Monday, June 30, 2008

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story

Article Marketing on the Internet is a whole different story because of the way your articles reach humans who have an interest in them. Article Marketing will help you increase your link popularity, search engine positioning for your keywords and phrases, and it helps you reach more potential customers for your products or services.

Just when you thought you had heard it all about list-building comes something a little bit outside the box.

The only way to build a sustainable online business is to master at least one "leverageable" skill. No less an authority than Tellman Knudson has stated on many occasions that there are three leverageable Internet Marketing skills (in no particular order):

1. Copywriting
2. Traffic Generation
3. List Building

List-building's greatest advantage lies in its ability to provide consistent "bread and butter" income for faithful practitioners. So, stands to reason that it's a skill worth learning, right? Especially when a guest expert explains an often overlooked way of generating "buzz" that may play to your strengths and interests.

Meeting "Mr S." Courtesy of Mr. S.

Gajapati Subhudhi presented Sean Mize on June 13th to his List Building Superstars (LBS) subscribers. Starting in August 2006, Mize has parlayed his drive and commitment to building a better life into a consistent 4-5 figure monthly income. He has done so with an unrelenting "ground attack" of articles that have made him #4 on's list of Expert Authors. As a result, Sean enjoys several Top-10 Google rankings with "list" related keywords and phrases.

During his interview with Kit Furey, Mize revealed how he has grown his list from zero to 7,000 in 10 months, and earns $2.00 per subscriber per month - double the acknowledged Internet Marketing benchmark. Sean attributes his success to:

1.. Article Marketing-driven List Building:

According to Mize, the best way to build trust and credibility amongst your subscribers.

2. Tracking and Testing of Results:

Strict analysis of basic article marketing metrics (e.g. Open rate, click-through rate). Tweaking of autoresponder sequence for each campaign based on previous results.

Setting Your Personal Goals.

Whether or not you are a budding article marketer, Mize convincingly explained the importance of an integrated mechanics-mindset approach for all Internet Marketers. List-builders of all shapes and sizes should start by asking themselves three questions:

A. What do you want out of the Internet in the next 12 months?
B. How much money will it take to achieve those goals?
C. How many subscribers do you need to reach your goals?

Then, go for it by making the necessary sacrifices to get the job done.

Forming a Positive Mindset Right from the Start.

Most people venture into Internet Marketing because of the inadequacies of their "9 to 5" existence. Sean was motivated by lifestyle choices - namely, a desire to spend more time at the beach as well as for skiing. To accomplish his goal, he set out to find the perfect "laptop" business and chose to focus on list-building. After reading and testing various list-building options, Mize formed the basis of his article marketing game plan, and set out to:

1. Earn consistent, and predictable income through the laptop.
2. Have the freedom to reap the benefits from his new income source (i.e. Internet Marketing) without being enslaved by it.

Test, test, test! Then test some more...

Whether it is article marketing or another Internet Marketing niche, success is often measured by a willingness to try different things, then make sound decisions based on the results. Sean Mize tried 3-4 different list-building methods before committing to articles. It goes without saying that your mindset must match the individual skill set you bring to the table. What works for Sean may not work for you, and vice versa...

In Part 2, learn about:

- Sean Mize's Three Strategies for Generating Article Marketing Content.

- A Few Words of Caution.

- What it Really Takes...

Rahul Majumdar is a full-time Information Marketing Specialist who focuses on teleseminar reporting, list-building techniques, and information product creation. Sign up for more of his insights at:


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