Saturday, May 24, 2008

Five Steps to Win the Battle with Strategic Internet Marketing

Internet marketing is like getting into a fight. Winning requires careful planning and formulation of strategies and not just brute force. If you base your decisions entirely on whims then don't be surprised if the results are just as unexpected and unstable!

Five Steps to Win the Battle with Strategic Internet Marketing

The Internet is your battle site and financial success is your reward. Brute force is exhibited by the amount of money you have at your disposal. It's going to help, but it's not enough. Internet marketing is your main weapon and to prepare for battle, you need to know how to effectively use your weapon to win the fight.

Remember your goal.

What is your goal? Be as specific as you can. When you've got your goals spelled out, have them posted and displayed wherever you're working. You can make it a part of your desktop background and have a banner of it posted on your wall. What's important is to keep it in sight literally and figuratively. These goals will serve as your motivation to succeed.

Start planning.

And when we say plan, we don't mean the general, abstract type that you only formulate verbally. Put it into writing. Be detailed. Make an outline. Identify all the resources you need to have to attain your goal. Determine the tasks you need to accomplish and in what particular sequence should they be completed. Take note of your strengths and weaknesses consider them when you're mapping out strategies. Pay attention to the opportunities and threats around you as they could make or break your plan.

To make planning easier, start with a general outline then break it down to smaller or more detailed tasks step by step. Lastly, remember that the best plans are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound.

Start organizing.

You know what to do so it's time to get things done. Start allocating resources. How much money do you need for your Internet marketing strategy? How much money do you have? How much money will you have to obtain from financing? Do you have all the necessary resources in possession or would you have to outsource some of them?

Don't do it alone if you don't have to. Delegate what you can but take personal care of the most important tasks or those which you can't afford to fail in.

Don't forget to be a leader.

If you have people in your employ and all of you are working on the same Internet marketing project, remember your role as a leader as well. Give your employees a pat on the back whenever they deserve it. Verbal praise is free so don't be a scrooge with it! Motivate them with promises of rewards and promotions! Train them how to derive satisfaction from a job well done. Do what you can so that they'll see the benefits of aligning their personal goals with that of the company.

Monitor and evaluate your progress.

Keep careful track of every aspect of your Internet marketing strategy. If you've chosen to use text ads for a particular project, use the various statistical tools made available by your advertiser and other websites to quantify the results of your ads. Evaluate the results. Is it better, worse, or equal to what you've expected?

Implement changes.

There's always room for improvement, even just the tiniest bit. Monitoring and evaluating results will let you know what changes you have to make. Consider your options before applying any changes. is an Expert Online Marketer
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Profitable List Building - 7 Outstanding Steps to Advance With List Building

List building is considered one of the most powerful marketing tools that every webmasters must use in order to augment their sales potential and build continued relationship with their potential and current clients.

Here are the 7 outstanding steps to advance with list building:

1. Viral marketing. You can send ebook, interesting email or video clips, informative articles, or part of your ezine that contains a link to your opt-in page to your prospective clients. You can then ask your recipients to forward these viral marketing tools to their friends and family members so you can widen your reach.

2. Use testimonials. Post great testimonials of your most satisfied subscribers to your website, ezine page, and even on your blog. Make sure that each testimonial communicates the benefits that your current subscribers are getting as a member of your email marketing list.

3. PPC advertising. If you want a more aggressive approach in building your list, you can post your ad on major search engines. This can generate instant traffic and leads.

4. Swap ads. You can attract more registrants by swapping ads to webmasters who are running blogs, ezine, or website that are relevant to your products and services.

5. Article marketing. If you have the knack for writing, you can easily persuade online users to subscribe to your list by simply writing and distributing useful, informative articles.

6. Forum posting. Join forums and online discussion boards that are frequented by your target market. You can then post smart replies together with your signature file that contains the URL to your opt-in page.

7. Email signature files. You can use your outgoing emails to further expand you list. You can include a brief description of your email marketing list and its benefits.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Getting Relevant, Effective Links!

Once upon a time a website owner looked for and secured links from other sites simply to get traffic from that site and send some traffic back for the privilege.

There was no Google, Yahoo, or MSN setting rules about reciprocal links which have now somehow become "the law."

Links were for traffic...targeted traffic.

Since, to this day, nothing does your site more good than a good, visible, relevant link from a site which caters to your perfect market base, I propose a test you can run in your marketing for a couple of months.

