Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Internet Marketing Secret to Success

Ive always said there are no secrets in Internet Marketing. But sure there are. The Google search and quality score algorithms are secrets, pretty much, just as a quick example.

However, when someone is trying to sell you his latest greatest secret that got him a huge bank account, and he used those secret techniques never before revealed: Bah, humbug.

So, technically, the above headline is just to grab attention.

However if you arent aware of something, its a secret to you, so with that in mind, Id like to reveal my secret 8 steps to Internet Marketing success. Here are the steps you have to take to make it:

* Wanting

* Attempting

* Learning

* Believing

* Focusing

* Working

* Achieving

* Enjoying

I might have left something out in some situations, but for me, wanting, attempting, and learning consumed (as I wrote in my book) about 3 years of my life. Totally consumed it, in fact.

Then I finally learned what I needed to learn (for me it was Campaign Blasting), and I finally reached the step of believing.

The last 4 steps came in rapid succession.

Regardless of your current status, you can reach step 8, I have no doubt about it at all, if youre willing to do what it takes. I mentioned on our forum recently that I expect that most of our members are at least on step 3, and most are on step 6.

In reading posts on other forums, I see too many at step 1, and fear they will be there forever. For example, I saw a post the other day. The person wanted to earn $6,000 in 4 months, and he wanted suggestions. Someone gave him a good suggestion to try Bum Marketing, and his response was Im not interested in writing articles.

Uh, excuse me? Im not interested in getting out of a warm bed on a cold day, either, but some things require doing some things that you arent interested in doing.

Read the steps. Do the steps. Leave out a step and youre asking for trouble, IMO.

Where are you today? What can you do this month to get to the next step? Ask yourself how much it would be worth to you to get there. How much time? How much effort? How much money?

Step 4 (believing) can be the quickest to achieve, and the hardest to achieve, at the same time. Some people have a devil of a time because their guard is up, non believing all the hype around them. And that can be a good thing. But then again, if you believe everyone is a scammer and a liar, who will you choose for a mentor?

It sometimes takes an ah-ha moment like I had in 2005. I read a report written by someone that I knew and trusted. I said if he can do that, I can do that. And then, just like that, I did that. The rest is history.

For some people, believing doesnt happen until they see someone close to them do something amazing. Many know the story of Roger Bannister, the first person to run a mile in under 4 minutes. Prior to his accomplishing that, it was widely believed that no human being could perform that feat. Soon after he did it, several others did also.

What happened there? Did they become stronger or faster in a few weeks? Did they learn a new technique? No, not at all. All that happened was that suddenly they learned that running a mile in under 4 minutes was in fact humanly possible.

If he can do that, I can do that, they said. And they did that.

Youve heard it many times: "What the mind believes, it can achieve."

Easier said than done, I know. But there are techniques that speed up the process.

Dennis Becker is the author of a "5 Bucks a Day". In the book he divulges the life-changing strategy that took his Internet Marketing income from $30 per day to over $700 per day, including one project that netted a $38,000 profit in only 8 weeks time. Many readers have also changed their incomes by taking the simple action steps inside: 5 Bucks a Day, an Internet Marketing Strategy that works

Almost Criminal Article Marketing Technique To Automatically Create A 6-figure Income

In this article I would like to go over a technique that you can easily use to build a six figure income. Now when you read that statement you may be thinking that this is impossible.

The biggest problem with this method of promotion is actually writing enough to be successful. The higher the volume of articles, the greater the number of your subscribers will be and sales. Lets face it writing a large number of articles can be a real challenge and this is primarily the reason that you are not earning more.

On some days you just won't feel like writing and that will be when your sales are hurt the most. The solution to this common problem is to hire a ghost writer. Look on sites like Elance and set a bid for a project. I suggest that you pay no more than 5 dollars per article. If you pay anymore then it will be difficult to turn a profit.

Now this is the important part. Before you start doing this you need to know how much money you will earn per subscriber. I suggest you start out by writing articles yourself until you have built about 500 subscribers. You need to have a very good backend system in place to monetize your subscribers. You will then be able to calculate how much a subscriber is worth.

