Sunday, May 25, 2008

SEO And The Long Tail: Can You Optimize For The Occasional Visitor? Part 2

In part one of this article we discussed what the long tail of SEO is. We also went over some of the seo challenges that you face doing seo for the long tail. Here are the next things to do.

Segmented SEO to target your sub-niche

Now that you have discovered where your visitors and coming from and where they are going on your web site you can begin to target them with search engine optimization. Now that you know the sub-niche you can better target them with the keyword terms and phrases that they not only used to visit your site but also do the research necessary to find more terms in that sub-niche.

Here is an example: (these are all fictitious web sites)

Through your Analytics you notice that visitor are coming to your site in the following ways:

  • Using the keyword phrases
    • designer dog clothes,
    • hats for my dog,
    • vest for my puppy
  • They are coming from the web sites
You notice that most of your visitors are looking for some type of designer or custom dog clothing. When you do some additional research you will find that there are several sub-niches in the designer dog clothes niche.

  • cheap designer dog clothes
  • designer dog coats
  • designer dog clothes UK (country specific)
Now that you have some phrases that consumers in the sub-niche use you can target those phrase specifically by adding content to your web site about that sub-niche. You can also start a PPC campaign to see how well those visitors convert into customers. You would give preference to higher converting keywords and phrases.

The biggest question now becomes is Segmented SEO worth the extra effort?

Targeting all of those low traffic phrases will eventually pay off buy when? How much will you have to spend to achieve the desired results?

With the efficiency that the search engines make information available and realizing that half of all the searches done on a daily basis are unique it will become necessary to do as much SEO for those "Long Tail" phrases as possible without taking away from your key traffic generating keywords. It will be an ongoing process but the main benefit is that as with most Long tail phrases achieving a high ranking isn't that difficult.

Best Practices for Segmented SEO (SEO for the Long Tail)

  • Use a good analytic program (Google Analytics is free to track your site visitors if you use adwords)
  • Look for trends and patterns in your web site visitors
  • Do additional keyword research on your target sub-niches
  • Use PPC to discover the most profitable keyword phrase in your sub-niche
  • Do SEO for your most profitable phrases first.

By Following these best practices you should be able to dominate your sub-niche and quickly gain a competitive advantage in your niche and larger target market.

SEO You Can Use For Your Everyday Business Check out our SEO Blog Today

Copyright 2006-2007 - Mical Johnson. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reprint Rights: You may reprint this article as long as you leave all of the links active, do not edit the article in any way.

Article Marketing - The Higher Your Article Volume, The Higher All Your Other Numbers Will Be

Article marketing is simply a numbers game. The higher your article volume, the higher all your other numbers will be. That's it, thank you and good night.

Really I could stop there and you would have some great and useable information. But there is this little thing about minimum word count, so I'll explain that statement a bit more.

Article marketing is a numbers game

Here is why this statement is so important and powerful. Most people that begin in article writing and article marketing will write one or maybe even a few articles, wait for all the wonderful results that do not come right away, and then claim that article marketing does not work.

Article marketing works. Some people do not work, however.

The bare minimum number of articles on the internet that you need to just begin to see a steady trickle of traffic is 25. Everything after 25 articles increases the trickle.

If you are serious about article marketing, life really begins at 250 articles. If this article is accepted, it will give me 1017 articles on just one article directory. I could not stop the flood of daily traffic if I wanted to, and I sure don't want to.

Here is what I know -

If I want more traffic, I write more articles.

If I want more prospects, I write more articles.

If I want to build my list, I write more articles.

If I want more subscribers, I write more articles.

If I want more customers, I write more articles.

I think you get the point. If you want to raise any of your important numbers, write more great quality articles.

With your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates to help you write more great quality articles. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and

Article Marketing - Stay-at-Home Moms Give a Variety of Solutions and Then Identify the Best

Moms can use these techniques to help their customer first learn what their options are and then help them see which solution best fits their needs. This way when they get to the website or sales letter, they are already educated on the best benefits and features to look for. Of course you are not going to write about problems you don't have solutions for.

