Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Article Marketing - Should You Submit To Multiple Article Directories? If So, How Many?

There was one question that I had, that I wasn't sure who I could trust for the most accurate answer. I read article after article and I even read a few training manuals, and I still felt conflicted about the answer. What is the question you ask? The question was simple, should you submit articles to multiple directories, and if so, how many?

Let me start by saying, that if you want to learn about article writing, start with one directory that has live people who proof, edit and approve all articles that get published on their directory. The feedback you get will be invaluable.

Second, I think you should be willing to read 20 or 30 articles, and then buy and complete the training materials of one of the authors that you feel best suits you based on the articles you were able to read for free.

And Finally, I think that you have to have written at least 25 articles, maybe more, for some people a lot more, until you really start to have a handle on article writing.

Notice I did not say that you should not write any articles until you have done any of these things. I did not even say that you should not write any articles on article writing until you have done any of these things.

As matter of fact, if you really want to learn about and become a master article writer, then write 10 to 25 articles on article writing. I cannot think of a better way to learn anything than to try and teach it to someone else.

As a matter of fact, I don't think you can consider yourself a real master at anything until you have taught someone else to be a master. Again, I am not saying you can't be an expert, but to really master something, you have to have successfully taught others to do the thing.

Ok, what was my question again? Oh yeah, multiple directories yes or no, and if so, how many? Let me explain one more thing quickly so you know why this question is not obvious. The reason is the search engines and what some describe as a penalty for duplicate content.

The search engines would not be doing their job if you did a search and got two full pages of results from one article that had been submitted and published to a thousand different places on the Internet. Not to mention that spammers use tactics like this to try and beat the system and the search engines are adding value by not letting such things work or go unchecked.

Let me just finish by saying that the goal is article syndication. You submit your articles to directories not only so the search engines will give your articles appropriate search engine rankings for their key word content, but you submit them so others can use your articles on their blogs, websites and in their ezines because they are looking for content to help them keep fresh and interesting information.

The bottom line is that the search engines have hundreds of other variables that they use to determine ranking, with the goal to be human friendly. The value you get through exposure and back links to your site through your articles being widely syndicated has an intrinsic value that supplies viewers to your website independently of the search engines: for a sense of security, you should know that you are not completely dependent on the search engines for all your traffic and your livelihood.

So publish your articles to good and widely accepted article directories on the Internet and let them do their part for you through syndicating your articles and supplying traffic back to your site.

What if Dan Iverson could show you how to write about any topic on earth and make money? He'll teach you how to better understand human nature as it relates to e-commerce; how people, from their perspective, come to make a purchase on the Internet. I am talking about learning how you can pick a topic of interest, write about it, and with the right tools and a little research find connections between your readers and real products and services, of which you can become an affiliate and make money. Here is the best part. I will teach you all of this absolutely free. That's right, click on this link and you'll get the full Affiliate Masters Course Free. This is no joke, I promise once you start to read this course, you will see and learn the logical system of affiliate and information marketing. It will open your eyes to the greatest and most versatile opportunity in known history: the Internet. Even if you have a website, you can use these techniques.

Article Marketing - Self Promotion is Valuable Content

The first time someone told me I should write articles and post them for FREE, I nearly died of shock and shame. Aren't my articles worth money?

Of course they are!

Articles you market yourself with are ADS you do NOT have to pay for? How can that be?

What else would they be?

* You show your readers your expertise with informative content you create.

* You share your information in a way that leaves them searching for more (at your website).

* You give your reader a reason to visit your website.

* You share links and content.

* You take up real estate online and offer something of value.

IS marketing yourself a valuable and cost effective project? OF course it is.

How much better it is to prove your ability through content provision with your own bio at the bottom than an ad you pay someone to create for you, and pay to post? Can you imagine a more feasible manner of marketing your business than to give your reader a sample of what you do in content format that magnetically attracts targeted traffic your way?

Most articles I write are viewed at least 20 times a week, and reposted at least 10 times. I don't have a clue how many time's they're viewed on other sites. But my lists are steadily growing, which says they're popular.

Writing is what I do to earn my living. I have to promote myself. I'd rather do it with my own copy than to pay someone else to do it for me. Promotion is income!

Are you ready to Advertize your business?

Get two free Article Marketing Templates at and learn to market your own work online.

2007 - Jan Verhoeff

Bum Marketing - What Is All The Hype?

You've probably heard it before and it rings inside your head. The "bum" in bum marketing really gets you kicking and wondering why somebody in their right mind would call their product this. After all this is such a radical departure from the names that we're use to. Mike Filsame has the rights to "Butterfly Marketing", but who wants to be inspired by a colorful flying bug when you can be inspired by...a bum?

It's no surprise that it caught on fire and literally created a storm of wannabe reports about this revolutionary method. This is also partially thanks to the name selection and also because it's basically free. Yet free doesn't really matter that much anymore, and if you ask any decent copywriter then you'd know that it's the most cliche and overused term on the net. What makes this so unique is that it's claim is that it actually works, and it lays out one of the most simplest if not easiest method there is for making money. It could have easily been created as a product in itself but the creator, decided to make it publicly available.

The name was given to imply that this method is so successful that even a bum living on the street can make good money. The income that's going to be made will really just depend on the amount of time and work that you put into this method. The payoff is suppose to come eventually. The main idea is to write articles for article directories using keywords that aren't competitive, or less popular. Since the articles are based on the less competitive terms, these articles will actually have a better chance of coming up to the very top of search engines without much effort. The money is basically made on from the link in the author box, capitalizing on an affiliate product.

The resource box or author's is going to be what the readers are drawn to and they will click it based on your articles. So it's very important to find out whether you have an article good enough to help you establish yourself as a known expert. You should make sure that the link that you're using is valid, otherwise it'll be a complete waste of time to write these articles. The keywords and articles you use will be the main deciding factor on whether the user is going to click your link. If not then you've just wasted some precious time on an article.