Get links from sites based upon factors that matter most:

1. Good content
2. Strong reader base
3. Willingness to link from a prominent place

Let the engines worry about their silly algorithms for a couple months. Pretend they are not there. I think you will be surprised when you come back and see that they actually like you more than before!

Google "banned" reciprocal linking because it was being abused and they set about to detect the abuse and rectify their rankings by giving you no love (PR) for the links you got (if you used automation and got a lot of senseless links).

The solution for you? Don't go grabbing links from link directories and non relevant sites, no matter how high their rankings or PR.

The rule is: less links, higher value, less time spent getting them.

Choosing the right sites...

Good Content

A site that does a great job on real content (not just sales material and pitches) is a great link partner.

People flock to content and appreciate it. Get your links in front of people who appreciate the content they are reading. They will be in a good mood when they hit your link.

Strong Reader Base

Does the site have an obvious following? If it's a blog, are there a lot of comments and conversations going on? Are they from today or last year?

Willingness to Link from an Obvious Place

Links need to come from pages on other sites that actually see human visitors in as high number as possible. And the owner must be willing. It shouldn't be hard to convince someone or you should move on.

Easy Ways to Get Links (Reciprocal and Non Reciprocal)

*Be a part of something. If you are in a halfway decent niche, there is a wider discussion going on around you. Are you listening, commenting on blogs, doing trackbacks, and participating in forums?

*Do content exchange rather than link exchange. Write original content for someone in your niche and host their content on your site.

*Write exclusive content for another site in your niche just for the link. If someone wrote killer content for my blog that was perfect for my visitors I'd have a hard time turning it down!

There's no better place to be than in the posts of another popular blog!

Links make the web work. Now that there is a difference between good and bad links, just focus on what would be best for your site and your readers when acquiring links. That's all Google wants after all.

Jack Humphrey is the editor of The Friday Traffic Report. For more linking and website promotion tips, head over to the Friday Traffic Report and get some free targeted traffic.

Articles of Confusion or of Help

Every day the internet mushrooms by millions upon millions more article web pages, this one being no exception, than the day before. Articles of every kind, type, length and language pepper the World Wide Web with a variety of expert topics aimed at informing, educating and assisting web surfers in our journey around the never-ending network of connectivity that we know as the web. With all this incredible writing activity and information sharing, at times I have to stand back and wonder, are all these articles truly helpful or are they just creating more confusion?

As some background information, I subscribe to a popular newsletter service that publishes an outstanding newsletter on interesting topics such as web design, marketing and e-commerce news. Everyday my in box has an article from this service, which I am more than happy to open in order to discover what wise wisdom they and their writers hope to impart on that day. At times, when there is a truly exceptional article on a topic that I know I can benefit from I will print it out for further study in hopes that it can help me. So needless to say I have a stack of them in a folder. Let me share a few of them with you and then we can talk about the question I posed in the title to this article.

In December 2005 an article was written focused on using keywords in web pages, then in January 2006 an article on link popularity, in February 2006 an article on HTML code optimization, in March 2006 an article on using RSS feeds to enhance your web pages then in April 2006 an article dedicated to the proper way to use meta tags.

By themselves, the titles of these five articles seem informative and valuable, but how many thousands of articles were written in December 2005 on using the proper keywords in your web pages, or in March 2006 on the value of integrating RSS feeds into your website? Hard to say, but as you can imagine it probably has many zeros behind that number.

So, as a home-based business owner who is running a website, how do you decipher through all the junk to find the little treasure that lies in a few of these articles. For me, I initially searched and subscribed to a number of expert sites until I found one that I felt provided fresh article content with just a little sales from time to time. I do not mind the sales pitches as long as there is some good article content to follow.

The key here is to stay focused on the topic that you are interested in. As an example, I was interested in learning more about affiliate programs and so recently, I subscribed to an affiliate tip newsletter. The newsletter is short, to the point, provides links for more information if I desire and does not arrive everyday.

If I were to provide some advice, it would be to subscribe to about ten newsletters, segmented by category then over the course of a few weeks begin to filter out and unsubscribe out of the newsletters that you feel are just not worthwhile.

That concludes this article; I wanted to keep it reasonably short. I am positive that we could have continued discussing the finer points of article content but we should each take a little from each article and learn a little on our own to be successful. So with that, best of luck in your business.

