for a 600 word article and 4 to 6 minutes for a 1,000 to 1200 word article.

Question is; are the readers interested in that much reading, as Internet Surfers are "Click Happy" group of mal-contents with the attention span of a gnat. And mind you I mean a very nice, loving insect type gnat, with hopes and dreams and an iPod as they go.

So if your content gets too thick, then see ya, they are gone, if this is not your clientele you probably do not care, because they are not your target market anyway. But if they click out due to too much thick content, their click-out "Vote" would go against your quality rating.

There is a relative truth about the Internet Surfer and their behavior and a reality of how online article marketing works. I would advise authors to do what works for them, even though some of the silly stupid articles are degrading the language, literature in general and an insult to my intelligence? Thoughts and more thoughts for you.

"Lance Winslow" - Online Think Tank forum board. If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance; Lance is a guest writer for Our Spokane Magazine in Spokane, Washington


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