Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

First of all, what is Bum Marketing? Well, its a method of writing information rich articles with the aim of selling affiliate products by the truckload. Now that the definition is out of the way, lets look at 5 types of Bum Marketing articles you can write for automatic affiliate profits:

1. Step-By-Step article

A step-by-step article is often easy to write. Just write your steps down and write a few short sentences for each of them. Step-by-step articles are also to read and follow.

2. How To article

People search on the Internet everyday looking for ways to do things. If you can get a how to article on the top of Google for a popular search term, your article will get tons of traffic! This method can often be combined with the Step-By-Step method.

3. Story article

Stories sell. If you have a good story to tell that has a moral to it, you can write an article about it and your readers might learn something and be inspired to take action.

4. Secrets article

Do you know something that most of your friends dont? Then you possess some secrets. Not everyone is an expert on everything, so you can share your expertise and secrets by writing an article. For example, you can write an article about some professional techniques for hitting a golf ball.

5. Resource article

Resource lists always make for great articles. And they are easy to write! You can create resource lists for just about anything, ranging from web hosting services to the best freelancing sites.

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Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Like link building, keyword usage, Meta tags etc. press releases too are an essential tool that helps in increasing a websites ranking on the search engines and improves its search engine optimization services. Almost all companies and websites use press releases to send to their clients, but the crux is to stand out amongst the rest and create a benchmark. If you are unaware of the concept of promotion through press releases, it is important to know how press releases can benefit your business. But before that let's learn about what a press release is and how it is useful to the search engines.

A press release is generally and announcement about the launch or release of a new product or service. These announcements are generally made through other publications or media, focusing on the news and the targeted audience. The press release is based on the fundamentals of the 5 Ws and 1 H, meaning, who, what, where, when, why and how. It is a public awareness write up that serves as a great marketing tool.

Other kind of promotions and advertisements used for search engine optimization services, where the advertisers generally talk only about the good things of the product, tends to putt off people. They tend to lose trust on the product since, it does not provide a true picture of its functionality and properties. Press releases on the other hand are more open in their approach. They can easily expose a business concern pointing out the good as well as the bad qualities they possess.

A well drafted press release possesses the ability to benefit any organization by giving them a good amount of popularity and publicity. A properly constructed press release is of immense importance to the search engine optimization services of a website. They can give a boost to the search rankings and also attract traffic to websites. Many people are also in the habit of bookmarking good press releases for future reference. This is an added advantage to the website's popularity and rating.

In order to ensure, that your company press release is of standard quality and content make sure that you do not use fanciful language in your press release. Keep the content crisp and to the point. Try and build in user curiosity through your press release write ups. Keep the design simple and avoid using jarring images or flashing objects in your press release that could divert user attention.

About the Author- Meenakshi Wali is an expert in Internet marketing solutions, presently working with Rupiz Media LTD., one of the leading internet marketing company, offering online marketing services, SEO services, pay per click and search engine marketing over the globe.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

You got to understand that Search Engines have changed their algorithms years ago. Building links is still as important but it is more important to build relevant links than just having thousands of rubbish links to your website. Even Google has voiced its unhappiness in paid inbound links and has started on their campaign to penalize paid links. One important thing is that getting too many inbound links over a night or a week can also be penalized by Google.

Why waste your dollars ?

I know it sounds tempting. 10000 links at only $10... But the real thing is whether these 10000 links are helping your website to rank better in search results or Page Rank. I can tell you that the answer would be a definite NO. So invest that $10 on some other more useful things or you can even choose to donate to the Orphanage. Be meaningful.

Getting Quality links NOT Quantity.

Getting 10 Quality Links is far better than getting 10000 rubbish links. Search engines value quality website that contains rich and helpful information and having such websites link to you, will be telling the search engines that you also deserved to be a quality website too.