Based on this information you can work out how much money you can spend. So for example if 300 articles a month produces six hundred subscribers then you can work out how much money you will earn.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Comprehensive Secrets to Supercharge Your Article Marketing

As the internet becomes more and more popular, the demand for information-based marketing techniques (such as writing and distributing articles) has increasingly grown. Today, it is considered as one of the best methods in driving targeted clients to websites and converting them into buyers.

1. Bank on your content. Your primary goal in writing and submitting articles on publishing sites is to entice your readers to click on your resource box. The best way to achieve that is by giving online users great content that showcases your knowledge on your chosen field. When your potential clients feel that you are really good on what you do, they are most likely to trust you and take your recommendations.

2. Write more. As you know, the number of your submissions equate to the number of inbound links that you can obtain for your website. The more articles you write and submit, the greater your chances of improving your traffic and page ranking.

3. Optimize your content. Identify the keywords and key phrases that are usually used by your target market when they are using search engines. Incorporate these keywords on your content to make your articles highly searchable online.

4. Check on your progress. Make it a habit to check the performance of your articles at least once a week. Identify the articles that are generating impressive click through rates and learn the elements that make them successful online. Incorporate these elements to your other articles that are seldom read.

5. Proofread. Any error found on your articles can be a threat against your online credibility and professionalism. Thus, it is of out most importance that you manually check your articles before you post them online.

6. Submit to the best publishing sites. Pick article submission sites that have steady traffic and indexed by major search engines. These are the only sites that can help you realize your article marketing goals.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Strategy - How To Increase Your Profits From Articles

Here is an article marketing strategy for you to follow which will outline some techniques you can use immediately and dramatically profit from. If you have been online for some time you are probably aware that article submission or article publishing is one of the most effective and profitable ways top Internet marketers utilize. The reason why is because it works so well.

Writing and distributing articles is my #1 way to drive pre-targeted traffic to my sites. Besides that, search engines love fresh content and what better way than submit articles and to post or archive your articles on your own article directory which you should have implement on your own sites. Better yet, writing and submitting unique content articles rather than submitting the same articles will produce more traffic, back links, and higher rankings. Although this can be difficult and time consuming writing hundreds of versions of unique and different articles, most of the article submission software available can only submit the same article to different article directories. Article Pro Software is one piece of software I can highly recommend that will automatically submit unique articles saving you valuable time. It is not an article spinner or content creator that submits gibberish. You write the articles and it does the rest.

Sometimes writing articles can be intimidating and you may feel that this is really not your cup of tea. One option is to buy PLR or Private Label Write articles or have ghostwriters write articles for you. Both are fee related services. From my experience PLR articles can be a great source of content for your website to build content and feed those hungry search bots looking for fresh edible content. There is one catch to these articles, which I will cover next.

If you do decide to go the PLR route, it is highly recommended that you go through and alter them or modify them in such a manner that they do not read the same as the original article. Keep in mind that these PLR article are being bought by many other would be "content seekers" so you need to make them different or else you will be submitting duplicate content. If you have been following my blog and articles you will know the suffering that follows.

The major keys to profiting from article submissions are to write articles filled with useful information and are of great quality. Adding your resource box to the end of your article is where you develop your traffic and back links. A simple, catchy one-line phrase will do the trick. For example "Click here for the latest hot article marketing strategies! http://www.yourwebsite.com" should do the trick. Do not overlook trying a few longer resource boxes; say 4 to 5 sentences long. I have had great success with those as well.

Before publishing your articles, be sure and do a spell and grammar check on them. It does not convey professionalism when your articles are loaded with spelling and grammar errors. Some of the major have a spell check already built in, but I usually draft my articles in notepad and then copy and paste into Word where I can run a check on them before submitting. This is somewhat of an extra step, but a valuable one that does not take long to complete. Not only that, but you can learn a lot form going through the spell checks yourself.

Publishing your articles to the top ranking article directories and to your own Website or Blog are two great ways to get your articles exposed on the Internet. If you do not have a blog yet you may want to look into it. They are usually free and can serve as another Website for your own self-promotion. As previously mentioned, unique content articles are a major advantage over your competition. Article Pro Software can create unique articles for you to distribute not only to it's internal list, but you can also use those unique articles to copy and paste into the major high ranking article directories e.g. Ezine Articles, Isnare, and Go Articles which require manual submission.

In closing, article writing and submissions is a great article marketing strategy that can yield huge profits if done correctly. There are other important factors that also contribute to article success which I will cover in future articles, but if you follow this article marketing strategy you will be ahead of your competition separating you from the field.

To Your Success!

-Craig S. Andrews

Click here to get your articles working fast! Get top results for your article submissions. Gauranteed 100%. http://www.articleprosoftware.com

Christmas Gift Articles - Write Marketing Concepts that Market Christmas Gifts

You know how to get traffic, but you'd like to have more seasonal traffic. So, what's up with that? Can't you think of anything to write?

Almost anything you write about Christmas can be a marketing article. You just have to use keywords (pssst, the keyword for Christmas is... you guessed it, Christmas!) and post them frequently throughout your article. Tell everyone about your topic and put in some information they may not ever have known before.

My favorite article so far is one I wrote about Christmas Gifts. I simply titled it Christmas Gifts and then added in numerous references to gifts I'd purchase for different family members, friends, and others on my Christmas list. How hard can that be?

The best part is, I got to advertise and market information about products I sold. That's what Article Marketing is all about. And when you're writing Christmas Articles for the purpose of capturing attention and drawing traffic to your website, you get all manners of attention by choosing the right keywords.

Are you ready to capture some attention and draw traffic to your website with Articles you write about Christmas, or some other topic?

You can learn the secret of Article Marketing and fine tune your best writing tools with a few Article Templates that bring your written concepts into focus. Article Marketing dynamics for holiday marketing are not much different than any other time of year. You simply use a basic template like the two free templates you get at

http://advertizeyourbusiness.com and fill them up with keywords that relate to your topic, then post them to EzineArticles.com with a power packed resource box.

Jan Verhoeff is an article marketer who believes it's still possible! If you'd like to know what she believes, visit her website at http://janverhoeff.com and sign up for her ezine. You'll find out a whole lot about marketing online, and why she still believes.

The Advantages of Tracking Your Articles

Why would I need to track my articles? After all, my counter tells me if a hit to my site came from xyz submission site, so what is the advantage in adding tracking data?

I write a lot of articles, and, as a result, many of them are picked up and published by ezines that I never submit to. Although my counter tells me that this hit came from ABC ezine, I dont know how it got there. By adding a tracking string to my URL, when that hit arrives on my site, it tells me exactly where it came from.

Another advantage in tracking your articles is that it can make you more efficient. Some time ago, I entered a tracking code into each article that I submitted to the smaller submission sites. After about three weeks, I noticed that I had not received any hits from a number of these sites. I was wasting my time in submitting to these sites. As a result, I deleted about 90 sites from my submission list. (I had been submitting each article to about 150 sites.) After that test, I paired my submission list down to about 60 sites. I saved about an hour a day with absolutely no decline in traffic! That is the power of a good tracking campaign.

In addition, you can track the performance of your ads and emails. With a good tracking campaign, you can determine which of your ads are working the best. If you find that one particular ad is performing better than others, use it more consistently and drop the poor performers. You are just wasting money when you place an ad that does not perform well. With each ad that I place, I enter the ad along with the tracking data into a file and save it on the computer. Then, it is an easy matter to see which ads are doing well and which ones are doing poorly. That way, I am continually improving the performance of my ad and email campaigns.

How do you track your articles and ads? It is actually quite simple. At the end of your URL, enter a slash, then a question mark, and the name of the test, ad, subject line, or Ezine that you are tracking (for example-blahblahblah.com/?ad1). Each time your website gets a hit from that source, your counter will log that visitor as coming from ad1. By comparing hits from competing ads, or articles, you can determine which are the most successful. Before you commit to any significant tracking campaign using this method, do a simple test to ensure that your website works properly with tracking data. Some servers do not recognize it and will return a site not found notice. If this is the case, you cannot use this simple tracking method.

