Saturday, June 28, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Selecting keywords to drive website traffic to your site is a very crucial point in search engine optimisation. Many people believe selecting keywords with the most searches will get them the desired ranks and traffic they wish to have. Unless you already have a well established website within the search engine ranks, selecting keywords with a high number of searches should be avoided. These sorts of keywords will usually mean that there is a large number of competing pages, which in turn means it will be extremely difficult to achieve high ranks.

Due to a large number of competing pages for generic terms, optimisers should focus on selecting keywords that have a reasonable amount of searches and a minimal amount of competing pages. The key is to focus on a small list of keywords, say 20 to 30, and then once a strong presence has been made for those keywords the list can be expanded to include slightly more generic terms.

Having said that, selecting keywords with less search numbers doesnt necessarily result in less visitors to your website. Search engine users these days tend to refine their searches to more specific keywords since they are given a broad range of websites when they use the generic terms. For example, if you have people wanting to buy a car, most search engine users will enter the phrase buy car. Once they are given a wide range of websites to choose from, they will in most cases change their search to include a car model type. For those who have optimised for the more refined phrases, the more likely they are going to get an interested buyer.

For those of you who are looking for a good keyword tool, Wordtracker and Overture is a good place to start. To determine the number of competing pages for a keyword phrase, enter that phrase into a search engine and look at the number of pages indexed. As a rule of thumb, I always tend to select keyword phrases that have less than a million pages indexed in Google or Yahoo.

With all that in mind, provided you target selected keywords that have a reasonable amount of search numbers and a minimal amount of competing pages along with proper optimisation practices, you should be able to achieve a strong presences in search engines over a period of time.

About the Author: David Touri is a search engine optimisation specialist working for SEO Sydney. He has worked on many projects and offers ethical search engine optimisation services to companies in Australia. For further information, please visit

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

If you have decided to use article marketing as a way to promote your website you may be wondering where you should post your articles and if you should bother using the hundreds of article directories on the internet.

Traffic is the lifeblood of any business on the internet and using articles to promote your website is definitely one of the best ways of generating highly targeted visitors for free.

Although writing articles is hard work and time consuming the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages but to make it work you need to know where to post your articles for maximum traffic.

If your main objective is to gain thousands of one way links pointing to your website in order to improve your search engine rankings for a certain keyword you will need to submit your articles to as many article directories as you can to achieve maximum exposure.

Many article directories on the internet do not necessarily generate a lot of traffic for your website but if they have a high page rank (such as PR 4 or PR 5) you will definitely want a one way link from them as they will improve your rankings as well as help your website get indexed quicker by the search engines.

But if your main objective is to actually generate traffic in order to collect subscribers for your opt in list you will only need to submit your articles to a few of the best article directories that receive the majority of visitors.

By far the best article directory which generates the most traffic is called Ezine Articles but there is one other which you should also use which is called Go Articles. If you only submit your articles to these two you will attract a lot of visitors to your website and collect a lot of subscribers.

So deciding where to post your articles really depends on what your actual objective is and whether you want to improve your search engine rankings or just generate traffic. Of course you can always decide to do both.

Posting your articles to hundreds of article directories takes a huge amount of time so if you do want to improve your search engine rankings you should consider using an article submitter that will automatically post your articles to all of the main article directories on the internet.

You can learn more about Instant Article Submitter by going here:

The more exposure your articles get the more likely they will be seen by other website owners and ezine publishers who are looking for content and if your articles are good they will be used on their websites and in their ezines which can result in a sudden surge of subscribers and sales.

This article was written by Simon Akers who is the editor of the Marketing Oasis newsletter, a free internet marketing ezine packed with tips to help you succeed and increase your profits:

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Are you interested in promoting your business by marketing articles through article submission software? If the answer to this question is a positive one you should know that it is an absolutely indispensable tool for you to use. But maybe, you have never thought of this before. If this is your case, I suggest you to seriously consider it. One and maybe the most important reason for you to use it is that it has become a powerful technique that helps you send targeted traffic to your website. Keep on reading and you will find how to choose the right article submission software in order to see miraculous things happening to your business. And I am not selling you dreams here. This is for real. You can watch your business flourish by using article submission software that fits you best.

