Monday, May 5, 2008

Article Marketing Success - 5 Tips For A More Effective Title

The title is one of the most important aspects of your article. A good title will improve the ranking of your article within the search results, increase the number of people that view your article, and help to generate a greater number of links from websites publishing that article. Using some or all of the following five tips it is possible to explode the success of your article.

1 - Utilize Your Targeted Keywords

Search engines have become more semantic, or topic based, but keywords are still an integral part of search engine optimization. Research targeted keywords and ensure that they are included in your title - the closer to the beginning of the title you can get them, the better the results are likely to be.

2 - Top Tens

Greater search engine exposure for your article is only a portion of the battle, albeit an important portion. Persuading readers to click through and read more is also important - top tens, top fives, and similarly related article titles always prove popular because they indicate that there will be clear information provided in a meaningful and easy to understand manner.

3 - How-To Guides

Readers want information. Websites want to publish articles that offer the reader that information. By offering a how-to guide you are indicating to readers and website owners that your article is filled with informative content.

4 - Make It Accurate

There is nothing more annoying to a reader than an inaccurate or nonsensical title. All the keywords and top tens in the world won't rescue an article title that is unrelated to the article itself or the topic that article is based on.

5 - The Shorter The Better

While keeping points one to four in mind, you should aim for as short a title as possible. Ten words or less is perfect and if you can do it in fewer words, then you should attempt to do so. If you use too many words you run the risk that the majority won't appear in search engine listings and you will put readers as well as Webmasters off reading or using your article.

Matt Jackson is a freelance web content writer offering an array of web content writing services through WebWiseWords. Visit the webwisewords website to see how he can help promote your site, improve your conversions, and much more.


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