Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bleeding Edge Article Marketing Secrets - How To Write A Killer Title That Pulls Visitors Like Crazy

Would you like to know how to write an article that gets results up to 5 times better than what you are currently getting? You will when you read this article.

One of the biggest mistakes that I see many marketers make is that they write boring titles. I would like to go as far as to say that your article title is about 50 percent of the results that you will get.

Let us look at why this is the case. If you write a boring title then it will be very unlikely that somebody will click on it. It is the same with a sales letter you need to have an attention grabbing headline that will make people want to read the rest of it. I have found that when I have interesting titles the results that I get are significantly better than when I do not.

Let us look at how to construct a powerful title. It will become apparent how important it is to use a power word. If you use a word like secrets for example people automatically believe that you have something very special to share in your article. If you get a copywriting manual you will get a list of all the power words that you can use. When you use these you will find that you get so much better results for your title.

Finally, another important aspect about your title is that you need to do keyword research for it. When somebody does a search in Google if you have the first words of your title as keywords you will find that your article will get good rankings for these. You can use keyword tools like Wordtracker to discover these low competition high traffic keywords.

Are you really interested in driving massive traffic to your website?

Here's the answer:

Secrets Of Article Marketing - Download your free ebook now.

Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Article Marketing - You Don't Have to Write to Reap the Benefits

Providing quality content to your readers is golden and article marketing has been a proven marketing method many times over.

Writing informative articles is not the only way that article marketing will help your business:

1. Free Content

As for me I blog a lot, run several sites and coming up with posts seems impossible some days.

That's when I start to research articles that closely match my sites niche and use them as blog posts.

Email the author of the article and let them know you used their content including a link directly to their article.

2. Newsletters

Use articles to send out in newsletters.

Again I sometimes come up short with ideas for newsletters or would rather delegate the writing to someone else.

Keep your readers engaged by sending out regular newsletters with quality information and articles.

3. Start Your Own Article Directory

There are several ways that you can start your own article directory and one kickback is to make money from advertisements.

If you like your site more personalized you can hire a web designer to create one for you if you don't know how to already.

Search for free software or customizable templates that are actual article directory that you can create.

You can do what I do because I'm big on blogging so I made a mini directory as a part of one of my marketing blogs: Urban Writ

4. Ad Copy

An attention getting article can be used in web or print advertising. Post the article as a teaser and let readers know that they can find 'more information like this' at your website.

5. E-Zines

Search for articles that contain valuable content that your readers can appreciate. Instead of contacting the author to offer a guest spot use a series of their articles over a period of time.

Hidden Perks

Other benefits of using pre-written articles is the use of key phrases. A well written article may rank high for search engines and bring your web site to front page.

Sending the authors some traffic for work they have already done may get you some return traffic from their site.

Readers have the opportunity to deviate from your site by clicking the links in the resource box of the article. Keep in mind the time saved writing can be used to build your business instead.

Check out some of the latest information on blog marketing and Web 2.0 for your business at the Blogs That Make Money Website!