As you probably know, article submission software is used throughout the Internet marketing articles. The main purpose in submitting articles is to attract readers to your site. You must attract visitors through entertaining, relative, and informative article content. These visitors are target visitors. No matter if you would like your visitors to buy a certain product or simply be part of your program or newsletter, or whatever you might think about, the article submission software is the answer to your prayers. Once you have the article written you need to have it posted.

Here are some tips that everyone can use whether he is a newbie author or a more experienced one would find useful. These tips are related to the article submission software.

Submit Lots of Articles to Different Article Directories

In order to get a good traffic building campaign you have to submit your articles to many directories. We can't all be winners so if you want to have a prosperous business you need to fit in. The fittest will survive this jungle called the Internet. The more articles you submit to different article directories, the highest your chances will be to bring a staggering amount of traffic to your website. Keep in mind that you face an atrocious competition where everyone wants to be the winner.

Picking the right article submission software you can have your articles submitted to hundred article directories.

Auto-Formatting Feature

Directories are different one from another and they can have various features and article format. There are some article directories that allow the HTML format, while others don't. Also, some allow the presence of links in the author resource box while others permit the insertion of such links in the article body.

If you are not a newbie you know what I am talking about. This can get to be a real nasty job to do. A great feature that article submission software has is the one that offers you the opportunity to post the articles rapidly in the compatible article directories. In other words the article submission software does it all for you. All you have to do is to make sure the article fields of the software interface are filled out, as it will use these details as the template.

Auto-Boom of Article Details

Unless you want to spend most of your time in front of your PC copying and pasting article details (because this is what it needs to be done), you can have such article submission software do it for you. Their features allow the auto-boom the article fields. All you need to do is to click the button that allows you to submit the article and they will be automatically submitted.

It's that simple. And the good news is that they are available at affordable prices. Just to get an idea, they range from $25 to $200. Think about all the advantages that come together with article submission software. Is it worth the price? The webmasters and marketers would definitely have a positive answer regarding this question. What about you?

Do you want to learn "How I Make A Very Handsome Profit Niche Blogging Without Actually Blogging And Without Much Effort?"

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Do you want to learn how to develop a successful Internet Business with more profits, less work and true freedom? Click Here: Craig S

Do you want to learn how I make a lot of money with articles every day? Click Here: Article Pro Software

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Article marketing has emerged as the easiest, fastest and least expensive way to build traffic to any website, and build name recognition for yourself as an authority in your field.

In a nutshell, it works like this. You (or someone you hire to ghostwrite for you) write a number of short articles that typically range from 300 to 900 words in length. You keep the articles informative, without an overt sales message. The tone of your articles must be helpful and useful to readers who have an interest in your topic.

Next you submit your articles to any of the hundreds of online article submission sites, also known as "article banks," and agree that anyone can reprint your articles for their websites under certain conditions. These conditions include the fact that you maintain your copyright over your own materials, that the article be reprinted exactly as you published it, without any changes, and that your name and website also be kept intact.

Finally, and most importantly, the person reprinting your article must agree to also publish your "resource box" along with the article.

The resource box is where the magic of article marketing takes place. This is where you can put your sales and marketing message. It is also where you tell readers about yourself and about the services you offer. And finally, the resource box is where you place a link pointing to your website.

When people read your articles, whether they find it on the article bank you submitted the article to, or on another website that reprinted your article, they will naturally read your resource box as well. They may then click on the link to your website and get more information about what you can do for them.

But the key word here is "may." If your resource box does not motivate readers to click on your link and visit your website, the whole effort involved in writing the article will go to waste. Many people spend a lot of time writing very high quality articles only to let down when it comes to crafting the ideal resource box.

Don't make this mistake, make sure your resource box gives readers a reason to click on that link. Don't just offer a benefit, for visiting your site, offer benefits they can have right now. Use phrases like, "find out how," or "learn more about," or "don't lose another minute." Appeal to your readers' need for immediate gratification, and you get more clicks and more visitors for every article you write.

Charles Brown is a copywriter and internet marketer who teaches entrepreneurs how to create superior marketing campaigns, write compelling web content, capture more leads, build huge email lists and use autoresponders to turn casual website visitors into buyers. His popular newsletter, Tightwad Marketing Ideas is a must for any entrepreneur wanting to successfully market any business without spending a fortune.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Why is it important to build your list? For one, it will give you a good idea of your coverage of your target market. Second, it will be very easy for you to send them updates when you are launching a product or running special promotions. Those who belong to your list are the people who are most likely going to patronize your business.

