Friday, June 27, 2008

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

One of the most common preconceptions with SEO is that if you optimize a site for the benefit of Google then you will rank well with other search engines. However, the big three search engines (Google, Yahoo, and MSN) all use different algorithms that demand different things. Google has a mixed bag but certainly leans towards inbound links whereas Yahoo loves keyword dense content sites. This leaves us with MSN, whose primary consideration when determining their search results seems to be heavily based on internal linking structure and inbound links. But these are far from the only SEO techniques you need to consider.

MSN The Meta Search Engine

MSN Search is a meta search engine. Whereas Google openly ignores your meta tags in the majority of cases MSN blatantly uses them to index your pages and discover your keywords. At the very least you need to include the keywords, description, and title meta tags. Your main keywords should be included in all of these with your primary keyword appearing first in the keywords meta tag. All tags must include the keywords you consider the most important to your site.

Also, because MSN uses the meta tags, you should be careful not to spam them with numerous instances of your keyword or the use of incorrect or inaccurate keywords. At present, meta spamming doesnt seem to be an issue with the MSNbot but it is only a matter of time and when the change occurs you wont receive any warning before your site is penalized.

Page Layout And Code

The coding of a page is always an issue with search engines and, therefore, should be important to you as well. If a crawler cant crawl your site then you are unlikely to be indexed and you certainly wont receive the high ranking you want. Keep the amount of HTML or any other programming language on your page down to an absolute minimum and ensure that page sizes are below 150KB at the very most.

Another slightly contentious issue is the use of tables. Again, this leads us back to a crawling problem. MSN does not condemn the use of tables on the whole. However, the MSNbot does not like to see tables within tables within tables. This can be a problem if you dont use CSS and rely on tables to keep your page neat. Including another table in the layout of your page begins to make things look messy from the point of view of the MSNbot.

Keyword Density

Keyword density is an area of SEO that always causes arguments. No search engine openly publishes their requirements in this area but it is widely accepted that while Google has stringent rules in place that require minimal use of keywords both Yahoo and MSN have a much greater tolerance for higher levels. Google prefers only a 2% to 3% density while MSN and Yahoo allow 5% to 6%, possibly even a little higher.

Of course this raises the problem that optimizing for MSN may have you flagged as spam with Google. Fortunately, MSN and Yahoo, both take keyword stemming and keyword variants into account when doing their calculations. Use keyword plurals and stems, and try to ensure that you dont go above the Google ideal of 2% for each of these variants. Also, it is absolutely imperative that your SEO writing does not prevent you from writing copy that is appealing to human visitors.

Website Infrastructure And SEO

Your website infrastructure is important to MSN. Many sites, my own included, have shown excellent results in MSN based on the internal text links and associated anchor text. Try to use the primary keyword for a page as its title and ensure that you use this keyword in all of your navigation bars on your site. This will have a very positive influence on the MSNbot.

Also, as with all search engines, MSN wants to be able to reach every page of your site quickly and easily. Text links are best for navigation and all pages should be reached within three clicks from your home page. If you use graphical navigation bars then you should consider either changing them to text links or including a sitemap that is one click away from your homepage.

Inbound Link Importance

Inbound links count as votes for your website. The more votes you get from sites the better, but moreover the more influential the sites that provide a link to you the greater your search engine results. In all honesty, MSN currently appear to favor the quantity of links over the quality but search engine algorithms are renowned for evolving so try to plan ahead and get relevant links from popular pages. The most important aspect of any individual inbound link is the anchor text. You must get webmasters to use your primary keyword for the page that the link points to as the anchor text.

MSN SEO Conclusion

MSN Search is gaining a little ground on its major competitor, Google. Microsoft is unlikely to sit back and be happy with only taking a small share of the market so optimizing for MSN in order to ensure that you get beneficial results from their search engine is a very good idea. It is possible to optimize pages and content for all of the major search engines if done properly and carefully.

About The Author

WebWiseWords is a website copywriter service that specializes in providing well optimized content that remains appealing for human visitors. They also offer an ethical link building service to help further your SEO efforts.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

Article marketing is your ticket to online success. Whether you are running your own ebusiness or engaged in affiliate marketing, this amazing product and website promotional tool can help you reach your goals. All you need to do is write and distribute quality articles that are targeted to the needs and demands of your potential clients and watch the traffic and online revenue going your way.

