Saturday, May 17, 2008

Amazing Kick Butt Article Marketing Strategies Bring Traffic Home

Short of Branding your backside and making it visible to the media, what can you do to get your articles noticed and your site busy? Well, branding, for starters.

I am amazed at the number of articles I read that are dry, lackluster, boring to read, and essentially have nothing to say. Not that I haven’t written my share of boring Articles that didn‘t Market anything but a good night‘s sleep, but … the score is to write more and more Articles that bring traffic home, because your Article Marketing skills are improving.

Just for kicks here, I’m going to pick apart an email I just received asking about “Article Marketing and How to Get Noticed” and answer some questions from a client, via this article. Hopefully, this Strategy Article will shed some light on this process and make Article Marketing Strategies a bit clearer than mud (at the very least).

1. How do you GRAB ATTENTION?

Keywords in title. Everyone pulls keyword searches and snaps up those top keyword articles from the search result, so you need to “Be there”. Fill your articles with keywords and effectively market your topic.

Attention grabbers in title. Using words that grab your reader and hold him hostage until he reads more. (simple, amazing, free, discount, secret - these are hostage holders) A few Attention Grabbing words in a Keyword Rich Title provide effective ‘get notices techniques’.

Teaser intros bring ‘em in. Put just enough keyword rich information in your ‘intro’ to capture their attention, but not enough to give them get away power. Don’t tell them the secret, just remind them you have a secret to share. Questions are effective here.

2. Get your Articles Picked-up and Published.

Relevant content. Be sure you pack your articles with actual informative content relevant to the keywords you selected. Keep the content related to the title and follow through with keyword rich informative content. Use bullets, bold, italics to identify parts, and be consistent. Use keywords throughout your Article Marketing Process to keep the reader interested.

Controversial ideas. Be bold. Write a statement using keyword dense commentary that bucks the system. If you agree with the premise, make it a question, but capture your reader with a controversial viewpoint. Put your opinion in a statement that gets you noticed, and puts your name up there. Don’t crack heads with your viewpoint, but do get noticed. Milk Toast never did anything for anyone other than bore them to sleep on Saturday night.

3. Create a template to Simplify the Writing Process.

Introduce your idea. Give a summary of introduction to your Article content with the introductory paragraph. This should invite them to read the Article subtitles and look for more relevant content within the form of the Article.

Use Bullets & Subtitles. Make your points with keyword rich bullets and subtitles to keep the article succinct and to the point. One or two paragraphs under each bullet or subtitle make the article worth reading.

Conclusions Rock. End your article with a conclusion that tells the reader what you want them to do. Give them an option. Tell them to take action.

4. Maximize Keyword Count.

Edit for keyword optimization. After you’re done with your article, go back and edit to add in keywords. The more keyword density your article has, the better your article will sell or promote. Article Marketing is all about keyword density, search engine optimization, and maximizing the recognition factor of your website, brand, and topic. The more keyword density you use in the articles, the more your ‘brand’ will be recognized and your site specifically will be searched for online.

5. Create an Author Box with Linking Power.

Power-charge your Author Box. Put specific keyword dense items in your author box every time and it will impress your reader. Your name, your website, and a call to do something.

Call to action. Putting a call to action in your author box gives the reader direction. “Sign up for my ezine.” “Visit my website.” “Order my ebook.” These are directions that hypnotize the reader to action. They give the reader directions, and people follow directions.

Name and Website. These are “duh” inclusions. Without them, your reader doesn’t know who you are, or where you are, and lacks important information about where the article came from. Give your articles credibility and brand them with your identity.

These Kick Butt Article Marketing Strategies bring traffic to your site because they work every time, all the time. Ask any Article Marketer about their process or strategy and they will tell you “Be consistent”, brand your niche and effectively use your brand in every article.

Whatever strategy you choose to use with Article Marketing, make it your own, use it deliberately and consistently and you will achieve your goals.

Jan Verhoeff writes Articles for Marketing Strategies and promotes Brand Identification for Building Business Online. Sign up for your FREE eZine Subscription at and learn the Secrets to Branding your Business with Identifiable keywords, links, and logos.


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