For the actual affiliate product that you plan on promoting, you should target the bigger network ones so that you'll have an easier time going through the ones that you want to use. Just make sure that the article matches up with the niche of the product that you're trying to promote. Meaning that it's relevant to the topic. So does this really work?

In theory yes it does and many people are reporting their results and earn up to thousands per month. Yet the problem isn't on whether it works or not, it's based on the patience involved in getting this done. Writing articles hours on end can be a tough thing to do for most people. However, the simple fact that it's hard makes it more of an opportunity for those who are willing to put in their energy and create the articles on a consistent basis. Outsourcing is generally not the best way to do this either simply because of the money involved in making this happen. Of course, if you can find an honest writer whose willing to charge less then by all means go for it. Waiting for the articles to start generating you the money is going to be where the patience part comes in and most people just do not have this. So if you're willing to go ahead and commit yourself to this, then I suggest that you do this. Otherwise, don't waste your time and only use articles as a means to build your brand.

If you try it, then at least you know that this method works and you can later branch out into other projects.

David Chan is an experienced internet marketer of over 7 years, and co-creator (along with Rick Vugts experience programmer and copywriter) of the CashAlchemist and Dominate Linking System.

To discover the missing formula for guru-like success please visit our site.

Article Marketing - How To Write Articles In 10 Minutes

Amazingly enough, it is really easy to write successful articles in ten minutes. It really is. All you have to do is follow these simple to implement steps, and your article writing time will vastly decrease!

How to write a successful article in 10 minutes

  • Writing in bullet points will knock off that wasted time trying to connect your last paragraph to the next. With bullet points, you can write a sentence that has no connection to the last. This should knock off a ton of time in your article marketing.

  • Writing an article about something you know about is going to make it easier and faster to write a successful article. It really is. If you were to write an article on something that you actually know something about, it'll be easy to write without stopping to research a certain topic.

  • Don't think while your writing an article. This is the best way to write an article in less than ten minutes. If you just write your article, without thinking if your last sentence was good or not, you'll vastly decrease your article writing time. Just don't think. It's as simple as that!

  • Making a rough draft and a brainstorm before you actually write your article is bad. You're wasting time trying to write the perfect article. Just try to shoot for a C grade article. The more that you try to shoot for a C grade, the more it will actually be an A grade article. Just keep practicing and don't write rough drafts or brainstorms. Doing that will just increase your article writing time. In the time that you write a rough draft and a brain storm, you can already have more than five articles waiting to be submitted!

  • Time yourself everyday. Write everyday and put in a new time goal. Make it shorter every time, and try to get your articles in before the certain time limit. Don't stop until you get it. This will help your articles content and it will help decrees your article writing time.

Use these simple to implement strategies, and your article writing time will soon decrease to underneath ten minutes! I wrote this article in seven! So it's easy to do!

Looking for some new internet marketing tactics? Don't worry, I have tons. Check out my website at

Profitable Article Marketing - 4 Nifty Steps to Excel at Article Marketing

If you would like to succeed in internet marketing and be able to make a mark quickly, you should use article marketing as your product and website promotional tool. This marketing technique is cost-effective and hassle-free but it is proven to drive quality traffic to your website and help you position yourself as an expert on your chosen niche.

Here are the 4 nifty steps to excel at article marketing:

1. To obtain more quality inbound links for your website and to strengthen your online presence, you must be willing to augment the number of your articles. If you are just starting out and do not have the money to spare on ghostwriters, you can just extend your writing hours or stay focused so you can be more productive.

2. To easily grab the attention of online users and convince them to open and read your articles, I suggest that you use compelling and striking titles. It would also greatly help if you can communicate the readers' benefits so people will instantly know what's in it for them and why should they invest their time on reading your content.

3. Give your potential clients great reading experience by making your articles interesting to read and engaging. This can easily be done by writing in a conversational tone and connecting your readers to your content by asking them relevant questions once in a while or writing about personal stories that they can relate to.

4. Write to inform. To easily earn the trust of your readers, fill your articles with valuable information that they will find useful and relevant to their areas of interest. Make them feel that you are an expert on your chosen niche who has the answers to their questions and solutions to their problems.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing - Your First Steps in Article Marketing

Would you like a free strategy for driving traffic to your web site? Would you like a free strategy for creating more prospects? Would you like a free strategy for building your list? Would you like to know a free strategy for creating more customers?

Would you like all these things even if you knew that these strategies slam dunk work?

Then article marketing is for you.

Now, here are your first steps in article marketing.

Step 1 - Write a great quality article. Offer good information that your reader can use right away. Help them to know, like and trust you.

Step 2 - Write a great resource box that invites the reader to take an action. Ask them and guide them to click on the links back to your web site or blog.

Step 3 - Have the reader go to a page in your web site where they opt-in with their email address to get something of value that you are offering for free.

Step 4 - Take really good care of the people on your list. Stay in touch with them. Ask them what they want to learn and then deliver it.

Step 5 - Offer the people on your list your quality products and services.

Step 6 - Rinse and repeat. In other words, do this over and over again.

This simple six step process will drive more traffic to your web site, create more prospects, build your list and create more customers.

So please tell me why you would not want to jump right away into article marketing.

With your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates to help you get started in Article Marketing. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and

Amazing Article Marketing - Announcing 5 Phenomenal Secrets to Multiply Your Article Marketing

Every webmaster dreams of having huge and steady traffic to their website so they can easily sell their products and services to their potential clients. This is the reason why they are in constant search for marketing tools can help them realize this goal. Good thing article marketing is here. This is the most efficient and cost-effective website and product promotional tool that can easily augment website traffic and boost online sales.

Here are the 5 phenomenal secrets to multiply your article marketing:

1. Focus on the needs of your readers. Never write your articles based on your interest or information that you need to know. You have to keep in mind that the key to succeed in article marketing is effectively giving your readers what they need. When you are able to do so, your readers will most likely to click on your website to get more information.

2. Use striking titles. This is the most important element in your article marketing that will ultimately define your clickthrough rate. If your headlines are catchy, attention-grabbing, intriguing, well-written, and communicate the readers' benefits, your articles have great chances of being open and read.

3. Keep your articles short and sweet. As you are writing for audience who have short attention span, you must create articles that run between 300-500 words.

4. Increase the number of your articles. There are so many benefits in writing more articles for your marketing campaign. These includes: stronger online presence, positioning yourself as expert on your chosen niche, more inbound links for your website, and increased search engine traffic.

5. Keep your content focused. By this, I mean never introduce ideas or new information that is totally irrelevant to your topic to avoid confusing your readers.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Article Marketing Secret It's Not All About the Links

You submit an article to as many article directories as possible with a link to your site in the signature block and you get loads of one-way links Thats what we see everyday right? While that statement is true, it is not the key to article marketing success.

The key to article marketing success is obtained by

1. Creating quality articles that are interesting enough for the viewer to follow-through to your signature block and click on your link.

2. Maintaining a constant flow of articles to the top few article directories and sites in your niche.

You may have heard these two statements in the past and chalked it up as not important. If you did, you made a big mistake.

The fact is, your articles MUST be interesting and valuable. If the viewers are not interested enough in your article they will not go past the description, let alone follow-through to your signature block.

At the same time, even if your articles are of great quality and do convert article viewers to website visitors, if you only have a few out there you will not get a considerable amount of traffic from them.

Sure, its true that on rare occasions an article could go completely viral and generate thousands of site views but it is likely? Even if you do have an article or two that goes extremely viral, the traffic will most likely not last.

If you are creating quality articles, every one that you publish to the Internet will bring in a small trickle of website visitors. The more articles you have out there, the larger that trickle will grow.

If you implement the two very basic tips that I just outlined into your article marketing campaign, along with a good signature block and title, you will see the true benefit to article marketing in a very short amount of time.

Joshua Spaulding is an Author and Webmaster who has been effectively marketing with articles for over 2 years. If you would like to learn effective Article Marketing and begin to see the Free visitors that everyone always seems to talk about but never prove, then take a look at You can also promote Article Marketing Domination and earn 50% on every sell you make by visiting

Don't Build a Single Link Until You Do These 3 Things

Far too often, Search engine optimization experts spin their wheels obsessing about link building. (I myself included) It's easy to forget that classic on page and site-wide SEO still works.

Recently, this hit home. While working on a page on one of my sites, I accidentally left a link pointing to a page that was irrelevant to the actual anchor text in the link. In other words, the keywords in the anchor text had nothing to do with the actual text of the page. Despite this, Google quickly picked up the page for the target search phrase, replacing the page I intended to optimize for. Despite having at least a dozen good quality, keyword specific external links pointing to the page I intended to optimize, the other page now replaced it in the SERPs because the weight from the 1 internal link trumped all the external links.

This situation reminded me that good SEO starts on-site. In my opinion, you shouldn't even start link building until you:

  1. Build Several Internal Links: Search engines care immensely how webmasters categorize and label their own content. The best way to do this is with one time occurring links within a body of content. In my opinion, 1 relevant contextual link from your own site can be worth more than 10 good external links. In Sugarrae's great link building interview, Andy Hagans recommends having at least 5 internal links to every landing page.
  2. Sculpt Your PageRank Flow: SEO Fast Start has a great explanation of using the no-follow tag to sculpt your PageRank. Basically, the idea is to cap off the flow of PageRank using the no-follow tag to pages that are unimportant from a search point of view. For example, while your Privacy policy page may be important to customers already on the site, it's probably getting little to no action from the SERPs. By capping off PageRank to pages like this, you will increase the relative importance of your product pages and product category pages.
  3. Do On-Page SEO on Your Landing Pages: Title tags, H1 tags, keyword rich content, alt tags, and even Meta tags should be optimized before worrying about external links.

Since many experts think effective link building tactics are going underground, I believe on page and site wide SEO tactics such as these will become increasingly important.

Justin Palmer is a Internet Marketing Consultant that offers Christian Search Engine Marketing services. Justin's current projects include, which sells religious t-shirts, and Bright Circle, a Video Production Company offering Corporate Video Production services in Florida.

Amazing Article Marketing - Discover 6 Key Secrets to Explode Your Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the best traffic-generating tools these days. Aside from the fact that it allows you to share your knowledge so your potential readers will consider you as an expert on your field, it also boosts your sales and profits by allowing you to advertise your products and services online for free.

1. Produce outstanding articles. If you want to succeed in this marketing technique, you should make the quality of your content your number one priority. This will either make or break your promotional campaign. To make sure that your copies will be read or republished, they must be content-rich, useful, scannable, easy to understand, keyword-rich, and informative.

2. Be familiar with the rules set by various publishing sites. This will help you write copies that conform to the terms and conditions set by publishers. This will increase the chances of your articles being accepted and published online.

3. Submit regularly. To make your online presence felt, you must write and submit your reading materials on a regular basis. Experts agree that you need at least 3 submissions per day to get optimum result from this method.

4. Track the performance of your articles online. Determine the click through rate of each of your copies to identify which ones are being read. The data that you can obtain through this process can be used in improving your techniques in writing and submitting your articles.

5. Widely distribute your articles. Aside from publishing sites like ezinearticles dot com, you can also post your copies to your website, blog, social bookmarking sites, or even on forums.