Here are the 3 latest secrets to multiply your article marketing:

1. Consider the publishing sites. As an article marketer, you will most likely to spend more time working with publishers in your attempt to convince them to publish your articles online. To minimize or eliminate the chances of your articles being rejected, I suggest that you read and understand the terms of service of each article submission site. Though most of them have different rules and regulations, there are universal guidelines that they would like you to follow and these are: Your articles must run at least 300 words, they must be free from blatant advertisements, inappropriate content, hyperlinks, and too much keywords. In addition, they must also be well-written and content-rich.

2. Write more. In article marketing, the more articles you write and submit, the more quality inbound links you will obtain for your website. Thus, it follows that if you would like to augment your traffic and improve your search engine ranking, you must be willing to multiply the number of your output.

3. Use striking headlines. Increase your clickthrough rate by using attention-grabbing titles that can easily pique the curiosity of online users. Keep your titles short but intriguing. Direct to the point yet compelling. It would also help to make them keyword-rich so your articles will fare well on relevant searches.

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

Link building can be a difficult part of any Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. It may even be harder trying to maintain a list of those who are linking to your site.

Did you know that search engines have made this a bit easier for online business to monitor? While the procedure for each search engine may be slightly different you can learn about many of the most successful inbound links you have to your website.

For the purpose of this article I will use the Google search engine. In order to check for inbound links I will use one of my websites I begin by typing the word link in the search window of the search engine followed by the website name. In the end it looks like this: link: for your website it would look like link:

In this search there were over 10,000 inbound links on the web. This tells me the site is doing well and it helps me see which sites that feature the link are the highest ranking. If you visit other search engines you can learn how to access information about site rankings by visiting a section typically called Advance Search Options.

The affects of inbounds links shouldnt be minimized and the use of a free article directory can help spread the word about your site through inbound links. A diverse selection of expert articles is very helpful in improving SEO strategies.

Certainly there are a variety of SEO strategies to consider, but inbound links may provide a significant number of impressions and an improved number of site visitations, which can dramatically improve conversion rate with potential customers.

A great number of links to your website is often viewed by search engines as a means of gauging improved trust. Improved trust in your website will improve your site rankings.

When you have significant inbound links it means that search engine spiders comb through your site more often gaining new and valuable information that can help your overall site ranking.

Beyond free article directories a website owner might simply request affiliated websites to include a link to his/her website as a courtesy. This is not an uncommon practice and provides greater visibility for your website.

The use of a forum or blog can also provide positive inbound links for your website. This is accomplished by either posting information that may benefit readers followed by a link to a section of your website that deals with the issue or by simply placing a link in the signature box on your forum post.

Scott Lindsay is a web developer and entrepreneur. He is the founder of HighPowerSites and many other web projects.

Make A Website in minutes with HighPowerSites or Build A Website with BuildAGreatSite.

Start your own ebook business and Resell Ebooks with BooksWealth.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

There are billions of marketers who are currently using article marketing as their primary marketing arm. With this number comes a stiff competition that every marketer must learn to deal with in order to survive online. In this article, I will impart the 4 new steps that will empower you to excel in this amazing marketing tool so you can take the lead and stand out from the rest.

1. Quality. This is the main element that will determine the success of your article marketing campaign. When you are able to write and distribute articles that are well-written, informative, and useful, people will most likely to pick them up and republish your content throughout the internet. This will boost the number of your inbound links that can lead to augment traffic and sales potential.

2. Quantity. There is never too much when it comes to article marketing. In fact, the more articles you write and publish, the more popular your website will get. Strive to write at least 7 articles per day which are enough to strengthen your online presence and expertise.

3. Titles. I missed a lot of good movies because they have lousy titles. My perception is, if the title is not that enticing, there is no way that the movie will be interesting. This is how most people think when they search for articles online. That is why, you must understand the importance of your titles and make them attention-grabbing so they can get more people to read and open you content.

4. Resource box. I have read a lot of good articles online but their great content wasn't enough to compel me to check the authors' website. Why? Because the authors did not take the time to make their resource box compelling. In fact, I have encountered some that has only the website's URL. No information about the author or why should I visit the website, so why should I?

To learn more, download my free guide, "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online" here: "How to Generate $15,000 Per Month Online"

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,000 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Being an independent business owner under the Coastal Vacations direct selling home business umbrella, means that you will more than likely have to compete for traffic and sales from your peers.

Being part of the larger Coastal Vacations business structure does not make you immune to bargain hunters and hagglers.