We are all in this business for the same reason, to make money. To maximize the income you generate, track your results. By entering a small string after your URL you can determine where your website visitors are coming from. This can make a significant difference in your efficiency as well as your profits. A good tracking system can significantly improve the performance of your ads, articles, and subject lines.

FREE ebooks! FREE downloads! All designed to Make You Money! http://www.milliondollararticle.com

Article Marketing to Improve Page Ranking

It's widely known among internet marketers that the higher the page rank an article directory has, the more traffic it receives. Article marketers know that when you're writing your articles and submitting them to the directories, it's a smart move to submit them to the most popular directories-the ones with the highest page rankings.

The reason for this is simple-a higher page ranking means that more people visit and see those pages-and it only follows that the more people see your articles, the more likely they are to be picked up by publishers searching for fresh and relevant content for their websites. Once they pick up your articles and publish them on their sites, your name and your link will be seen by every visitor to their site.

In this way you're getting your name out there as an expert in your field-as well as getting quality backlinks, traffic to your site and as a result of this, your page ranking increases.

Now let me explain why this is important. When someone does a search for something-let's say they're searching for dachshunds-they type in the word 'dachshunds' on Google or Yahoo and click on search. You've all done this before. In fact I bet you've even Googled your own name, haven't you? Who hasn't, but I digress. Once you hit the search button, another page pops up with all the results of your search. Let's suppose that you run a web business concerning dachshunds. You want YOUR website to come up on the very first page of those results, rather than on the tenth or fiftieth. The higher your page ranking, the higher your website appears in web searches. If your website appears on the first page of those results, your links are clicked on more often.

The importance of this is that the people clicking on your links are quality traffic because they come to you not by accident, but because they're looking for you. Someone who is already interested in what you have to say or sell is more likely to purchase your goods and services.

So, back to article marketing and how it can give you a higher page ranking on search engines.

You've written quality articles on-let's use our example of dachshunds again-and submitted them to the most popular and highest ranked article directories. Within your article are links to your website as well as your name. Search engines look for links, keywords, and use other secret formulas in order to create their page rankings. When your article has been picked up by publishers and placed on a number of websites, your name and links went with your article. This is what draws traffic to your website and increases your page ranking over time, and in turn this brings you even more targeted and quality traffic.

Article marketing to increase your page ranking also increases your bottom line, and this is a very good thing.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brian T. Edmondson specializes in teaching others how to make money with Internet and Information Marketing. Discover his secrets of how fun and easy it is to make money on the internet at ==> http://www.BestBusinessOnEarth.com

Are You Sick To Death Of Article Marketing?

Article marketing is a viral method of getting information to the public. You do a little bit of work, then reap the benefits of having all those "soldiers" out there doing battle for you online. Articles always have, and always will be one of the best ways of getting your message across to your audience.

Here are more reasons why article marketing is essential to your business, whether online or offline:

  1. Articles are viral. This point is indisputable. Writing articles and submitting them to directories online gets your name out there in a hurry. This is not an overnight process; it does require time and patience. But writing and submitting articles betters your chance of exposure on a variety of different online venues.
  2. Articles are free advertisement. Provided that you write your own articles, article marketing is a free form of advertisement. Included in each of your articles is a resource box, where you can promote your product or website.
  3. Articles send more traffic to your website. When you write and submit articles with good, informative content, they are more likely to be picked up and published by website owners and newsletter publishers.
  4. Articles build your credibility as an expert. The more articles you write and submit, the greater your following will become. In addition, you will create an expert status for yourself within your niche.

Whether you believe it or not, article marketing is very much alive. It is very much a part of many online business owner's daily process. Why not give it a try and find out for yourself?

You can actually create streams of income from article writing and marketing. If you'd like to see how I do it, click here => http://www.cashfromarticles.hopewrites.com/