6. Proofread. Grammar, spelling, and factual mistakes can easily annoy readers. To make sure that you give your potential clients great reading experience, make it a point to manually proofread your articles before posting them online.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

7 Key Strategies to Earn Customer Loyalty

The key of your business success is building customer loyalty. Holding on to existing customers is as important as soliciting new customers to keep feeding your list with fresh subscribers. Customer loyalty is the key to your business growth and profit. Because loyal customers generate a continual revenue stream through repeat purchases, they bring your business-increased profitability at a lower cost.

Like in any other moneymaking system, to succeed as an email marketer, you will need to understand all the secrets that are available to keep growing your business and apply them immediately.

How to Build a Business Relationship to Gain Customer loyalty!

Everywhere you go online they tell you that you must have a list to succeed. That's true but it doesn't go far enough until you understand exactly what makes subscribers eager to pay for your products, success will remain subtle.

If you dont know how to build a business relationship to keep your subscribers enthusiastic, eagerly waiting for your articles and rush to buy your product without any regard for brand, your list is worthless.

Hands down the main key factor of a responsive email list is the Trust Factor. If you earn your subscribers trust, you will have much more success when it comes to advertise to your list. Without the trust of your subscribers, they will be leery when it comes to pulling out their credit card to buy from you.

1 - Earn your subscribers' trust

Honesty is essential to earning customers' trust, and that trust is the key to gaining customer loyalty. Earning customers trust is important to the success of any business. Being honest goes with not hiding anything.

Let your subscribers know your Identification and contact information, such as your name, physical address, email address and telephone number. It is important that you let your subscribers know how to contact you for assistance. The more they know you as a person, the more they'll trust you. And when it comes to asking for money, nothing is more important than trust.

Warning: Be sure to be selective in what you promote to your subscribers. If you suggest a product that turns out to be a scam, your subscribers will likely blame you first for recommending it to them. You really cant afford to take a hit like this to your reputation.

2 - Give Them What They Want

When your subscribers sign up to your ezine, they are doing so for a reason. They want the information you are telling them they will receive. Keep giving them that, and theyll be happy as can be. Diverge from that, and you could find yourself losing subscribers quicker than you can get them.

Tips: Ask Your Subscribers what they want. Dont guess. Use this great, easy to use online tactic to find out exactly what your subscribers will buy from you or what subject they want to learn about. You could hold a contest. By sending them simple questionnaires or surveys will give you a sense of your market's needs, wants and preferences. Give the winner a quality prize and/ or gift that he cant find elsewhere. Getting your subscribers involved like this will also keep them interested in your emails and help get more emails opened.

3 - Dont send too many marketing messages.

Two thing you really need to watch, as a publisher, is how to advertise your product/ service and what product you endorse. Nothing ticks off a subscriber more than thinking a publisher is only in it for the money. This will happen if you advertise too much, or if you advertise the wrong products.

Sending out an email newsletter with too much ads and a little or no quality information will hurt your reputation. You have everything to lose, and nothing at all to gain by stuffing your Ezine with ads.

The ads in your Ezine arent the only things you have to worry about. This also includes any ads you send out that are separate from your regularly scheduled newsletter. Sending out an ad each day is not the way to go if you want to build customer loyalty. It is the way to go if you want everyone to unsubscribe from your list.

4 - Make your subscribers your friends!

Give your subscribers a good sense of who you are. Its important that your subscribers see you as a real person, because they will likely never meet you in person. One thing every successful publisher does is just talk about whatever is on their mind in each issue of their Ezine. They may talk about their family, their favorite sports team, politics, the weather, anything thats going on. They usually ask the reader to write back a few comments about it, or the reader will just write back without being asked to. This creates a bond between the publisher and the reader that could result in future sales and future partnerships.

5 - Over Deliver

Nothing makes people happier than knowing you pay attention to them. Make your customers and potential clients delighted by giving them more than they expected. After they order your product or sign up for your publication, give them a gift or a bonus that wasnt advertised, in addition to any gifts or bonus you promised they would get. Im not talking about any ebook or software they can download from any website. Give something that no one or only a few other people are giving away. This kind of gift and bonus says that you put a lot of attention and thought into helping them succeed.

From time to time and in special events send free gifts just for the heck of it. By continuously over delivering, your subscribers will realize that you are trying to help them learn what they need to know, and they will appreciate it when you give them the tools and information they need to succeed. This is obviously geared more towards strong relationship and they stay loyal customers longer.

6 - Help Them Out

Besides giving your subscribers what they want, helping them with whatever they need help with is the best way to earn customer loyalty. While this works on an individual basis, instead of taking care of all of your subscribers at once, the people you are able to help will be very grateful, and will probably tell their friends, colleagues and neighbors about you. Positive word-of-mouth is a powerful way to acquire new customers and build customer loyalty.

If one of your subscribers sends you an email asking for help, help them out as much as you can. Dont just give them a quick, one word answer. Theyll probably just be back asking for a little more information. Just go ahead and tell them what you can, and be nice about it, even if you think its a stupid question.

7 - Dont Use Hype

Im sure youve seen this before. It seems to be everywhere you look people trying to hype-up their offer to make it sound better than it is. Most people just want you to be straight with them.

If you just stick to telling the truth about a product, without making it look like hype, I think your subscribers will have much more respect for you. Personally, I think its stimulating when someone sends me a sales letter and outlines how I can benefit from it without trying to make it sound better than it is. Most people can tell the difference, and will probably be turned off by the hype.

The bottom line

When you combine all of these keys, youll build a strong relationship with your subscribers and they stay loyal customers for years. All you need to do is find a way to include all of these keys into your business marketing strategies, and youll soon find yourself getting new subscribers, building relationships with and earning customer loyalty.

Gley Yahya owns the Strategic Internet Marketing, designed to help small business owners build their opt in email lists by following a proven to work procedure, that leads online people to their websites, and take them through the process from position to position, to convert them to loyal customers. If you need information and assistance with your online growth, we can help. You can reach him at:

List Building - Gaining Subscribers Through Joint Venture Giveaways

There are any number of methods that you can use in order to drive people to your squeeze page. One of the best ways that you can do this, however, is by taking part in a joint venture giveaway. These are becoming increasingly popular on the Internet and the more popular that they get, the more subscribers you stand to gain. What is the best way of using a JV giveaway in order to drive traffic and build your list?

When you take part in a JV giveaway, you will be offering something of value to individuals for free, or in exchange for their e-mail address. You will obtain a listing on the joint venture giveaway site and will be ranked according to the number of people that you send to that site. The more people you are able to send, the higher on the list you are and the more visitors you will receive. If the giveaway is very popular and some big names are taking part, you may experience a large surge in your number of subscribers in a short period of time.

Some people are concerned that most visitors to JV giveaways use throwaway e-mail addresses. While this does take place from time to time, you will also gain a lot of subscribers that may be newly interested in what you have to offer. These subscribers are a literal gold mine and should be treated as such. If you use the giveaway effectively, you will walk away a winner every time.

Do you want to take your list building to the next level? Get my free report "The Money Really Is In The List." In addition to receiving my $49 report for free, you will get free access to Tyler's List Building Club and routinely receive strategies and tactics for building a powerful list.

Squeeze Page Templates Can Be Affordable. The Right Squeeze Page Templates Increase Profits

Using Squeeze Page templates Internet Professionals Worldwide are creaming off Millions of Dollars a year with very Simple List Creation Tools.

Imagine having a list of 1000, 10,000 or even 100,000 Leads. Everytime you get a new product, or even see a product you want to sell as an affiliate, all you do is mail out to your list.

In most cases this is as simple a writing an email and pressing a button. This is how the professionals do it. No hassle, No Fuss just cash pouring in every time they post to their list.

The Autoresponder and Squeeze Pages templates are a great combination to build a responsive list of profitable leads

But How do you get a list?

You need two things.

1. Good Autoresponders - These must be set-up on your site, that you control. Follow-up email is fast and cheap to install. You can get a great pack here that includes everything you need to start a list. (save yourself a monthly payment of upto $20 a month).

2. A Great Squeeze Page. This must look professional. You can connect it to your autoresponder and you are away.

We have decided to look a collection of Squeeze Page Templates we found for less than $7

There are 4 hand picked professional squeeze page products in this pack. Together this include over 150 megs of templates, graphics, advice and instructional videos.


a) A set of professionally designed templates that come with a fully instructional video and just need to be edited to reflect your product or service.

b) A complete Video Guide to Squeeze pages, how they work and how you can profit best from this new hot topic.

c) The Squeeze Page Combo Pack. Professional Templates plus an ebook of Squeeze Page Secrets.

d) Video Squeeze Page templates. The Future is video we all hear so why not start selling via video.

If you are at all interested in creating a squeeze page system you could do worse that taking a look at this package, and at a price of less that $7 it appears extremely good value for money. Coupled with the suggested autoresponder we reckon this is a very useful combination.

Relating to the above article The Author recommends

For those members that are looking to increase your current autoresponders success rate take a look at this squeeze page template collection. Over 100 meg of professionally designed ready-to-go squeeze page templates, ebooks, and how to ... tutorial videos, for less than $7

A complete Autoresponders pack for Less than $5. A great starter collection of ebooks, autoresponder, pre-written messages and squeeze pages There is even a free 56 page autoresponder guide.

Article Writing - Quantity or Quality?

Article Marketing can be a great way to gain exposure for yourself and your business. In its basic form, it is simply a process of writing an article and getting it distributed to as many places as possible. If done properly, submitting your articles to various Article Directories will allow you to use the power of Viral Marketing to spread your article across the Internet as Website owners, Newsletter publishers, and others perform the work of spreading your articles near and far.

When it comes to writing and distributing articles there are two basic schools of thought. One says that you should get as many articles out there as possible, employing various tactics such as paying 'ghost writers' a small fee to write articles for you. While you don't actually write the articles yourself, you receive credit as the author of the article.

If you visit some of the Article Directories, you'll notice that some writers have thousands of articles listed. While some may indeed be as prolific a writer as Isaac Asimov, many are employing others to write articles for them. Using an 'Article Ghostwriting' service allows a person to quickly get tons of articles out there, but has some drawbacks as well. The method I prefer consists of writing your own unique articles.

Writing is a very personal experience. You start with an idea and watch it take on a life of its own until it becomes a completed work. No matter how humble it may be, most writers take a bit of pride in composing something that is hopefully entertaining, informative or provides useful information in some shape or form.

Writing your own articles also allows you to control the writing process, enjoy the creative experience, and in the end place your name upon something that is uniquely a reflection of your own thoughts and knowledge.

When using someone else to write an article for you, you're giving up creative control and signing your name to someone else's thoughts. If your goal is simply to churn out articles and get them distributed, then this will be of little consequence to you.

However, if it matters more to you that your writings are truly a reflection of you and your unique personality, then in all likelihood you should chose to write your own articles. You should also recognize that you will most likely have to sacrifice quantity for quality. There are a few excellent Article Submission services like Article Marketer that can help you overcome this to a point, but by choosing to write your own articles, you most likely won't win a record for publishing the most articles.

As with most things in life, there is usually a trade-off between quality and quantity. While the two can exist together, the reality is that they rarely do. In writing your articles, make a decision as to what's the most important factors for you in your writings; quantity or quality?

William J. Thomas is actively engaged in E-Commerce and Internet Marketing. His current website is..Learn How to Generate Thousands of Dollars Monthly With Secret Affiliate Marketing System

Several Search Engine Optimization Factors to Concentrate Your Efforts On

There's no shortage of advice with regards to what folks must do to enhance a site's search engine rankings. Certain people agree, certain people differ, and some people are out-and-out perplexing. You can be extremely suspicious of any advice provided by someone that tells you to use search engine submissions, use traffic exchanges, or use FFA sites. That is so out of date it is not funny.

Not too long ago a well-known selection of SEO experts provided their consensus opinions to SEOmoz on what is relevant for outstanding search engine rankings today.

Given the consensus opinion of the experts, these are the four most important ranking factors for SERPs.

Keywords in the Title Tag

Using the appropriate keywords in the title tag of a web page is very important. Not only does it promote higher search engine rankings, it also assists with better click-through from the SE listings to the web page. It's of reduced value to be high up in the search results without receiving that many clicks. The ultimate purpose should be to gain as many visitors to the site as possible.

Those keywords that were used by the searcher are bolded in the search results. If part of the page title is highlighted, it stands a higher opportunity of being seen and getting a mouse click. Nevertheless, highlighted keywords don't comprise the only element to consider when composing the page title tag.

A smartly composed page title, that invites and entices the web surfer to click through, can result in a lot of extra clicks. It is more advantageous to receive 100 clicks from the 5th position with an eye-catching title compared with fifty clicks from the third listing with a badly written page title, correct?

The Anchor Text of Inbound Links

The anchor text that's employed in the hyperlink that points to your web site from another site weighs heavily in the SE algorithms to figure out what your web site is all about. Additionally, what your web site is all about influences largely what it will rank for in the search results.

If it's possible that you can exert any influence on the anchor text that other web sites use with their links to your site, then it's an extremely prudent investment of your time.

A larger number of web sites that have links to your web site using a specific keyword, or variations of that keyword, will cause the search engines to more easily figure out that your site is focused on that certain keyword.

It is far more advantageous if the content of the page on your site contains that specific keyword and its latent semantic equivalents.

The Overall Link Popularity of the Site

Search engines figure out the relative importance of your site by using the number of hyperlinks that point to the site. They take into account both quality of the hyperlinks and quantity of hyperlinks.

The more distinct web sites that link to your site, the higher the search engines will compute the perceived importance of your web site.

The building of backlinks does not end. One can never have enough backlinks pointing to your website. It's true that it's possible to build links too fast and that could raise some flags in the algorithms of the search engines. But, if done as an ongoing action with a longer term outlook, every link deserves the resources spent in obtaining it. They all add up to an improved deemed importance of your web site.

Internal Link Structure of the Site and Resulting Link Popularity

Naturally, some of your web pages will gain more external backlinks than other pages. Those that do not attract a lot of external backlinks could be the real money pages that you'd wish to rank high in the search engine listings.

Internal linking structure, as well as the anchor text utilized for the internal links, is the way to distribute PageRank inside the perimeters of your site.

Some search engine optimization experts say that an internal link carries the same value as a link from an external page. That does not mean the web site will gain high rankings with nothing more than internal links. What it means is that you could cause a page to be ranked by having internal links pointing to it even though it does not have a lot of external links, on the condition that the rest of the web site has acquired enough PageRank from external links.

In Closing

SEO may seem daunting when one looks at it as a whole. However, when viewed as individual components, there are a select number of comparatively uncomplicated things one can focus on for the biggest gains.

Do you have a WordPress blog? Get search engine optimization and high search engine rankings for your WordPress blog, including a free WordPress search engine optimization plugin.

Directory Link Building For Link Popularity And Great SEO

In SEO, off page issues have become more and more significant as they relate to rankings. In particular, link popularity can build or destroy a website with the search engines.

Link popularity is the number and quality of the incoming links that are pointing to your website. It can be determined that these other sites that link to you, consider your site important enough to link to.

From the search engines point of view, your website is considered important as well.

One of the most difficult areas of SEO is building link popularity because the search engines don't want unnaturally fashioned links, so there are no easy ways to create link popularity.

The days of link farms and huge link exchange programs are history. Those strategies now could have you booted out of a search engine.

The search engines like links from valued websites. These are called 'authoritative' sites. The first one you should try and get a link from is the Open Directory Project (ODP) otherwise known as DMOZ. Listings are free of charge, but can take a notoriously long time to get. Make sure you follow the instructions to the letter - or you will be wasting your time trying.

Yahoo is the other major directory, but this will cost you a couple of hundred bucks each year.

The other aspects the search engines look for are, if the links are coming from websites that share the same subject of focus as your website.

Again, this is where the directories provide a strong basis from which to construct your link building strategy, because you can list your website in an appropriate relevant category - with related products or services to yours.

Apart from the link popularity you gain by getting a major or authoritative website to link to you, you will also gain additional visibility and subsequently traffic for your Web site.

Good luck with your link building strategy.

Peter Brittain is a director of Australian internet marketing specialists, Slinky Internet Marketing. Peter also writes a blog on internet marketing and owns Australian directory & search engine - Slinky Directory.

How Can Article Marketing Increase Your Sales?

Article Marketing is by far one of the most effective methods of marketing your product, affiliate product or website. It is very easy to do and is also a free marketing method. This is a promotional method that can be used by anyone at any level of internet marketing can use.

The first thing that you need to do is find a product to promote. Then you will need to sit down and write articles relating to your niche. You do need to give your readers some good quality information otherwise they are not likely to follow your link back to your website.

You can easily research the internet or books to find information relating to your niche and you can even research the article directories themselves, just make sure that you never copy anything word for word, and always write your articles in your own words.

When submitting your articles to article directories you will have a resource box at the end of the article where you can write a little information about yourself and also include a link or two back to your product or website.

Before starting your articles you should do some keyword research and find a number of long tail keywords relating to your topic. For example if your niche is on 'dog training' then you will look for long tail keywords like 'dog behaviour training', 'dog obedience training' and 'dog house training'. When writing your articles you can then write one article for each long tail keyword that you have. It is good to have about 30 different keywords to write about.