Here are 4 keys to excel at list building:

1. Trade ads. You can promote a link to your opt-in list by creating your own banners and ads that you can display right at your own website. However, to further increase your traffic, you can swap ads with other publishers of ezines.

2. Give away free items. This is commonly referred to as viral marketing. Perhaps you can compile all of your old articles into one eBook, and you can give them for free for every person that subscribes to your mailing list. Other ideas will include free reports, discounts during your product launch, and giveaways.

3. Post in forums. These are actually one of the best sites to advertise the URL for your opt-in list. You may participate in relevant discussions, where you can add your link in your reply or post. If there aren't any related threads, you can very well start your own. You can also leave your URL in your signature file. However, forums are getting stricter nowadays, so make sure you have read their rules first. Otherwise, you may be forever banned from them.

4. Write your articles. Articles are definitely great means of inviting subscribers. This is because you can show your expertise and level of authority in them. After all, when it comes to building your business and building your list, credibility is very important.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to list building success, 'Secrets of List Building for Profit'

Download it free here: List Building Secrets

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

1. Title tag- The title tag is the single most important piece of content for people who search.

-Keep it short--8-10 Words (60 Characters with space) -Start with most important keyword (Not Your company name) -Combine the important keywords by using "|"

2. Description tag -Write a summary of your page. -Must to include ( Less than 30 words)

3. Size of The Page Should not exceed 100 KB.

4. Don't forget to use Heading1 and Heading2 tags. It's very much important.

5. Bold, italicize, and underline your keywords.

6. Place your keyword at the top left side and end-right side of your webpage. You can creatively include your keywords in the copyright footer of your webpage.

7. Check out the backlinks of your competitors. Search on Google '' link: www.YourCompetitor.Com." Then try to get backlink from these sites. You can request backlink, reciprocal link or Text-Link-Ads in those sites. Keep in mind what is the PageRank (PR) of these sites. I mean just creatively copy the competitors.

8. You must have backlinks from different website pointing your site as much as possible. Remember, backlinks from irrelevant website can decrease your PageRank. So try get backlink from the site same to your site theme.

9.Write articles and submit them to Ezines. Include link of your website in the footer of your article

10. Buy Text-Link-Ads from high page rank website on your niche.

11. Include your main keywords in the "anchor text".

12. Try to get links from as many different IP Addresses as possible.

13. In order to get backlink to your website, you can trade links with other people by sending link requests.

Joynal Abedin is the author of Earn Money Online Tips. He provides the resource of How to earn money online From AdSense and other affiliate programs. Describes the legitimate ways to earn money online like Paid Survey, Get Paid Programs etc. Read his blog for learning about SEO

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

One of the most commonly made mistakes about an affiliate marketing partnership program is that because it is so very easy to make money that a lot of people think that no effort is needed. A lot of the sales pitches you read and hear about affiliate marketing add to this misconception. They claim that it is so easy to make profits that anybody can do it, when reality steps in many affiliate site owners give up before they make there first commission.

This happens because a lot of people misunderstand - "simple" is not the same a "easy"

An Affiliate marketing partnership program works on some simple rules and assumptions. The mechanics of how it works is that it creates an opportunity to make a real income that is not difficult or complex. This thing called affiliate marketing is so very simple that any one can easily understand the idea behind it; it's not that hard if you know what to do.

Because of the simplicity of this system most people dream of making big buck with affiliate marketing without being prepared to do any work. The equation they seem to miss is that being simple does not mean easy. Like with anything else in order to be successful it takes time and effort.

A lot of people prefer not to listen to this but to be successful in affiliate marketing you need more than just a good understanding of the ideas and concepts of the system. You can't just sit at a computer and produce commission checks one after the other. It's not as easy as that. The system is simple but requires understanding of certain techniques and the will to execute them.

This is explained in detail at PIPS (Plug in Profits Site). This site is basically a how to do manual on affiliate marketing, that shows about the simplicity and efficiency of affiliate marketing combined with solid techniques that a person can use to make an income online. The plug in profits site consists of six affiliates -Leisure Audio Books, SFI Marketing, Success University, Empowerism, Host4Profit and Adminder.