For information on starting a home-based business or to get your own free website visit us at

Why You Should Never Buy a List

You will find on the online arena the numerous and immense number of sites that are selling lists that they claim to be very effective and efficient. These vendor sites would even extend towards making a promise that these lists will make sure fire in the building of a possible opt-in and even to the extent of having a double opt-in. Nonetheless, these promises may be so good to be so true in the real essence. So, if you are considering about buying a list from these vendors, think twice and know the reasons why top email marketers stay away from list for sale:

a. Buying a list from a vendor does not in any way guarantee that there will be an opt-in or a double opt-in. With various scamming activities happening online, you don't have a single idea how these vendors get their lists. Thus, it follows that the quality of the list is questionable. You don't have a guarantee that these lists are email addresses of your prospective clients. It is highly possible that you get an email address of an 15-year old student when you are selling adult films or content.

b. The action of buying a list from a vendor poses more threat and problems more than reaping good results. This is because the lists that you buy out are not verified and may not have been checked for validity and existence. This is even more difficult to trace knowing that you do not even know the origin or where these lists have actually come from.

c. The act of buying out a list from a vendor site is non-guaranteed. This means that after having bought the list from them, you are on your own. If by any chance the list did not generate the expected rate of return from them, then you are by no means guaranteed by these vendor sites.

d. Buying a list from a vendor does not promote hard work. The thinking that you can benefit from something that is not hard earned is a business attitude that is very wrong in nature. What is sad about it is that, it may get into your system and that you cannot get away from doing it again and again.

In that perspective, instead of buying a list from a vendor site, there are still so many and immense ways on how you can build a list on a more legal, more ethical, and a lot worry free method. There are so many opportunities that you can use in order to build an extensive list in a far high quality. All you need to do is to exhaust your effort and deal with it at your utmost dedication.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to list building success, 'Secrets of List Building for Profit'

Download it free here: List Building Secrets

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Marketing Success Strategies - The Customer Satisfaction Dance Strategy

You know the beat, they drum it into your head every time you meet a new customer. It starts out with "I have a problem." Yikes! The answer must be "I have a solution."

In college, I had an instructor who had a powerful way of thinking and acting toward students. She never offered solutions. She made them come up with their own. If you went to her with a problem, she'd start asking you questions, and she kept at it until you solved your own problem. I can't tell you how beneficial her teaching style was to me. But I can show you.

When your customer begins to tell you their problem, make a mental note not to give away the solution. Begin by learning as much as you can about their problem by asking questions. With each question you ask, your customer will be more and more aware of the problem.

Once you have a clear understanding of the problem (you can actually take notes, it helps!), you can begin to ask questions about the solution. Ask if they've tried various things, hopefully these solutions are ones you have available in your business, or can have readily enough.

You're rather obviously breathing life into the solution side of the issue. Your customer is learning more about the problem and finding the solution within the answers to your questions. The products required, or services available through your company will help them with the solution, and they know where to find them, because you've asked them and they've answered (with a little nudging, perhaps).

The customer satisfaction dance strategy works very well in the marketing industry. Create your own marketing success strategy to dance around the customer's problem using helps from Brand Your Market.

I want to offer you valuable Brand Recognition information and FREE Access to The Branding Iron Ezine, a business tool that will take your online business to greater heights of success. When you sign up for The Branding Iron at you'll receive a FREE ebook as a gift just for signing up.

From Jan Verhoeff - The Marketing Success Strategy Expert

Link Building With Blogs

Its been said time and time again that links are the currency of the web. Without links, your odds of achieving significant online traffic (either from other websites or search engines) without big ad bucks are slim to none.

Without links, no one knows you exist online. The Technorati search engine ranks the popularity of blogs by the number of incoming links. And Googles search engine algorithm thinks youre more important when you have links aimed at you from important people.

Its not enough anymore to just get people talking they need to be linking. Its more important these days that they spell your URL right, rather than your name.

It can be awfully lonely on the web when no one stops by.

If youre trying to do business online, lonely equals poor. Whether youre selling products, services or advertising, you need visitors who not only stop by, but return again and again.

First of all, youd better be blogging. Youve got to join the conversation and have something valuable to say before anyone will bother acknowledging you.

In the excellent business blogging book Naked Conversations, authors Robert Scoble and Shel Israel envision a day when a business that doesnt blog will be viewed with suspicion by the public. Blog marketing has been dismissed as fad and reviled as fanciful, but the denial stage is over, and everyone is getting in on the action.

Want to build links? Get yourself a blog and join the conversation.

Brian Clark is the founder of which provides free Internet Marketing video tutorials for effective online business. He also writes about online copywriting techniques at his blog

Copyright 2006 Brian Clark

Amazing Article Marketing - 5 Rewarding Techniques to a Better Article Marketing

Article marketing in a modernized business environment is an indispensable marketing tool to ensure success and continued growth. The contribution of article marketing in the progress of a business entity is an incontestable truth. For this reason, a lot of businessmen are agreeing to the fact that article marketing is one good tool that needs to be honed and maximized in its full potential. Below are the five rewarding tips that you can use to achieve a better article marketing:

1. Develop a very well conceptualized theme for what you will be writing. Articles need to be themed at times. This means that for a certain period of time, you will need to have a specific theme to deal with. Your contents shall remain focused on that theme.

2. Do not deviate with your conceived theme. The mere fact that a theme was developed means that it needs to be followed. Besides that theme is only going to run for a specified time frame.

3. Always check for the latest issues and current trends. Make some articles about these issues and allow for your personal opinions to surface on your own writing. This will allow you to have the perfect avenue to explore your expertise about the issue that you are discussing.

4. You can market your articles better if you have a powerful means to make these publicly accessible. You can do that by allowing your articles to be published on some of the leading article directories and sites on the net. These sites will be your vehicle to attain proper exposure.

5. You can also market your articles by having these exchanged with some of the leading known and popular sites on the net. This means that you can have your articles published on some other related websites that can offer x-deal with you. Just make sure that the x-deal is something that will be beneficial to you and your business.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Philippine Outsourcing Services - Now You See It, Now You Don't

Large firms that have fueled the global information technology outsourcing boom and have put developing countries. These such as India and the Philippines on investors' radar screens are getting to be picky, according to a recent study.

We do believe that the boom years for IT outsourcing growth have come and gone, said Brian Tumpowsky in a statement. Buyers are learning to be more selective and strategic in the way they approach outsourcing and, as such, the pace of growth is slowing. Tumpowsky is co-author of the 2006 Global IT Outsourcing Study conducted by Diamond Management and Technology Consultants (DMTC), a Chicago-based IT management consulting firm.

DMTCs study reveals that buyers are still prematurely terminating contracts, and questioning the value of onshore outsourcing. They are also struggling with the basics of determining what to outsource, measuring effectiveness and managing a global pool of resources. Buyers are concerned about contract renegotiations, extensions and terminations to seek additional outsourcing opportunities.

In 2006, 8 percent of offshore buyers said they plan to decrease their levels of outsourcing over the next 12 months. This is compared to DMTC's previous study in 2004 in which none of the buyers said they would decrease the amount of outsourcing they were doing.

Firms are reining in outsourcing for three reasons: either they mistakenly outsourced a process or function that is core to their business and are now bringing those back in; their provider over-promised and under-delivered; or, the complexity of managing and measuring outsourcing projects and relationships overshadowed the benefits.

This however does not signal the death knell for IT outsourcing.

DMTC said the industry is alive and will continue to grow well into the future, although at a slower pace.

The pace of growth has declined significantly over the past several years. In 2004, 86 percent of all buyers told DMTC that they were going to increase their level of offshore outsourcingalbeit at a slower pace than in years past. By 2005, that number had slipped to 70 percent and currently sits at an all-time low of 64 percent.

The good news is, overall, the percentage of buyers satisfied with their IT outsourcing decisions remains quite high, with 71 percent of buyers saying they were happy with their offshore providers. In 2005, the offshore satisfaction rate was only 62 percent.

The study polled hundreds of senior executives mainly based in the United States and Europe and studied industry trends over the past 12 months in the areas of spending, buyer satisfaction, outsourcing impact and leadership of the changing outsourcing market.

Paul Jyron D. Andonaque does link building for AoV Philippines Outsourcing and currently undergoing extensive SEO training under Chris Sandberg. He has been on with his career as a link builder and a webmaster for almost a year yielding satisfactory results for Outsource to the Philippines AoV

How I Went From 0 Clients to Making $250-Day in Less than 3 Weeks Writing SEO Articles

In 2007, I started to do SEO article writing.

Even though I've been freelancing since 1993, this is a very new form of writing for me. To date, most of my clients had been small business owners who commission newsletters, brochure copy, articles for their websites, etc. I have some corporate clients who outsource their editing/rewriting work to me, eg, editing annual reports.

I decided to give SEO writing a try for four reasons:
i) I was bored with my existing workload;
ii) I'd read a lot about SEO writing and knew that it was going to be lucrative long-term;
iii) there's not a lot of competition in the field (not for good, quality writers anyway); and
iv) it's quick turnaround (in pay and assignments).

As an aside, it fits my rather schizophrenic writing personality too in that I may write five articles in one day on extremely different topics - from wedding accessories to mortgages. As my brain likes to flit from project to project, this works great for me.

How to Break into a New Freelance Writing Niche Quickly & Profitably!

As this was a completely different field for me, I had to start marketing from scratch. Following is how I went from 0 to making $250/day in about three week's time.

Marketing for New Clients? Here's a 3-Step Plan that Works Every Time

1) Website: I took about a week to build a website specifically for this type of writing.

2) Research: I compiled a list of SEO companies I wanted to contact for work.

3) Contact: I contacted them - one at a time, using the names of appropriate contacts where possible and at minimum mentioning the company in the email when no specific name could be found.

Marketing Success by the Numbers: What makes this plan work every time is that you make contact every day with a certain number of firms. In my case, I decided to contact - at minimum - 20 companies a day.

On the very first day of marketing, I received two inquiries from companies wanting to use me for pending projects starting the next month.

About three days later, I received another inquiry from a potential client who wanted to package my services with a presentation he was giving to secure a client. And, in the second week, I landed a client who gave me 4 writing projects in three days.

This client is a large SEO marketing firm and wants to put me on their permanent staff of writers (we'll see how this pans out).

While nothing beyond the current 14 writing assignments has panned out, the point I'm trying to get across is that if you make enough contacts, you will get work - especially in the SEO sector.

The best part of being an SEO content writer? You can start with no experience, no samples and no website.

Good luck if you decide to give this type of writing a try.

Yuwanda Black is the publisher of THE business portal for and about the editorial and creative industries. Visit to learn more about how to start an SEO writing career. It's one of the easiest ways to start making money as a freelance writer, especially if you have no experience.

Workable Google Page Rank Booster

Search Engine Optimization includes two kinds of activity which labeled as On-Page Optimization and Off-Page Optimization. Nowadays, a lot of webmasters thought that if they have already optimized their site (optimize meta tags, keywords and contents - On-Page Optimization); they just can wait for the Free Traffic coming from the Search Engine. That is wrong at this Information Age! There is still another activity they must do which is Off-Page Optimization or better known as "Link Popularity" (How popular is your website in the view of other websites).

In order to get a "Link Popularity", your site must HAVE what we called as Back Link. There are two kinds of Back Link:

1. One-way Back Link

It is possible for your site to get One-Way Back Link if your website content is good in the view of other webmasters. So, they link to us, but we don't link back to them.

2. Two-way Back Link (Link Exchange)

In order to find a good Back Link, follow this rule of thumbs:

1. Your website content must have a qualify content

2. Find site which has the same topic or keyword with your website content

3. Find a link partner which has a high Google PageRank and the site that they kept your link do not contain more than 50 (fifty) links.

4. Get Back Link from different IP address

By using this kind of a good Back Link, it can help to boost your Google PageRank also. Remember, SEO method usually takes time, so please allow some time to pass when you want to implement the Google PageRank Booster method that I am going to describe in here, but as you get accustomed with it, you will find it easy to implement every time you find a niche market.

How to boost your Google PageRank?

1. Create a lot of articles within your niche market with the correct keywords and correct phrases to describe what your website is all about. I suggest that your website at least must contain around 50-100 pages. If you do not have time in creating article, you can use the PLR (Private Label Articles) that are sold, but remember not to copy directly the PLR content as your website content. It is always a good idea to modify it.

2. Create an internal links in between your website content. I recommend you to create at least 30-50 internal links.

3. Update your content often and on a consistent schedule. Search Engine love freshly updated content.

4. Create Back Link to your website from others blogs, forums, directories, Web 2.0, etc.

You need to generate at least 10,000 links so that you can get Google PageRank of 5. Don't be dazed with the 10,000 links. When you website reached 150 pages of content with forty or more links to other pages, Google's spiders will count these insider links as 6,000 links on condition that your website's content is alike. Please allow some time for this method to work.

Hery Yansen is an SEO buzz on SEO tips and owner of SEO Quick and Easy website. His website provides an informative content in e-book for those who are new online on discovering how to get top rankings by using free traffic.

7 Must-Know Rules for Article Marketing

If you are just getting started with article marketing, or if you are still learning about article marketing, begin on the right foot. Here are seven simple rules you must know (and apply) in your article marketing campaign.

Rule #1: Make a plan. Before you begin writing articles, sit down and set a few goals for yourself. Know what your purpose is for marketing with articles.

Rule #2: Create a list of directories. Knowing where to submit your articles will save you time. Decide where you'll submit your articles. Create an account at each website and bookmark it.

Rule #3: Gather article ideas. You should never wait until you think you're ready to write a few articles to compile ideas. Jot down ideas you have every day. Keep a small notebook handy to write your ideas in. When you're ready to write articles, you'll have a miniature gold mine of ideas waiting for you.

Rule #4: Write fast. Lots of writers struggle over writing a perfect copy the first time around. Forget about it. Write fast, letting your thoughts flow onto the page. Once you're finished with your draft you can edit as much as you like.

Rule #5: Check spelling, grammar and word count. Before you submit your article to any directory, be sure you run a spelling and grammar check on the document. If you tend to forget to do this, write yourself a reminder on a sticky note and place it on your monitor screen.

Rule #6: Include a well-written resource box. This is the most important, and often most overlooked, part of the article marketing process. Always include a resource box with your articles that creates a call of action to your readers.

Rule #7: Be consistent. You can't write a handful of articles and expect huge results. Article marketing requires persistence and consistency. Plan long-term and you'll start getting amazing results from your article marketing efforts.

By the way, you can make money by writing articles just like this. I'm

doing it right now by following these methods:

Search Engine Optimisation Services Specialist Discusses What Is Search Engine Optimisation Part 25

How many people have bought a software program that promised to do everything for them? Promises like 'we will drive motivated traffic to your website', 'you do not have to do a single thing, we will do it all for you', 'just pay the $300 and you will get instantaneous traffic to your website'. How many people have fallen for all that rubbish? The answer is many. How many people have fallen for the line 'we will get you one million motivated visitors to your website for $29.95'? Any person or company that makes exaggerated claims like that need to be severely punished because these types of people are nothing but 'hype'.

While we are on the topic of 'hype' you need to be aware about the 'hype' around the keyword term or phrase "Search Engine Optimisation". Do you realise that there are so many so called search engine optimisation companies and individuals on the internet and off line that are charging good people incredible amounts of money and providing absolutely no service. As an example, there has been a person who paid a company $18000 to market two websites for him on the internet.

This company promised him that they would get a massive amount of people coming to his business as a result of them marketing his website online. This company did not provide a detailed step by step procedure of how they were going to achieve that goal. The company stated that they were 'just going to do it'. You need to know what questions to ask an individual or company claiming to be search engine optimisation specialists.

Companies and people claiming to be SEO specialists and who are in fact only scam artists whose sole aim is to rob people of their money make the legitimacy of genuine sincere and honest search engine optimisation specialists' efforts very difficult. People get a bad taste about the entire internet because they got 'ripped off' and so they approach everybody with scepticism, including the honest internet marketers and SEO specialists. There are also many credible and legitimate SEO companies and individuals on the internet.

Clyde Thorburn
Search Engine Optimisation Services Specialist
Johannesburg South Africa
Landline: 2711 432 2225
Skype ID: clydethorburn
Yahoo IM: crthorburn

Targeted Article Marketing - Discover 3 Interesting Secrets to Make Money with Article Marketing

Article marketing is one of the greatest and most effective ways in creating avalanches of leads. It is being used by millions of people in promoting affiliate products to generate commission, making money through AdSense, and generating qualified traffic to their website.

Here are the 3 interesting secrets to make money with article marketing:

1. Kick-start your articles with compelling titles. Experts agree that as an article marketer, you should understand that your titles are your most effective tools in getting people to notice your content. Thus, pay close attention to them and make sure that they are interesting and attention-grabbing.