By doing this you are increasing the number of views your articles will get by targeting these different keyword phrases.

So whether you are promoting your website, blog, affiliate product, or your own product you should see a significant increase in your sales by using Article Marketing.

To learn more, download my Free Guide: "How To Earn $100K Per Year With Article Marketing".

Franck Silvestre makes thousands of dollars a year from affiliate and article marketing. Wonder what the secret to his success is? Discover how he does it at:

List Building 101 - The Complete Guide To Building A Profitable Email List

List building is one of the most important aspects that you need to focus on. Let us look at the main reason why. Your profits from your list will exceed the profits that your web site could ever generate by itself.

This is an extremely profound statement and if you did not understand it the first time that you read that statement I suggest that you read it again. This is why most of the top internet marketers advise you to build a profitable email list.

So let us look at how this process works. You need to first create a squeeze page and then upload it to your web site. The primary purpose of your squeeze page will be to offer a free report that your visitor can download. So you will drive traffic to your squeeze page. They will submit their email details to gain access to the report. These details will be sent to a company like Getresponse that you will use as an autoresponder. In the future you can follow up with your prospect using the autoresponder.

Now the real secret with building a big list is that you need to focus on a variety of methods. So for example if each method produces 3 leads a day then at the end of the day you will have generated 30 leads for the day. In a month that would approximately be 900 leads. You can expect to earn at least half a dollar for each lead that you generate a month. Top marketers are able to earn in excess of 2 dollars for each lead that they generate a month.

Typical methods that you can use to drive traffic to your squeeze page are article marketing where you include a link to your squeeze page in your bio, forum posting, ppc advertising and ezine advertising.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

The Top 5 Ways To Build A Quality Prospect List

Every time you turn around these days, people are telling you that you need to have "a big list". Is this true?

"Yes. . .and no."

Truth is, you must have a list of qualified prospects who relate to you AND who want to purchase the products and services you offer.

Let's break that down.

  • "qualified prospects" = Individuals in your target market who look forward to hearing from you and for whom you provide valuable information. If you are sending bookkeeping tips to gardeners, for example, they are likely to unsubscribe as the information is not valuable *to them*.
  • "who relate to you" = You want to build a relationship through your writing so your readers come to know, like and trust you. They need to understand that you will not be "here today and gone tomorrow" and that you have THEIR best interests at heart.
  • "who want to purchase" = It doesn't matter if you believe your prospects NEED your information. What matters is that THEY feel they need/want it. You could sell healthy eating books to obese men, but if they don't want to eat healthy, they will not purchase your book.

A solid list is the foundation of any online business -- regardless of your industry.

For example, if you have a list of 10,000 readers and you announce a $20 product and 5% purchase it, you just made $10,000 in revenue.

If you announce the same $20 product to a list of 3,000 dedicated readers and 25% purchase, you just made $15,000 in revenue.

Now that we agree QUALITY OVER QUANTITY is best, here are some ways to build your quality list:

1. Article Marketing.

Can't emphasize this enough. If you're writing articles (and if you're not, time to start!), you need to be posting them on article directory sites such as and

2. Article Publishing.

Article publishing is another way to market your articles -- only instead of posting them to directories, you contact ezine publishers and associations and ask them if they would like to publish your article in one of their upcoming newsletter issues.

You want to be sure to contact publishers in complementary, not competing, industries or niches.

3. Public Speaking.

Standing in front of a group, whether it be a networking event or workshop, is one of THE best ways to build your list. Through your one presentation, you've built a rapport with your audience -- they've seen you, they've heard you and they've connected with you.

If you're not comfortable with public speaking, start with a small, local networking event such as your Chamber of Commerce or BNI meeting or join a group such as ToastMasters.

4. Joint Ventures.

Do you know someone with a quality list who speaks to the same audience as you? Is there any way you can partner with them on a project and have them promote you/your newsletter to their list?

5. Co-registration.

Think of "co-registration" as a strategic partnership. You promote my newsletter on your ezine sign-up or thank you page and I promote yours. When someone signs up for my newsletter, they are taken to a "thank you" page which could include your newsletter name and a link to sign-up.

This helps each of us build our list through partnership -- just like with article publishing however, you want to insure that you contact people in complementary, not competing industries.

There are hundreds of ways you can build your list. I've given you five of the most effective ways to build a QUALIFIED list. Are you ready?

Your Coaching Challenge

Pull out your marketing plan and look at your list building activities -- if at least 3 of the above 5 aren't on it, ask yourself "why" and then see which you are comfortable adding.

Don't have a marketing plan? Tune in next week for 3 questions which will help you define yours.

Leading small business expert Sandra Martini is the "Automatic Business Coach." Sandra delivers simple proven, yet innovative, ways entrepreneurs can implement processes and systems to create a waiting list of clients while giving them more money, time, and freedom in their businesses. For free articles, free resources and to sign up for her free audio mini-seminar "5 Quick & Easy Ways to Put Your Marketing on Autopilot" visit

Targeted Article Marketing - 5 Interesting Methods to Advance with Article Marketing

Article marketing has gained popularity because of one good reason: It delivers! That is why, it is a must that you take advantage of it to experience great benefits like improved traffic and better ranking on various search engines.

Here are the 5 interesting methods to advance with article marketing:

1. Master the art of creating powerful, effective titles. When online users search publishing sites for specific content, they will be presented with numerous articles. This is where the competition of getting the interest of online users begins. To give your articles an edge and to increase their chances of being opened, make sure that you give them irresistible headlines that will pique the curiosity of online users.

2. Sustain the interest of your readers by supporting your great title with equally attention-grabbing introductory paragraph. In this section, you must be able to answer the typical what, why, who, where, how, and when questions of your readers.

3. Bank on your content. Your articles must offer online users with valuable content that is not only useful but also highly relevant to your target niche. In addition, your articles must also be related to the products or services that you offer so you can easily pitch in your business' offerings on your resource box.

4. Call to action. Write a compelling resource box and use powerful words to move your readers to click the URL and visit your website. This is one important element in article marketing. When you master the art of creating an effective resource box, you will easily increase your page views and your sales potential in no time.

5. Submit your articles regularly. Few submissions will not make a huge difference on your traffic and page ranking. To maximize the benefits that you can get from this method, submit at least 5 articles everyday so you can easily augment the number of your inbound links.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

How I Went From 0 Clients to Making $250-Day in Less than 3 Weeks Writing SEO Articles

In 2007, I started to do SEO article writing.

Even though I've been freelancing since 1993, this is a very new form of writing for me. To date, most of my clients had been small business owners who commission newsletters, brochure copy, articles for their websites, etc. I have some corporate clients who outsource their editing/rewriting work to me, eg, editing annual reports.

I decided to give SEO writing a try for four reasons:
i) I was bored with my existing workload;
ii) I'd read a lot about SEO writing and knew that it was going to be lucrative long-term;
iii) there's not a lot of competition in the field (not for good, quality writers anyway); and
iv) it's quick turnaround (in pay and assignments).

As an aside, it fits my rather schizophrenic writing personality too in that I may write five articles in one day on extremely different topics - from wedding accessories to mortgages. As my brain likes to flit from project to project, this works great for me.

How to Break into a New Freelance Writing Niche Quickly & Profitably!

As this was a completely different field for me, I had to start marketing from scratch. Following is how I went from 0 to making $250/day in about three week's time.

Marketing for New Clients? Here's a 3-Step Plan that Works Every Time

1) Website: I took about a week to build a website specifically for this type of writing.

2) Research: I compiled a list of SEO companies I wanted to contact for work.

3) Contact: I contacted them - one at a time, using the names of appropriate contacts where possible and at minimum mentioning the company in the email when no specific name could be found.

Marketing Success by the Numbers: What makes this plan work every time is that you make contact every day with a certain number of firms. In my case, I decided to contact - at minimum - 20 companies a day.

On the very first day of marketing, I received two inquiries from companies wanting to use me for pending projects starting the next month.

About three days later, I received another inquiry from a potential client who wanted to package my services with a presentation he was giving to secure a client. And, in the second week, I landed a client who gave me 4 writing projects in three days.

This client is a large SEO marketing firm and wants to put me on their permanent staff of writers (we'll see how this pans out).

While nothing beyond the current 14 writing assignments has panned out, the point I'm trying to get across is that if you make enough contacts, you will get work - especially in the SEO sector.

The best part of being an SEO content writer? You can start with no experience, no samples and no website.

Good luck if you decide to give this type of writing a try.

Yuwanda Black is the publisher of THE business portal for and about the editorial and creative industries. Visit to learn more about how to start an SEO writing career. It's one of the easiest ways to start making money as a freelance writer, especially if you have no experience.

How To Find The Most Popular Keywords For Your Market

Finding the most popular keywords on the internet is pretty easy. If you guessed sex was the most popular searched for keyword, award yourself a "congratulations".

But the most popular keywords vary by season. Halloween has its own special set of keywords, so does Christmas, etc.

Likewise, the market you are targeting will have its own batch of popular keywords.

There are various tools you can use to find the most popular keywords. Some are free, such as Google's keyword tool, others are chargeable, such as Wordtracker. Whichever you choose, make sure you spend time to check out how popular your chosen keywords are.

The idea is to find keyword phrases that real live people are searching for. It doesn't matter what other people on the internet - whether they're in your industry or not - are targeting. If your industry jargon says that people are interested in "real time rendering", for example, that may or may not be what real people are searching for. Take the time to find out. Use all the different reference tools available to you.

For instance, Wordtracker will offer up a string of related terms. Or at least terms their computer thinks are related. Use your commonsense to check into these. Sometimes they are good suggestions, sometimes they are red herrings. But you won't know until you check.

If you don't subscribe to Wordtracker, use an online Thesaurus to find related keywords. Or go to the pages that your original search brings up and read the pages. See how else they phrase your search. You may be pleasantly surprised at the results.

Once you've found your keywords that are popular with searchers, you will need to construct web pages, adverts and other ways of attracting people to your site. But that's another topic entirely!

Get more ideas to boost your internet income with this free report.

Targeted Article Marketing - 3 Simple Steps to Excel at Article Marketing

A lot of webmasters would like to excel at article marketing and I could understand why. This amazing tool never fails to deliver great result not only in traffic generation but most importantly, in augmenting online revenue - as long as it is done the right way.

Here are the some simple steps that can help you improve your article marketing strategies:

1. One of the main reasons why you are publishing your articles is to build rapport with your potential clients. You would want them to like you so they will eventually consider doing business with you. One of the best ways to achieve this goal is by taking the time and making your author's bio interesting. Most publishing sites allow you to introduce yourself to your readers so they would know more about you on a personal level. List down your hobbies, interests, your expertise, your desire to help, and some of your personal information. Don't forget to include your most recent photos so your readers can connect the information with a face.

2. Create more inbound links for your website. There are actually 2 ways to do that: multiply the number of your articles and focus on the quality of your content. When you increase the number of your output, you will gain one quality inbound link per submission. You will also increase your backlinks when you create great articles as you can be assured that they will be picked up and widely republished by other marketers.

3. Maximize the use of your resource box. You can actually use 3 hyperlinks within your resource box that will drive your readers to your website. Take advantage of this to increase the chances of your site being visited. I suggest that you use 2 anchor texts and an absolute URL.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.