Monday, May 19, 2008

A Free And Effective Marketing Technique For Your New Online Business

One of the best marketing techniques for your new online business is writing articles. It is far superior to placing ads in bringing traffic to your website. The main reason for this is simple; an ad will only work for you during the time that you pay for it to run. Your articles will continue to work for as long as they are posted on the web, and this can be a very long time. Some of my articles continue to bring me traffic after a year or more.

Although article writing can be somewhat time consuming, it is among the most productive marketing activities. Especially when you consider that you can write and submit your articles for free. It doesn't have cost you a penny. Of course, if you prefer, you can pay others to write your articles. And you can even pay companies to submit them, but if you are just starting out, you are better off writing and submitting them yourself.

An article should be written with two purposes in mind. First and foremost, it should give good solid information to the reader. Do not write fluff articles full of self-praise that provide nothing of value. The viewing public is not stupid, after a short while, they will see through this and stop viewing your articles. This is the kiss of death for an article writer. Always provide good information in your articles.

Second, it should entice the viewer to see the information that you have included in the resource box. Always include two or three links to your opt in (squeeze) page along with links to products that you recommend. You will get more clicks on these links if your article and the links in your resource box are related. And, if possible, always try tie the two together.

Article marketing can be an extremely effective and inexpensive way to market your online business. And if you enjoy writing, like I do, you can have some fun along the way.

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