Paid Links : The Grey Line

News of Google going down on paid links have been published all over the Web. Is it time for Google to step in and take control of the situation where by webmaster buys paid links to get high Page Rank and SERPs ranking? I am really unsure how Google is going to penalize paid links, but i have already started seeing decrease in my paid inbound links in Google's indexes. Time to build quality links...

Rif Chia is the Founder & Private SEO Consultant of EzBusinessNeeds.com with more than 5 years experiences in SEO Web Design Consultancy and Search Engine Marketing

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing has gained popularity because of one good reason: It delivers! That is why, it is a must that you take advantage of it to experience great benefits like improved traffic and better ranking on various search engines.

Here are the 5 interesting methods to advance with article marketing:

1. Master the art of creating powerful, effective titles. When online users search publishing sites for specific content, they will be presented with numerous articles. This is where the competition of getting the interest of online users begins. To give your articles an edge and to increase their chances of being opened, make sure that you give them irresistible headlines that will pique the curiosity of online users.

2. Sustain the interest of your readers by supporting your great title with equally attention-grabbing introductory paragraph. In this section, you must be able to answer the typical what, why, who, where, how, and when questions of your readers.

3. Bank on your content. Your articles must offer online users with valuable content that is not only useful but also highly relevant to your target niche. In addition, your articles must also be related to the products or services that you offer so you can easily pitch in your business' offerings on your resource box.

4. Call to action. Write a compelling resource box and use powerful words to move your readers to click the URL and visit your website. This is one important element in article marketing. When you master the art of creating an effective resource box, you will easily increase your page views and your sales potential in no time.

5. Submit your articles regularly. Few submissions will not make a huge difference on your traffic and page ranking. To maximize the benefits that you can get from this method, submit at least 5 articles everyday so you can easily augment the number of your inbound links.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

People use the Internet for so many things. Some use it as a social networking tool, some for chatting with friends and exchanging emails with family and still others use the Internet as their own personal cash machine. You'd be surprised at how many people have turned to the Internet as their only source of income-and they're making a killing at it. Perhaps you aren't surprised and you're one of them, or you're not surprised but you'd sure like to know just how they're doing it so you can do it too.

One method is to have a website where you sell something-a product, digital or otherwise, a service or a membership forum. Those are all terrific money-makers but they won't bring you a dime unless you can get people to visit your site. They can't buy what they can't see, right? Right.

So how do you get a flood of traffic to come breaking down your doors-and better yet-how can you make sure that the people visiting your site are the ones that are interested in what you have to offer them and are already willing to put some money out for it?

Article marketing is the way to go. Here's how it works. There are numerous article directories online. These are places where authors submit articles. They write articles about various subjects-generally on topics that coincide with what they're promoting online. Article directories exist just for these submissions. Depending on the article directory you are submitting to, you will be allowed to either insert a link or two to your website and your name.

Make sure to carefully study the submission guidelines before you submit your work. If you don't, be prepared to have your article rejected. The powers that be at the directories generally send you an email informing you that your article was rejected and why. You can rework it, fix the problem and resubmit.

Publishers visit article directories in droves, seeking out fresh content to place on their websites. The reason they do this is because you need to have regular new content placed on your website on a regular basis in order to get a good ranking in the search engines. Having a high page rank will bring you more traffic.

Let's say a publisher likes your article and decides to pick it up. They will download it from the directory and place it on their website. Now your article, with your resource box, name and links to your website are posted on their website. People coming to this website will read your expertly written piece, see your clink and click on it.

If the website your article is on gets a lot of traffic, you will reap the benefits of their traffic by receiving your own traffic. Now, consider that not just one publisher will pick up your article, but dozens! Perhaps more, and each time your article is posted somewhere else, you get traffic.

Traffic = money in your pocket and this is why article marketing for traffic is a good thing.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Brian T. Edmondson specializes in teaching others how to make money with Internet and Information Marketing. Discover his secrets of how fun and easy it is to make money on the internet at http://www.BestBusinessOnEarth.com