These Affiliate sites have fantastic training programs and pay out very high commissions. Best of all the products that they sell can be sold over and over to the same customer. So when you make a sale you can make money for months. Some of the support they give is as follows -

A free website

Assist you in getting traffic to your website

Teach you to manage technical problems

Help you advertise and sell products

Simple does not mean easy, but it surly does not mean that affiliate marketing is difficult. What it means is you need to jump into action with a good plan and even better tactics in order to get this business model into a super profit earner.

Follow the recommendations of the Plug in profits site and you can make a lot of money with affiliate marketing. You can build a bridge between the simplicity of affiliate marketing and the actual process and techniques needed to master in order to earn a big pay day. To learn more about this site check out the attached link.

Andy the Home Biz Wiz recommends for more info visit -

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Search engine optimization (SEO) experts have gained popularity these days because their services have become essential in site optimization. Optimizing the site involves the modification of the websites to rank it high in the result pages. Experts provide many types of services to their clients. A wise and normal SEO provider proposes affordable search engine optimization services (SEO services) for almost all small and middle sized companies. However, the types of SEO services can be broadly classified into two categories namely on-page optimization and off-page optimization.

The service of on-page optimization basically deals with fine-tuning the contents in the website. This in turn will make the site rank high in the search engines. The main services included in the on-page optimization are keyword analysis, optimizing website content HTML coding, building keyword rich content, creation of optimized title and META tags, and implementing various separate search engine submission methodologies to promote the website.

Off-page optimization deals with the implementation of a theme-based link building strategy. This results in the improvement of the website in link popularity and reputation. It also ensures that the businesses get only qualified links. For example submitting your site to the top search engines for link sharing will automatically increase the rank of your site. Though there are many distinct features for both these types of SEO services, they are equally important for a website. Without implementing SEO techniques, your site will soon be non-existent on the Internet.

SEO training, consulting, design evaluation and site assessment are some other types of SEO services. Several firms charge a one-time fee where as most others charge the service fee quarterly. There are a number of small businesses which are unable to afford the budget of SEO techniques. Such business should consider SEO tools, or the SEO jump start.

SEO Services provides detailed information on SEO Services, Affordable SEO Services, Professional SEO Services, SEO Copywriting Services and more. SEO Services is affiliated with SEO Services.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

The major challenge of search engine optimization (SEO) for small business owners is that the rules change often. While some small business owners may have a basic understanding of SEO techniques, most do not have the time to stay on top of current trends. The result is that most small business websites are either completely unoptimized for today's search engines or they have some optimiziation using old or outdated steps. Here, I will share some website optimization tips that are beneficial to most websites, have stood the test of time, and are relatively simple to implement.

To begin with, your site must be visible to search engines, which is not the same as being visible to humans. Search engines cannot understand and rank your web site if their "spiderbots" cannot follow links between pages. Therefore, every website should have a sitemap. Simply do a search for "create sitemap" to find sites where you can create and download your own sitemap.

Your website should also use HTML-based text links to connect all your pages together. Some search engines currently have difficulty reading links contained within programming languages such as Flash and Javascript. While a sitemap will help the engines see a basic outline of your website, using text links alone or in addition to other types of links will enable your site to be indexed and ranked appropriately.

Now that we are sure your site can be found, the next major step is to provide quality information, or content. Quality content must be relevant to your site, offer a unique perspective, and be timely in nature. Updating or adding content frequently tells search engines consistent effort is going into your site's content, and may provide a ranking boost to your site when other factors are similar. One of the reasons blogs are so popular now is due to their simple manner in which content may be added, updated, or changed. Any content added should reflect one of the basic themes or areas of focus on your site. Websites with no focused topics find top rankings impossible to achieve. After adding your new content, be sure to link your other pages to the new content - taking care to use descriptive words in your link text (often called "anchor text").

Sites that offer useful content updated regularly will eventually attract a lot of internet surfers. However, SEO for small business cannot be considered complete without strategies to speed up the process. The general term for this process is link development (or "link-building") and is a third major step in search engine optimization. Building link popularity can involve actions such as sending out optimized press releases whenever newsworthy events occur regarding your business. Other forms of link popularity include contacting other websites and directories with similar content or groups and request for a link to the site.