Having a unique sales proposal for your prospects will place you on a higher level when you are put into a comparison line up.

Here are some tips to make your independent business stand out against the other Coastal Vacations teams.

Training. Coastal Vacations offers corporate training. There is however, no substitute for the security a new member feels from being offered one on one training, guidance and support.

Marketing Tools: When a new member joins Coastal, they are not provided with websites or leads. Providing your new member with instant ways to generate leads or to purchase leads for them to get started deters procrastination and loss of enthusiasm.

Team Specific Training Tools and Tips: Sharing with your new team members what is working and what is not will save them time and money and frustration and will ultimately lead to a more successful and happy team.

Bonuses: A time sensitive call to action bonus with tangible value will speed up the buying process. A mistake many marketers make is to offer too many time sensitive, one time only bonuses too frequently. If your prospect knows that the time sensitive offer will be repeated within a short time span, they will hold off for the next one rather than making a decision today.

Know What the Competition Is Doing: If you have no idea what the other directors are offering their new members as incentives, you will be missing out on sales. The trick is not to copy, but to excel in all aspects of your marketing and advertising repertoire. Uniqueness is a sought after commodity in the home business environment.

Would you like to know about internet marketing and effective website promotion? Click Here to download a powerful free report. Entrepreneur Maria Porter has been Online since 2000 specializing in Coastal Vacations Business Opportunity full time since 2001. She is also the creator of Coastal Vacations website. You may contact her on 866-629-3806. Visit her website for free advertising advice on how to promote your online business.

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

As webmasters we try everything to promote our sites. The methods used are countless. Some provide great results and some seem to be wasted time and effort. Advertisements on the internet can be very expensive, which can place a burden on the web owner. Another issue that webmasters have to deal with is the many scams and schemes that seem to be so prevalent across the internet.

Many of those scams and schemes are wolves in lambs clothing. They make promises of increased traffic and improved rankings for our websites. And as webmasters we all strive for those things for our sites so it is not surprising that many webmasters have fallen for false promises.

Web promotion does not have to be complex. As a matter of fact, one of the easiest and least expensive methods provides real results. I'm referring to link bidding directories. Not only can a webmaster place a bid for only one dollar but the process can be completed in a matter of minutes from start to finish.

Link bidding directories can provide many advantages over other forms of advertising. As mentioned, it's fast and easy. It's inexpensive and it can provide amazing results? often in a short amount of time. By listing a site with a link bidding directory that has a good page rank the webmaster will enjoy quality back links. That can lead to increased page rank for the site listed. The increased page rank can lead to increased traffic flow.

Another wonderful advantage is the fact that the webmaster is in control of the bidding process. If he/she desires a particular spot it is easy to see what the cost will be and to bid for it. Of course, the higher the bid the better position for the listing. Top bids will enjoy the number one position and will usually enjoy a listing on the homepage of the link bidding directory. Some link bidding directories list the top bidding sites on every page.

Before you decide which link bidding directory to list your site with do some exploration into the various site's page ranks. Find out how Google ranks them and choose one of quality. That quality will reflect on the site you list.

Although link bidding directories are not the only type of advertisement that works for web promotion, it may be one of the best. The advantages are many but the feature I like best is the fact that the webmaster actually has control (through bidding) over where his/her site is listed. Few forms of advertisement or promotion can compare with that.

YourWebDex is a web directory based on a bidding system. All links is separated by categories. With a starting bid of $1, you are guaranteed to have a spot in this directory.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

In today's fast-paced, technology-driven world, online advertising is a a medium of promotion that uses the Internet in delivering potent or wide-reaching marketing approaches that will attract more customers.

One of the examples of online advertising includes banner ads, contextual ads on search engine results pages, advertising networks and e-mail marketing, which sadly also includes e-mail spam.

A definitive result of online advertising is that information and content that are not limited by time or space, as the emerging arena of interactive advertising presents fresh challenges for advertisers who have previously have adopted an interruptive strategy.

How Online Ads Are Purchased

At present, there are three common methods of purchasing online advertising space. These are through the CPM, CPC and CPA modes. In the CPM method (Cost Per Impression), advertisers pay for exposure of their product or marketing message to a specific audience, and these costs are priced per thousand impressions. The M in the acronym stands for the Roman numeral for one thousand.

In the Cost Per Visitor (CPV) format, advertisers pay for the delivery of a Targeted Visitor to the advertisers website. In the CPC, or Cost Per Click method, which is also referred to as the Pay per click (PPC) system, online advertisers pay every time a user clicks on their listing and is redirected to their website. The advertisers do not actually pay for the listing, but only do so when the listing is clicked on.

This system allows advertising analysts to refine searches and gain information about their market. Under the Pay per click costing mode, advertisers pay for the right to be listed under a series of target rich words that direct relevant traffic to their website, and pay only when someone clicks on their listing which links directly to their website. CPC differs from CPV in that each click is paid for regardless of whether the user makes it to the target site.

In the CPA, or Cost Per Action system, advertising is based on performance, and is a common method in affiliate marketing programs. In this advertising scheme, the publisher takes all the risk of running the ad, and the advertiser pays only for the amount of users who complete a transaction, such as a purchase or sign-up. According to industry observers, this is the best type of rate to pay for banner advertisements and the worst type of rate to charge.

Useful Tips For Effective Online Advertising

According to advertising veterans, the fundamental logic behind online advertising, is acquiring a better understanding of the experience that customers want, and also in finding ways to improve it. The prime target of Internet advertising is to drive more customers to your Web site, as well as to make them visit your location, increase awareness about your products and services, or make them call about your products or services.

The good thing about employing this method, is that it can be done at a very low cost. In fact it could be totally free, particularly if you advertise by sending out a newsletter or swap links with other sites. In other instances, it is estimated to cost from anywhere between $100 and $3,000 per month to advertise on popular sites, depending on the ad type.

While standard offline advertising is still being used as a method to drive online consumers to Web sites, some companies are now trying online ads like banners, pay-per-click ads and pop-ups. There are also online newsletters, magazines and journals, Web sites, search engines, which are all good avenues for reaching target customers who shop or gather information online.

Whenever you wish to do online advertising, it is imperative that you always keep your ad content concise and clear, as well as try to relate your ad to a basic emotion or situation that is likely be shared by the consumers that you are trying to reach. Simply putting company logo on a banner would not be appropriate enough to get people to click and buy. A good way of enhancing your ad is by adding a message that will register with your target market.

Unlike radio or TV viewers and listeners, online customers are probably already focused on something else and are known to only pay scant attention when your ad appears. This is the main reason why online ads need to have that extra, unique appeal, and should also need to be placed where your target niche will be able to view them. You must be able to properly formulate your ad according to specific demographic aspects such as age, gender, income level, education, hobbies and others. - 7 SEO

Vanessa A. Doctor from Jump2Top - SEO Company

Viral marketing is a methods of list building

There are multiple methods of list building, and if you are just getting started, until you have gained mastery over one or two methods, it is advisable to use multiple methods of list building strategies. You’ll see every step of the process, no matter how small, in exacting detail so

An Advertising business opportunity on the Internet is just exploding with possibilities. This is one of the most profitable endeavors available in the field of Internet advertising. If you have advertising experience and know even the basics of Internet, you have potential to start your own advertising business on the Internet.

There are many areas of the Internet that need to be learned before starting your advertising business opportunity. Multi level marketing, or MLM, is one way of generating advertising and sales at the same time. MLM is a system that allows someone to collect commissions on their own sales as well as on people they recruit under them. This used to be known as pyramid schemes.

MLM has become very popular with product sales, helping the organization build wealth by paying commissions on multiple levels. The concept from an advertising point of view is great, the more motivation you have to recruit people to sell your product, the more your product is out there on the market. Some examples of companies that use MLM are nutritional product lines, make up product lines, and home decoration lines.

Multi level marketing has been around for years and not likely to go away anytime soon. Focus needs to be clear however on what the drive is for the company. If your focus is only on recruiting people to recruit more people, then your product sales are going to suffer. When your product sales suffer, your business as a whole suffers and then no one wants to be a part of the industry. Keep your focus when dealing with MLM with your advertising business opportunity.

Ezines are another emerging way to get a product or service out to the public. Ezines, or electronic magazines, are usually specialized to a certain areas of interest. This is very much like conventional magazines. However, advertising in ezines is low-cost and even occasionally free. Another advertising business opportunity that is wide open.

Ezines in themselves will need advertising to get their word out. A perfectly written ezine does no one any good if no one knows that it is out there to be seen. Finding an audience for your ezine may be easier than you think. Make sure when going into ezines that you know your material and that the writing is concise and accurate.