One of the most common mistakes that people just getting started with article marketing make, and one that every stay-at-home mom should really make an effort to avoid, is they write about the things that they think would be the most interesting to their potential customer. This alone is not enough.

The most effective method of writing articles is to understand the mindset of your customer. What does that mean, and how do you do that? Instead of thinking in general terms what might be important to a potential customer, you first need to identify specifically who the ideal customer is.

For example, if your ideal customer would be a stay-at-home mom trying to find ways to earn some of her own money, you might want to think about her motives for doing that. For example, some women before staying home to raise their children had good jobs and were use to having their own money.

They miss the independence they once felt from earning their own money. Maybe they just want the freedom to have and spend some money that they don't have to account for.

Another possibility might be that a woman is grateful that her husband has made it possible for her to stay home and she knows that he really hates his job, and as he is getting older, it is taking its toll on his body. In this case, maybe her motivation is that she wants to be able to develop an income that her and her husband can rely on so he can quit his job.

In either case, she may not have a lot of money to start something from home, so she will want to find something that she can begin to generate money through her own efforts rather than spending a lot of money on marketing.

Knowing these things about your ideal client, and making sure you address these issues when writing articles and copy, can help them feel better understood. Having their specific concerns being addressed makes it easier for them to be able to make a buying decision, or to feel comfortable to try and get more information.

You may have the best product or opportunity in the world, but if you don't talk about how its features and benefits specifically address the concerns of your ideal customer, you can't expect that they will easily make the connections themselves.

It is your job, in article marketing, to PREsell the potential customer by giving them information that is specific to them, their wants and needs, and to make the connections between the different solutions -- then help them identify which features and benefits will best satisfy their specific wants and needs. In other words, not talking about how a specific feature will help them make money, but talking about how the specific feature making them more money will help them regain the sense of independence they once felt, when they were making money on their own. See the difference? If you can do this they will want to get more details.

If you can do this, they are going to want to see your offer. You do this, and they are going to get excited about getting started because they know the sooner they get started, the sooner they can have that independence and freedom they so miss.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Lucrative Article Marketing - Latest 5 Turbo Methods to Improve Your Article Marketing

Writing and syndicating your articles is currently the best method in dominating your chosen niche. If you are able to provide your potential clients with quality articles that are filled with relevant and useful information, they will instantly regard you as an expert who has great answers to their questions and needs.

1. Strengthen your writing skills. Well-written articles can attract the kind of attention you need to boost your ebusiness. Brush up your grammar and vocabulary, strike out run-on sentences, make sure that your ideas are coherent, and be particular with your spelling and punctuation marks. These will make your article easy and enjoyable to read.

2. Pack your articles with useful information. Before you write your articles, identify the needs and demands of your potential readers. This can help you select and present the best information that will be focused and targeted to their needs.

3. Do your research. Make it a habit to read at least 3 reputable websites about your chosen topic before you tap on your key board. This is to gain more information to make your articles content-rich and to validate your ideas to make your content accurate and fact-based.

4. Use simple language. You can't expect everyone online to be well-versed with highfaluting words especially those who are not using English as their primary language. To get your message across easily and to avoid confusion, stick with words that are easy to understand and very common to your target market. Remember, you are writing to inform and not to impress.

5. Pick the best article distribution sites. Go with the ones that are not only popular but trusted as well. These sites attract the right kind of people who might be interested in picking up and republishing your articles to increase your inbound links and online exposure.

Want to learn how to sell high ticket products online? Download my brand new free guide here: "How to Sell High Ticket Products Online"

Sean Mize teaches a powerful, highly advanced system of creating and selling high ticket products online.

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 4 Brand New Secrets to Advance With Article Marketing

Today, you don't need to be a genius to figure out the best website promotion tool. Because everyone in the internet is raving about article marketing. Everybody is talking about how effective it is in bringing targeted traffic to a particular website and how it is so much easy to do. Anyone who can produce quality articles can succeed in this field and the only thing you have to remember is, you have to be consistent so the flow of traffic to your website will not cease.