Many options exist for affordable website design. They design an effective web site which is easy to use, easy to navigate and attractively designed. When considering potential web design firms, consider more than just cost alone - ask about their knowledge of search engine optimization techniques. Without at least a basic understanding of SEO techniques, you could end up with a website that is overlooked or ignored by search engines.

An SEO web designer's strategy is to increase natural web traffic and improve your search engine rankings. True SEO web design isn't a miracle, it's an art that necessitates following a fairly distinct path of website expansion including valuable reader content, properly design pages, significantly placed key search terms, search term modification and page assessment. Search engine optimization is first about getting your site listed in the search engines, secondly about ranking well and, most importantly, about bringing the right visitors to your website.

R. Jason McGhinnis is an experienced business website designer, search engine optimizer, and owner of eNCarolina Web Services. Visit his blog to learn more about SEO for your business.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing requires you to ask the reader to take an action at the end of the article. One of the great things about article marketing is that at the end of every article is a resource box, that when used properly, drives the reader back to your website or blog.

The problem that I see every day with my students, members, and mentees, is that most writers do not know how to create or craft a powerful call to action.

How to create a powerful call to action

One of the principles on the Internet is that you cannot assume, ever, that the reader or visitor knows what to do next. In fact many readers do not know what to do next and therefore do not think.

I'll call to action is simply a request or invitation for the reader to take your most desired action. If you want the reader to download a free information product that your most desired action. If you want the reader to subscribe to a newsletter, then that your most desired action.

The point is simply this - you must invite the reader to take the next step which is your most desired action.

Here is an example of a call to action -

"Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to (my url)."

In the above example I have taken the reader by the hand and invited them to take the next action that I desire them to take. That is a gentle yet powerful call to action for your resource box at the end of your articles.

Would you like free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

In a nutshell, article marketing is the most effective marketing tool in the internet today. Millions of webmasters who have benefited from this tool would surely attest to this. Some even say that this is the "magic pill" that any marketer should take in order to popularize their website and increase their online revenue in the process.

Here are the 4 amazing and powerful methods to amplify your article marketing:

1. Your articles must be search-engine friendly. As a marketer, you need to understand the importance of search engines in bringing qualified traffic to your website. Determine how your articles are being indexed to increase their chances of showing up on search results page when online users search for keywords to which your articles are based on.

2. Your articles must be publisher-friendly. Every submission site has its own rules and regulations. To minimize the chances of your articles being rejected, make sure that they adhere to the standards set by publishers.

3. Your articles must be reader-friendly. While keeping search engines in mind, you also need to consider your readers when optimizing your content. By this, I mean that your keywords must sound natural and logical to your content. In addition, you also need to give your readers great reading experience so they will like you and eventually trust you. You can do so by making your articles content-rich, informative, useful, and direct to the point.

4. Your articles must be relevant to your business. One of your main objectives in sinking your teeth into article marketing is to promote and sell your products, right? Then, you must write articles that are relevant to your offerings to drive interested people to your website. Simply put, writing about laptops when you are selling cars will not give you potential clients.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is one of the best ways to market your business if you do it right. In my experience, you make or break your article marketing efforts in the Resource Box.

Most writers are guilty of poor article marketing because they use the resource box as sort of a virtual "ego wall" in their office.

"John/Jill Jones earned the Ph.D at Important University and is the author of several Important Books."

Well, who cares? This is a slightly exaggerated example of a resource box that does not pass the who cares test.

Article Marketing with Your Resource Box - How to Pass the "Who Cares" Test

There are three crucial steps to having a great resource box and passing the who cares test. All three of these steps involve the links back to your website used in your resource box.

Link 1 - Your first line should be a real url, or what is called an absolute url, as in For instance, "Visit for more tips and tools for writing great articles" is a great opening for your resource box.

Link 2 - In link two and three you can use hyper-linked text. Drive prospects to your site with a line that reads like this: Subscribe to our free weekly newsletter

Link 3 - In link three you simply repeat what you did in link two and invite the reader to another important page in your website, which could be a product page.

I invite you to use these tips to increase the benefits of your article marketing.

And I'd also like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates? You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy &