Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Car care facilities are like many local businesses; they rely on loyal customers who, time and time again, return because they like the service, atmosphere, and price. And, whether your facility is a self-serve establishment or an automatic, building positive customer relationships is crucial to business success. But, how do you grow your business and attract new customers? Do quality service and good prices translate into more customers and expanded revenues? Not necessarily

Oftentimes consumers think of a carwash as a commodity-level service. As professionals we know that this is not the case, and that the quality of both car care products and services varies widely within the industry. Our job is to demonstrate that the quality of car care service depends on the provider, and that our facility offers consumers the best value for the best price. But, before we are ever able to demonstrate the value of our services, we must first give the public a reason to visit our car care facility.

Many times consumers choose a car care provider based solely upon proximity, visiting a facility simply because it is close to work or home. But there are simple ways to entice customers to drive past other car care facilities while they are en route to your location, and to keep them coming back year after year. In order to find and catch long-term customers, car care business owners simply need to; 1. Speak to the right audience, 2. Present potential customers with the proper "bait," 3. Impress them with quality service, and 4. Give them a reason to return.

Speaking to the Right Audience

While most business owners would like to market their services to their entire community, savvy entrepreneurs realize that businesses must be selective when initiating a new marketing campaign. Marketing dollars work best when businesses target population segments that are most likely to be receptive to the advertising message. One such demographic often overlooked by small business owners is new movers.

New movers are individuals that are just joining your community, or that have relocated from a different neighborhood or section of town. What makes new movers special from a marketer's perspective is that new movers are generally more receptive to product and service offers, and are more likely to be willing to establish new routines and visit new locations. With a little effort and the right "bait," your car care facility could quickly make its way into the routine of a new community member.

Presenting Your Bait

New movers typically establish their daily routines within the first few months of arriving in a new location. And, once they establish their day-to-day routines, they are typically more reluctant to incorporate a new business into their daily behavior. Therefore, entrepreneurs have only a few months to persuade new movers to visit their business and try their services before it is too late. Business owners should recognize that this small window of opportunity could develop into a valuable and lasting customer relationship if handled properly, or a missed opportunity if handled poorly.

What if the next time a new mover arrived in your community he opened his mailbox to find a welcome note penned by your car care business, inviting him to stop by for a free deluxe car wash and wax? Chances are most customers would appreciate the gesture, evaluate the offer, and possibly make a mental note to stop in to receive the free service. Suddenly your car care business becomes one of the only small businesses the customer knows in his new community, raising the chances that he will stop in for a car wash. And, if you have given the customer the right reason to stop by (i.e. an invitation worth one free deluxe car wash), the chances become even more likely that your invitation will bring him to your business's front door.

Impressing Customers

"But our deluxe car wash retails for $24.99," you may ask. "Why should I give it away for free when the customer may never even come back?" Good question. Why offer your premium services for free when you could just as easily offer one of your less expensive servicesor better yet, a simple discount coupon that grants customers 10 or 15% off the price of a normal car wash? Because you are creating a new customer relationship, and the first step to creating lasting relationships with members of your community is to impress them with the quality of your services. Not many customers will be impressed by an offer of 15% off a normal car washbut most will be surprised at a special invitation that offers a service valued at $24.99.

Business owners must remember that humans are creatures of habit. One of the most compelling reasons to target new movers is to establish your business as part of the mover's new routine. If you can impress your customers with your premium services, chances are they will not settle for just your basic "wash-and-rinse" next time they visit your facilitiesand next time you can charge them full price! You've given away services that retail for $24.99 (but probably cost you far less) to establish a relationship that will earn that amount on a monthly or bi-weekly basis, maybe for many years to come. When you put the cost of giving away your free premium service to a new mover in perspective, it seems less like charity and more like a smart business strategy.

A Reason to Return

So, you've enticed new movers to your business with an attractive service offer and have impressed them with your facilities and customer servicenow all you have to do is sit back and wait for the business to come to you, right? Wrong. While your new mover offer has certainly gone a long way, it will not guarantee you a steady stream of loyal customers. Unfortunately, while new movers may like your services, they may not automatically make your business a part of their everyday routine. Therefore, you must give them a reason to return.

Now, take a step back to when that new mover entered your business for the first time after receiving his service invitation. He was new to your facilities, unfamiliar with the area, and hoping for a positive experience. And, if you did your job right, he was probably impressed. So why not invite him back? After your attendants have washed, waxed, and detailed his car, ask him if he would be interested in receiving information about future offers such as the one he just enjoyed. Tell him that from time to time your business sends out emails to preferred customers with information about discounted services. Chances are your new customer will eagerly offer his email address for future use. That email address is the beginning of a customer database that will help you to drive business to your doors whenever you choose, and allow you to speak directly to the very customers that appreciate your services.

It works like this; let's say it's a cloudy Wednesday afternoon, and your car care attendants have been waiting hours for a customer. They're getting bored, you're getting anxious, and cars keep driving past your business. Now think proactively. Instead of waiting for one of these cars to stop by your facilities, why not draw customers who have used your services before to your business using the same tactics you used when they were new movers? Remember those email addresses you've been collecting? It is time to put them to good use.

Decide on a special offer; let's say 50% off your premium service. Compose a brief email to customers outlining this discount, and explain that it is only available for the remainder of the day. Hit send and then wait.

Your customers will receive that email, remember the positive experience they had last time they stopped by your business, and will consider dropping by for the special offer. And, if they do and you impress them with your friendliness and quality service once again, they will have yet another reason to visit you in the future. You've turned a slow day into a profitable one just by going back to customers you know have already used and enjoyed your service! That's smart business!

Remember: customers hold the key to your success. The more often they come to see you, the more likely you are to reach your business goals. Go ahead and give them a reason to stop by.

JAY SIFF is a principal of Moving Targets (http://www.movingtargets.com), a Perkasie, Pennsylvania-based provider of new resident direct marketing programs for small business. Jay can be reached at 800-926-2451 or jay@movingtargets.com.


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