Thursday, June 12, 2008

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

In email marketing, it is observed that too much emphasis is being placed on the importance of growing the customer list. Many marketers feel that the whole marketing campaign is dependent on this growth to achieve its ultimate objective. Nevertheless, it is a well known fact that from the business point of view, it is definitely more cost-effective to retain the current list of subscribers than to look for new ones.

Email marketing requires constant communication between you and your customers. The email has to be sent to announce your product or service and subsequently bring in the sale. Much work has to be done along the whole process of buyer conversion. Trust and confidence in you and your product or service gradually brings to life a new relationship between you and your customers. In email marketing subscriber retention strategies, the vital issue is relationship. This relationship necessitates the knowledge of the type of subscribers that you are keeping in your database, as well as the kind of information that they normally seek from you. These subscribers will be delighted and satisfied. They will be contented to keep or grow this special relationship with you.

In email marketing, it is imperative to monitor the subscription list and track the movement of these subscribers. Subscription do not come easy, therefore it is precious to retain every subscriber to the best of your abilities. There are several strategies that can be taken to keep track of subscription retention.

(1) Write appealing, interesting and stimulating content

The emails that will be sent out to your subscribers must be carefully drafted. They are playing the role of retaining subscribers who have the freedom to opt out of your list. The content within the emails must be able to stimulate and keep the subscribers with relevance and meaning. Such content may include success stories, awards and merit, feature articles and FAQs, just to name a few. Content that is powerful, meaningful and timely will increase click-throughs that will bring in the sales numerics.

(2) Set the frequency for the dispatch of the emails

This is an important factor as far dispatch of the emails is concerned. Emails sent too often will result in message deletion and subscriber withdrawal. Subscribers will be unnecessarily annoyed in receiving so much emails too regularly. On the flip side, if emails are not sent on a frequent basis, the possibility of customers forgetting about you and your product or service will definitely be very high. All these boil down to one important finding, and this is about the fact that a balance must be struck between who are your customers and what is the current standing of your relationship with the customers.

(3) Target the right audience

In email marketing, the opt-in box plays the important role of collecting the names and email addresses of customers. Information that will be collected via this opt-in box must be correct and specific. It must support the segmentation of subscribers to facilitate easier follow-up. The initial subscriber information must therefore be subject to careful selection.

(4) Extend a warm welcome to your subscribers

Warmly welcome your subscribers. Use a pleasing and welcoming tone to strike a good opening act with them. The first impression counts. The welcome message must make the subscribers feel comfortable and at home with you. Let them know what sort of content you will be sending them, and what bonus they will get for signing up. The welcome message should preferably be short, meaningful and appealing.

(5) Constantly review the subscription strategy

Everything changes over a period of time. The subscribers would have changed their interests and passion at any time of the year. It is therefore important to keep a review schedule that will list out those subscribers who have their interests changed. This process will ensure that the potential of the emails will be maximized throughout the year. Strategies must be adjusted accordingly.

(6) Opt for quality and not quantity

Quality of subscribers is of essence to the success of the subscribers list. Subscribers who are qualified and interested are the ones who will contribute to the marketing campaign. Having 500 subscribers who are serious with the emails will definitely be more worthy than having 5,000 subscribers busily deleting them. That said, it is vital to pinpoint precisely the target audience for your product or service. Proper segmentation will result in quality lists.

(7) Keep the emails short and sweet

Effective emails are those which contain powerful content that are both interesting and convincing. They must be kept short and sweet. Long messages will go for a quick deletion. Subscribers may be busy at that point in time. Make the emails work within 5 seconds; provide the main pointers in the email. For all other information, just provide the link.

Subscriber retention is important if email marketing is to be successful. It should not be compromised. It must be given top priority as it can make or break the campaign.

For latest updates on how to increase traffic, raise page ranking, write effective articles and powerful squeeze pages, create explosive blog marketing system, learn about viral marketing, and bring in massive income from your internet marketing business, please Click here. Webmaster: Jeremy Long Chia Teik.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is a great off-page SEO solution that can help you build quality inbound links for your website without the need to resort to link building campaigns. You just need to write and distribute your articles online to impart your knowledge, gain the trust of your potential clients, and drive them to your website.

Here are the 4 great methods to improve your article marketing:

1. Supercharge your titles. This is the first element that online users will see online. Thus, you need to create a strong impression to compel them to open and read your articles. Make your headlines short, direct to the point, and descriptive of what your article is all about. Employ emotion, logic, exaggeration, and anything that will push your potential clients' buttons. Remember, to be successful in this marketing technique, you need to be desperate for attention.

2. Power up your author's bio. Introduce yourself to online users by giving them sneak peak on what you do, your hobbies, and your willingness to help. Avoid making your short biography a blatant advertisement and just make it personal. This is your first step in building rapport with your readers so they will learn to trust you eventually. Don't forget to include your most friendly-looking picture to make your bio more interesting and visually appealing.