2. Make your first paragraph equally interesting. Online users are known to have short attention span. If you can't offer them something that they will find valuable in the first 100 words of your articles, they will quickly click that big X button on the upper right hand of their screen and move to the next article. You don't want this to happen to you as you would like them to read your articles in their entirety to increase the chances of your resource box being clicked. So, offer your readers the juiciest details on your first paragraph. If possible, spill in everything they need to know in the first 100 words of your articles. This will keep them interested and hopefully, this will compel them to click on your resource box.

3. Keep your articles short. As mentioned a while ago, people online have short attention span and they would like to get the information they need upfront. If you can offer them article than runs 300 words that contain all the information they need, the better. Based on researches and studies, short articles are preferred by more than 87% of online users.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Unlock The Secrets For Optimizing Dynamic Sites For Better Search Engine Rankings In Google

I am sure that if you have a dynamic website i.e. a website using a scripting language like php or asp then you will probably have problems with the search engines indexing your web site. I had a website using php and I had serious trouble to get the search engines to index it.

Now the main problem comes in that you usually will have a dynamic page and that page will reference other dynamic pages to represent the information in your database. Usually search engines do not follow other dynamic pages from a dynamic page. Also all your content will look identical as they will have the same title and heading tags with the content from the database being different.

The way to get around this problem is to first design your php code to represent the title and heading tags based on your database. So for example if you have a classified web site the title of the page will become the title of the advertisement and similarly you can make the heading this as well. This will give you unique pages that Google will index better since Google does understand dynamic pages as long as the content is unique.

Now to get around the second problem you would have to design static pages that you link to from your home page. Each static page can represent a category so for example if you have a car classifieds website you can create a different static page representing a different model e.g. Ford cars. Now from this static page you will have to create new code to link to all the detailed pages based on this category. Your detail pages will be dynamic pages based in php or asp.

Finally, ensure that you have a site map as this will make it easier for Google to understand your website properly.

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Mark Abrahams is a full time internet marketer who has helped others to earn a living online.

Best Practices Keyword Research

There are a few simple actions that you should make your standard practices as you research your Small Business Website.

Don't feed your competitors.

Google records every click. And every positive result improves the Google rank. Don't click on your competitors links from Google. Instead, copy the address and paste it into the address bar of a blank window. Additionally, if you are a google toolbar (or gmail) user- don't paste those results into the same browser program. When researching keyword results, I use the Firefox browser to search- but I copy the addresses of competitors into an Internet Explorer window. And I don't use the google toolbar for Internet Explorer so they is no tracking.

Don't get banned.

The search engines' business purpose is to supply useful listings. They understand better than anyone how much junk is on the internet. They have procedures for removing junk sites from their results- and it is surprisingly easy to turn your website into junk. If you are using a consulting firm to help you with search placement, make sure that the following practices are NOT what you have purchased.

    Link Farming. Link farming refers to services that let you buy links back to your site. This is a junk technique and the Google algorithms don't take long to figure it out. Junk links to your site will result in removal from the results pages.

    Duplicate Content. Repetitive Pages or repetitive paragraphs are understood by the search engines to be junk. If your text is too repetitive- you'll be ignored.

    Keyword Density. It's possible to write many copies of your keywords into the invisible parts of your Website. If the ratio of actual written content compared to these word lists is too low- you'll be ignored.

Play Fair, but COMPETE!

The Best Practices for achieving quality search rankings need to be durable. It's not like you won't be in business next year. The best practice turns out to be honesty and a willingness to take good advice. This means the advice from the search engines. Well written and useful information is the clearest and most certain path to working with the search engines. Keep your focus on the things that your customers get- and this is usually the things that your small business does well. I've said on other pages here that one of the benefits for a business in developing their content is focus. You, your employees, your neighbors and your customers will understand your business best by you stating clearly what is true about your business.

Marketing, then Advertising, then Sales. Frequently, a small business begins with the intention of supplying to every possible kind of customer shopping for products in their general category. Smart advertising usually ignores the 'catch-all' methods and focuses instead on communicating things that you do well- that you do profitably- those things that keep customers coming back.

My name is Kevin Combs, a writer and consultant who helps VERY small business compete against larger competitors. I am a true believer in the small business person as the creator of the "American Dream." Please look for my writings on how to create small business advertising

Promote Keyword Phrases for Your Website

It's no secret that the keyword phrases you select will make or break your site. And yet it's also true that most people are terrible at selecting keyword phrases that end up being effective and generating traffic for their sites.

