Friday, May 16, 2008

What About The Hype? Internet Marketing Secrets Revealed

There is a lot of hype surrounding Internet Marketing; stories of millions of dollars being made in a few hours and this mythical pot of gold available to anyone with a computer and an Internet Connection.

Does Internet Marketing live up to the hype, or is it all hocus pocus; rumors circulated by people with fragile egos who are pretending they are making a fortune?

Like anything that is popular there is a lot of hype surrounding Internet Marketing. Some of this hype is inflated exaggerations of the truth whereas some of it is just plain untrue, designed to lure the unsuspecting into home internet business opportunities.

There are people online who are making an extremely good income from Internet Marketing with more people every day joining this crowd. It is possible for your home business to make you a small fortune, providing you plan carefully and work towards your targets.

As in any business there is a crest of the wave of new opportunities and ideas. If you want to have fantastic success then you need to be riding that crest and be ahead of the crowd.

The same happens in the offline world. Over the last few years there have been a massive increase in the number of Property and Housing based TV shows. In England they even have a channel dedicated to property renovation and restoration. This is an indicator that the wave has crested and that whilst there is still money to be made in that field, there is not as much as there used to be.

This happens online when you see a proliferation of, for example, made for adsense sites, or membership sites, or any other particular subject. When many people are selling these sorts of opportunities its an indicator that the main source of money has no longer in using what they are selling, but in selling those sort of products to people who are keen to buy them to make money applying them.

In the old California Gold Rush days it was always said the real money was in selling the shovels to the thousands of gold hungry prospectors. It is the same today on the Internet. The real money is in selling the tools the thousands of money hungry webmasters want to get their business running and profitable.

Amidst the Internet hype there are some nuggets of gold if you know where to look and use your intelligence. If you follow the herd and chase after the gold then you may strike a lucky vein of gold or you may just find nothing. However, if you set up your stall selling shovels to the prospectors then your chances of making a fortune are greatly increased.

Intimate Confessions Of Internet Marketers The Shocking Truth About Making Money Online ebook teaches you, amongst other things, how to identify that niche and set your stall up and how to leverage your skills to get the maximum return.

Lama Kalla, mentor, small business owner, internet marketer and author of "Confessions Of Internet Marketers- The Shocking Truth About Making Money Online"


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