3. Do keyword analysis. Know what keywords are ranking better on search engines and use them on your content. By doing so, you will make your articles highly searchable online.

4. Carefully choose your topics. If you don't know where to get great topic ideas, I highly recommend forums and article submission sites. These can give you great insights on what your potential clients might be looking for on your articles. Just stick to those topics that are relevant to your products so you can attract qualified traffic to your website.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Article marketing is an easy, powerful and effective way to market your business.

Here's a checklist you can use for every article you write.

1. Know your goal for each article

What's your goal for your article? Your goal may be to provide links and traffic to your Web site, or to promote a product or your services.

Write your goal down. When you're writing, it's very easy to forget what your goal was.

2. What's your reader's takeaway?

Each article needs to have a takeaway - a benefit - for your reader. This enhances your credibility, and makes it more likely that the reader will visit your site via the links in your resource box to see what else you have to offer.

Write down your takeaway.

3. Develop your keywords so your readers will find you

Research the most appropriate keywords for your article. Collect five to 10. You'll emphasize two to three in the article, the others will be added to article's Web page meta tags.

4. Develop an intriguing title that's relevant and includes a promise

Think of your article's title as a headline. It's the most important part of your article, because it attracts attention, and it should include the promise of a benefit to the reader.

Make sure the title is relevant to your article, and includes your most important keyword.

5. Write the article, delivering on your promise

When you're writing your article, ensure that you deliver on the promise you made in the title. Unless you deliver, your reader will have no incentive to click through to your site - he no longer trusts you, because you don't keep your promises.

6. Write the resource box for the article

Your "resource box" has a single goal - to get the reader to click through to your landing page for the article. Make another promise of a benefit if the reader clicks.

7. Post the article on your site

Add the article to your Web site as site content, adding links to products and services relevant to the article.

8. Post the article to an article directory

Should you post your article to several article directories for promotion and traffic, or just one?

Some article marketers believe that you should post your articles to many directories. However, I prefer to post to a single directory. It saves time and I haven't noticed any benefits from posting to many directories. Your mileage may be different.

So there you have it - your article marketing checklist. It will increase the speed at which you can write effective articles by giving you a method to follow.

Want to build a well-paid writing career? You can, with Angela Booth's new Writing Hacker Web site at - watch Angela's "Make money Writing: Write and sell Web articles - they're in hot demand" video.

For more writing tips, subscribe to Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Ezine at and receive "Write And Sell Your Writing: The Power-Write Report". It's 21 pages packed with information to help you to develop a six-figure writing career, and it's completely free. Angela's Fab Freelance Writing Blog at brings you fresh writing tips several times a week.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Leading a downline is a challenging part of any MLM or network marketing business. But effective leadership is a vital part of helping your downline to produce at top levels.

Here are eight success strategies for effective MLM leadership.

1. Ask questions. Effective leadership involves empowering your downline to do things for themselves. Allow your downline to solve their own problems and answer their own questions. Guiding them to the answers is a matter of asking the right questions as an upline:

What do you think you could do in that situation?

What worked out the best for you with this business-building event?

How would you handle that differently next time?

When you are tempted to tell a team member what to do, ask a question instead and allow them to discover the answer for themselves.

2. Find each individuals personal strength. Many times, the network marketing industry is so focused on duplication that we forget the fact that each individual brings a unique set of skills, strengths, and experiences. Invest some time identifying particular ways that a person can be successful with your business even if they are beyond the duplicatable system that you have set up.

3. Lead, dont push. Effective leadership doesnt involve pushing, dragging, or bribing people to success. Leading is about walking out in front of people, successfully working the business so that they will want to follow you on their own accord. Its about making personal relationships with people so that they can ask you questions. Provide the information and tools they need, and then inspire them by successfully demonstrating the example yourself.

4. Manage your time effectively. As a leader, youre constantly identifying the one thing that is the most valuable use of your time, right now. Effective leaders dont allow each of their team members to chat away for hours on the phone. View yourself as a businessperson, and keep each conversation on task.

5. Teach that consistency is the key to success. Help your downline to understand that success is never about one isolated event. Its a marathon - not a sprint with continual and consistent baby steps. Create a list of simple business building tasks, and teach them to keep a log of the tasks completed each day. Whether its 3, 5, or 10 tasks, let them know that success depends on how many of these tasks they commit to completing on a consistent basis.

6. Keep consistent communication. Send team updates or newsletters via email to your downline at least every two weeks. Recognize achievements as much as possible. Everyone loves to see his or her name in print. This, in itself, can be tremendously motivating.

7. Know when to move on. Recognize that you cant make anyone do anything. You can lead, but if one of your downline wont follow it might be a better use of your time to find a more self-motivated person than to beat yourself up to motivate someone who, for one reason or another, isnt working at the business.

8. Take five. Creating a large and successful network marketing team is so fun and rewarding that we sometimes forget to take breaks and that can lead to burnout. Take some time off every now and then, and enjoy the journey.

Jamie Jefferson writes for and, including the latest Office Depot Coupons