The most common mistake made is being too ambitious in selecting keyword phrases for which you don't stand a chance of generating traffic from. In other words, keywords that are way too competitive.

Yet with the right understanding and approach, any site owner or online entrepreneur can greatly increase the traffic they receive from search engines through keyword phrases.

You Must Arrive At Only One Keyword Phrase

Most people believe that the more keyword phrases that they select for their sites, the better. Actually nothing can be further from the truth. If anything the very opposite is true. You must consider the content and objectives of your site very carefully and when you have done that, you must come up with a single keyword phrase. That keyword phrase will clearly portray the narrow niche that you are interested in going after and dominating. Now most people panic when they hear this, believing that it will be ridiculous for them to focus all their energies on a single keyword phrase for the rest of their days.

Actually what is supposed to happen is that after you have selected your keyword phrase, you are supposed to find all synonyms and related keyword phrases. In most cases, the keyword phrases list will easily be well over 100 keyword phrases. In addition, there are other longer keyword phrases that hardly anybody pays attention to because they are not yet popular enough. These are the keyword phrases you will tend to notice in your stats, these could easily number in the thousands. In other words there is much more to the single keyword phrase than you think.

When you put all those thousands of keyword phrases together, you will find that the potential traffic your site is able to attract will number in the millions. One of the greatest secrets of success will come into play, which is the more you limit your target market and niche, the bigger the market you are creating of potential customers and clients. In fact most people believe the exact opposite, which is the more you narrow your niche, the more you limit your market and number of potential clients. This is just NOT true.

The Power of Focus

The World Wide Web is a huge place where it is very easy to drown and get lost forever. The secret to survival has to do with focus. It is indeed a very powerful strategy to narrowly focus on a tiny niche that you can totally dominate. And the way to do this is by selecting a single keyword phrase that best describes what your site is all about.

There are of course other factors that will help you in reaching your decision about what particular keyword phrase to focus all your energies on. Your past experience and skills are critical. You must have an edge that will help you easily win any competition that you end up facing from any other site on the niche subject that you have selected.

In other words, you must be confident enough of at least being in the top 10 worldwide in terms of your ability to deliver on that particular keyword phrase. This would mean that you would have a good chance of being in then top 10 of search engine results.

Actually many people forget that when you are on the web, the competition is not local but in fact worldwide. So you have no alternative but to really know your stuff.

When you make the decision to focus with laser beam precision on a particular keyword phrase for your web site, what you will have actually done is greatly expanded your potential market. The reality which many webmasters have seen in their own experiences is that if you aim for everybody you will most certainly end up with hardly anybody. The proper approach and use of keyword phrases on your site is bound to revolutionize your fortunes online.

Terry Detty finds Website Marketing Promotion and Business Marketing and Online Advertising his passion. In addition to marketing, he enjoys reading and occasionally goes out for a short walk. His latest interest is a new Search Engine Marketing and Internet Marketing Software program he's been using.

Profitable Article Marketing - Announcing 5 High Powered Secrets to Explode Your Article Marketing

Article marketing isn't just about writing and distributing your articles online. If you would like to succeed in this technique, you must produce quality contents that are useful and relevant to your target niche. It is only through this that your articles will be picked up and republished by other webmasters and publishers.

1. Be productive. Article marketing will require you to write numerous articles for as long as you are running your online business. As such, you must be willing to produce quality articles on a regular basis to continuously improve the number of your links.

2. Sign up with article submission sites that have quick review and posting time. Don't waste your time with publishing sites that takes 3-4 weeks to publish your articles. By that time, your content is no longer timely. Stick with the ones that can post your articles within 24-72 hours just like ezinearticles dot com.

3. Your articles must be easy on the eyes. Lengthy, paragraph form articles that have little or no page break at all can easily turn your readers off. Make your articles readable by breaking your articles into short paragraphs and using bullet points whenever appropriate.

4. After you have submitted your articles, check to see if they are posted online after the review period has lapsed. Sometime, articles are not posted due to broken links, inappropriate content, keyword stuffing, and blatant advertisements. In these cases, you will be asked to re-write your articles so they will conform to the standards set by the publishing sites.

5. Track your progress. Make it a habit to check the click through rate of your articles online and your website traffic to see if there is a noticeable improvement on your numbers. You can use your findings in improving your article marketing techniques.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.