Tuesday, June 3, 2008

How To Use Articles In Search Engine Optimization

In the World Wide Web, content is king. But you would not want just any kind of content; what you need is quality content. More importantly, you want them in a good number. Articles are one of the best options that you can rely on when you need your websites up and moving.

Articles are keyword-rich articles that you can put in your website to serve as its content. These are articles that you can buy in bulk or one at a time at a rather cheap price.Articles are ready-made content that you can use. You can edit, reword or even add your name as the article's author. You can pretty much do anything with articles. Webmasters can buy articles in volume and at an amazing low price too. To give you more idea on the pricing on articles, you can buy one article for as low as $4.00. For the price offered, investing in articles is a good deal.

The importance of search engines in the Internet world is immeasurable. People who wanted information or looking for something or wanted to buy a thing but do not know where to find those merchandise, would go to the search engines to direct them. Because search engines are the most important tools in the worldwide web, webmasters do all they can to get on top of the page ranks. This process of getting ranked up in the first few pages of search engines is also called search engine optimization.

How can you use these articles to improve your page ranking in search engines? All articles are made to be keyword-rich. Keywords are words or set of words that are commonly typed in by online users when they are using search engines. For instance, if a user is looking for a diet which appropriate for her and key in "south beach diet" then the websites with the keywords "south beach diet" optimized accordingly will most probably on the top of the list.

Articles are written in a way that keywords are strategically scattered though out an article. If keywords are repeated in a non-redundant way, then these articles can be easily crawl search engines and consequently put your site on top page ranks. Most freelance article writers have guidelines to have at least a 2% keyword density.

Articles are categorized according to keywords. For instance you can buy the articles under the category "south beach diet", rest assured that these articles are optimized with your chosen keyword. To give you a clearer picture on how you can use articles for search engine optimization let's look at this example. A webmaster purchases a set of articles and one article has a keyword density of 2%. If you multiply that with 30 articles, then the entire website definitely would have a better standing against competitive website under the same keyword.

You can also use article to submit to article directories. Since you can do anything with articles, you can imbed a link to your website when you submit your article to article directories. There is no limit on how many article sites where you can post your article, if for instance you submit your article to about a hundred article websites, then that amounts to 100 back links for your site. This means a higher spot for you in search engines.

Online readers wanted information fast and easy. If you have a site and offer your visitors only one or two article, then chances are, your visitors would go on to the next site. But if use articles then you can use several articles for your sites and your website would look so rich with information and would surely attract more visitors to your site.

Darryl Power
I have been writing articles, seo, marketing for 9 years.


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