Friday, June 20, 2008

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

No matter what the topic of your article, if your bio doesn't capture the attention of your reader, your article is just more content for the Internet. Research and Informational Writing often result in power-laden content that resounds with truth on the World Wide Web, but how do you pull traffic from that content back to your website? The Bio generates traffic back.

An effective bio can literally catapult your business forward, or hold you back.

If your purpose of creating web content is to bring traffic to your website, check your bios. Is it a newsy commentary that drives readers to click on the link or a disastrous ending to an otherwise worthy article? The most powerful bios often include very little information about the author, but more direction for the reader. If you can draw the reader into your thought process, pull their interest to knowing more about you, and direct them to click on the link to complete the process of getting to know what you're all about, you're ahead of the game.

What should you include in your bio?

1. Your link.

2. A captivating statement about your business that offers them a reason to click on the link.

3. An interesting but leading statement that tells them what to do next.

4. Give them something of value.

5. Your name, simply and completely tell them who you are and why they should do business with you.

By including these five simple items in your resource box bio, you'll have them eating out of your hands and rushing to your website to learn more about you. Or rather, and more importantly, what you offer...

Are you ready to multiply the results of your article writing campaign?

Learn the simple secrets of creating positive responsive articles at and claim your FREE 2 Article Template Packet, along with a FREE ezine Subscription.

Jan Verhoeff promotes high-impact article marketing as a primary source of online traffic, because it works.

2007- Jan Verhoeff


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