Monday, May 12, 2008

Success Strategies For E-Mail Marketing

Mastering e-mail is an essential skill that is because e-mail marketing is very profitable. But you need some skills in order to succeed, regardless of the audience.

#1 - Know how to capture email addresses. If you want to make any money from e-mail marketing you need to capture the visitors e-mail address. You need to master the art and science of capturing the covted e-mail address. The best way to capture email addresses is to give out a valuable ebook, audio or video in exchange for people's email addresses.

#2 - Take time to create a valuable product (something original, something that is YOURS not the crappy stuff you find on the Internet).

#3 - You need to be able to communicate. You must have the ability to express yourself so that you will be clearly understood.

#4 - You must build a relationship with your list. E-mail them often, offer them useful stuff. When you browse the web and I find something useful, bookmark the site and later go back to it and work it into a post on your blog or website. In this way you are giving back to your readers and visitors, and to your subscribers who are expecting value from you.

#5 - Target your list with relavent offers. Don't offer them A when they really want B. Don't know what they want? Ask them! Promise them something in return for completing a survey or substantial discount on your next product.

#5 Persistance pays. Don't go overboard.

I was once told by an advertising firm that prospects need to see your offer more than 7 times to establish trust and make a purchase from you. If you e-mail your list 7 times in one day, count on getting a lot of individuals unsubscribing. Limit your e-mails to once or twice per day if you are offering alerts for new posts, and perhaps once per week if you publish an e-zine.

Follow these simple steps/rules and you will succeed in whichever market you are working in.

Mohamed Bhimji runs Online Internet Business Opportunity where he offers a Fresh Perspective on Running a Successful and Profitable Internet Business. You will not find MLM or other get rich quick schemes, but business processes and principles that will help you generate income over the long-term.


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