Here are some of the top secrets to advance with article marketing:

1. Look for other avenues where you can post your articles. Don't be contented with publishing sites, blogs, ezines, and other websites. There are other marketers who are publishing their articles to websites that are syndicated by news aggregators and they get significant traffic because of this.

2. Stick to your topic. How would you like to read an article that talks about eight different topics? It can be downright confusing and annoying, right? So as not to disappoint your readers, make sure that your articles are focus on one central topic. If you have other topics in mind, create other articles for them.

3. Submit only original articles. Publishing sites have the resources to determine if your articles were copied from other site and they will reject your submission. To succeed in article marketing, you must make it a habit to write your own articles not only to respect other people's work but also to showcase your knowledge on your chosen niche.

4. Use easy to understand language and simple words. This is to make sure that your readers will not have difficulty understanding what you are trying to get across.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Internet Marketing Strategies For 2007

People struggle everyday setting up an eCommerce site or an affiliate program connected to a product. Though this is a good stop on the way it is only half the battle. To truly make it online you will need more resources than you think. You will need a nice structured plan of action for starting an internet marketing business online. There are many experts that do this all the time in great detail, they have derived strategies for traffic generation and headlines that scream at you.

Some people like to only mention content and that when you have good content you will catch every bodies attention and they will come back and ask for more. The real online marketing techniques that work while others don't are things such as. Targeted keywords, well-created Meta Tags, good quality advertising, this includes paid advertising and also a nice affiliate program are all nice strategies to make it in the online world today.

There is no doubt that these methods above are all great and should be used. There is nothing that can stop a well structured internet marketing plan. A good internet marketing plan focuses on a few main factors.

1. What you can win in the short run, short-term strategies:

This is direct marketing in it's core. Quick response marketing. These are the online marketing strategies that can be seen in areas such as emails, banners, PPC and many more like it. What this basically means is that you have one shot, then the person is going to leave your website and never come back. These are the kind of internet marketing techniques experts use in order to get high responses and make massive income in very short amounts of time. This also generates a huge amount of momentum for your website. Online marketing experts have studied these ideas closely and realized that these strategies are all strategies used during holiday seasons such as Christmas. Internet marketers use this to their advantage to create awareness for the crowd. We gain information about different promotions in the market. Internet marketers use this to promote new product launches.

Short Term internet marketing strategies are usually very time consuming and high in efforts. They can also be very expensive. The usual comments from people failing in such instances are things like "Man it was expensive and I didn't get much out of it, internet marketing sucks". This of course is because an online marketing budget can get crushed quickly running ads on popular sites over, and over, for longer periods of time.

2. What you will gain in the long run, long-term strategies:

Internet marketing strategies for long term relationships is when you focus on getting fewer people, but more targeted people. This means they don't come to check you out all the time. They might check back every now and then to buy something you have to offer. You are getting a steady stream of customers willing to buy. This is the strategy most internet marketers use to create a steady stream of income, a nice little base sales line.

To be able to maintain this long term internet marketing base line, you will need to have the following:

* Good Content

* Affiliate Programs for your customers

* Good and Healthy SEO Link Exchanges

* Good SEO

* Embedded Meta Tags

Take note that these things alone does not increase sales for you. These internet marketing strategies provide you with a collectively and steady increase in sales, over a period of time. You might start out at zero for 10 months, but the eleventh month you are getting regular customers, buying more than one of your products all calling you for more.

These long term internet marketing strategies will get your visitors a nice feel and the internet marketing strategies are not very expensive. They do require more work than expenses. This is the kind of business that is slow to start, but over time generates massive leads and earns you the most profits.

For your website to be truly successful in today's saturated and competitive market you will need to do a little bit of both, long term and short term internet marketing strategies for your site to work.

I hope you got a nice insight as to what YOU need to do in order to make any of this happen.

By: Christopher Stigson

The tools I was talking about above can be found at this will really help you in your pursuit to internet profits.