Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Writing Keyword Articles

Looking for a way to drive highly targeted traffic to your website?

Writing great articles with lots of good content is a great way to drive traffic to your website or your blog. Here are some easy article writing tips and hopefully some information to help you get started...

Tip number one! Start writing! For a lot of people, writing keyword articles intimidates them and they never pick up a pen or hit the keyboard - lol!

If you know what you are writing about, keyword phrases will automatically fall into place for you. For instance, if you are writing about moms in home businesses , you will have phrases like " marketing home based businesses" , "stay at home moms" , "making money at home" , etc, popping up all through your article. They will just slip in without you even thinking about it!

After your article is written, sit down and think of the different phrases people would put into the search bar to look for the information in your article. A keyword search tip that I have used quite a bit is to put quotation marks around a specific phrase to see how often it is used . If the search is relatively low and you are confident of your niche, it is very likely a profitable keyword.

Here's the important point to remember when writing an article. Your article must stand alone as an independent piece of work, with useful information. Choose a topic to write about that you can be passionate about. Make it YOU... one of the best article writing tips I can give you is to just be you! Do a keyword search for your topic and weave them into your article in such a way as to captivate your audience and still please the search engines..

Articles are all about content. You are not selling your product, or your opportunity. The whole purpose of writing captivating articles is make it such a worthwhile piece of work, that many publishers will want to get it out there to their subscribers.

Your resource box is where your ad is. If your article is worth their while , many will click on the links in your resource box and that, my friend is how you generate the traffic to your website or your blog. Your reader will feel like he is beginning to know you, by reading your article and will become a highly targeted prospect that you are guiding through your information.

It will take some time the first time you start writing keyword articles, because it is a bit more difficult than just writing a letter to a friend! But the really neat thing is that you can submit your article and get them published for free. So commit to writing an article a week to begin with and then as you get more comfortable, write captivating articles about subjects relevant to your products or opportunity and you will generate highly targeted and qualified traffic to your site...

Where do you find the places to publish your articles?? Do a search for "article directories" and you will find a host of places that will publish your articles for you. When submitting your articles, be aware of the type of articles the site is looking for. Some accept any articles while others are looking for specific subjects...

Although it may be slow to start, you'll start getting a trickle of new traffic from people who have come across your article somewhere, some place and were interested enough to click on the link in your resource box. Soon that trickle will turn into a stream and hopefully into a river of highly targeted traffic for you!

Viola is the owner of Moms in Home Business, a website designed to help women become successful work at home Moms! Visit her Squidoo Lens here!

She is also a Platinum Director for the Coastal Wealthbuilders


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