Monday, May 19, 2008

Simple, Step-by-Step, On-Page - Search Engine Optimization

Even though generating incoming links is most important in achieving high search engine rankings, making sure that your website or blog is properly optimized will ensure that you get the rankings that you are after.

For example, if you have tons of incoming links hyperlinked for the keywords "teen diet" but the phrase "teen diet" can't be found anywhere on your website, you've probably wasted your time, because your website most likely won't rank well for that targeted phrase. On-page and Off-page (link building) search engine optimization, work only in conjunction with one another.

So developing and executing a planned and coordinated attack is necessary when looking to compete in the search engines. Below, is a simple, on-page, step-by-step, search engine optimization plan that will have Google, Yahoo, and MSN crawling and ranking your website or blog.

1. At the top of your webpage, include the keyword that you are targeting in H1 tags. Your keyword phrase will appear, bolder and larger then the rest of your text.

2. Heading sizes range from H1 to H6. Place the keywords that are most important in H1-H3 tags, keywords that are least important can go in tags H4-H6.

3. Create an introductory paragraph. Be sure to add the most important keywords or keyword phrases here. Be sure that it flows. You don't want it to sound unnatural. Remember, you are writing for human beings too. A real person has to feel comfortable reading your copy, or they won't bother purchasing anything from you.

4. Add more copy and be sure to add some keywords that are relevant to your main phrase and place your main keywords throughout the next couple of paragraph as well.

5. Websites with lots of pages do better in the search engines then those with fewer pages. You don't have to have a 100 page website to be successful, but you should try to start off with at least five pages and then add a couple of pages every week. Once you have created your pages, you will need to link to them from your home page. Make sure that you name your pages with keywords that you can want to ge ranked for. Do a little research and try to choose less competitive keywords or phrases. You will also need to create a sitemap. This is simply a page that lists all of the pages in your website. You should always submit your sitemap to Google, to be sure that they index all of your pages.

6. Now it's time for your concluding paragraph. Be sure to incorporate your keywords in this paragraph as well. Not too much, 1-2 times should be fine.

7. If you have any images, be sure to add keywords in the alt tags. While this is as not as powerful as it once was, it will help some.

8. Add your targeted keyword and keyword phrases to the meta, description and title tags.

That's pretty much it for on-page search engine optimization. Now, you need to focus on off-page optimization. This involves generating links to your website or blog.


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