SEO, or search engine optimization, is a proven method of advertising on the Internet and a field, which is very much in demand at this time. SEO is a system of writing web content that uses specific key words and phrases that will pull the page up when that keyword or phrase is typed into any of the search engines. Knowing how to effectively use keywords to get a site recognized is critical for small businesses on the web.

When you open a search engine such as 'Yahoo!' or 'Google', and type in the phrase Internet advertising, you will get a list of results. Those results are formulated by the words Internet and advertising. Sites that have those two words incorporated consistently throughout the site will come up on the list. These lists are in order by the most hit on sites at the top of this list. Of course, that is where you want your advertising business opportunity clients to be.

Educating your self on these concepts and a few more will allow you to start marketing your Internet advertising business. Becoming an Internet business advertising consultant to companies who are looking to expand their presence on the web is a first step in building your reputation and presence in this field.

You must have a well-written profile centered on your Internet advertising experience and an up to date resume'. Businesses today are being inundated with new, and sometimes bogus, advertising opportunities and you need to stand out above all those other offers. Keep your presence, online and in the field, professional at all times and make sure you can deliver what you promise. With those things in mind, you should be successful.

Copyright Randy Wilson, All Rights Reserved.

Randy is owner of Profitable Home Businesses where you will find other articles such as Starting a Mattress Cleaning Business and How to start a Medical Billing Business from Home.

Making Money with Your Blog!

A place for finding the Nuts and Bolts for Making Money Online with Affiliate Marketing Business Opportunity!

Once upon a time a website owner looked for and secured links from other sites simply to get traffic from that site and send some traffic back for the privilege.

There was no Google, Yahoo, or MSN setting rules about reciprocal links which have now somehow become "the law."

Links were for traffic...targeted traffic.

Since, to this day, nothing does your site more good than a good, visible, relevant link from a site which caters to your perfect market base, I propose a test you can run in your marketing for a couple of months.

Get links from sites based upon factors that matter most:

1. Good content
2. Strong reader base
3. Willingness to link from a prominent place

Let the engines worry about their silly algorithms for a couple months. Pretend they are not there. I think you will be surprised when you come back and see that they actually like you more than before!

Google "banned" reciprocal linking because it was being abused and they set about to detect the abuse and rectify their rankings by giving you no love (PR) for the links you got (if you used automation and got a lot of senseless links).

The solution for you? Don't go grabbing links from link directories and non relevant sites, no matter how high their rankings or PR.

The rule is: less links, higher value, less time spent getting them.

Choosing the right sites...

Good Content

A site that does a great job on real content (not just sales material and pitches) is a great link partner.

People flock to content and appreciate it. Get your links in front of people who appreciate the content they are reading. They will be in a good mood when they hit your link.

Strong Reader Base

Does the site have an obvious following? If it's a blog, are there a lot of comments and conversations going on? Are they from today or last year?

Willingness to Link from an Obvious Place

Links need to come from pages on other sites that actually see human visitors in as high number as possible. And the owner must be willing. It shouldn't be hard to convince someone or you should move on.

Easy Ways to Get Links (Reciprocal and Non Reciprocal)

*Be a part of something. If you are in a halfway decent niche, there is a wider discussion going on around you. Are you listening, commenting on blogs, doing trackbacks, and participating in forums?

*Do content exchange rather than link exchange. Write original content for someone in your niche and host their content on your site.

*Write exclusive content for another site in your niche just for the link. If someone wrote killer content for my blog that was perfect for my visitors I'd have a hard time turning it down!

There's no better place to be than in the posts of another popular blog!

Links make the web work. Now that there is a difference between good and bad links, just focus on what would be best for your site and your readers when acquiring links. That's all Google wants after all.

Jack Humphrey is the editor of The Friday Traffic Report. For more linking and website promotion tips, head over to the Friday Traffic Report and get some free targeted traffic.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

List building has often been said by many Internet marketing experts to be the true way to create foolproof income on the Internet. It's been around for decades offline in the 'real world', but many online marketers and entrepreneurs have used it online for massive results.

So is list building the 'hidden goldmine' online? Yes, it is! When you have your own list, it is yours. No one else's. It is a source of repeat traffic like no other thing. Pay per click marketing gives you one visitor per click, but what if you can turn that one visitor into repeat visits to your product and even to affiliate products?

Imagine if you get 50 to 100 visitors to your website. If you send them to your online store or your sales page without capturing their names and emails, and they leave your site, they are gone forever.

But now let's say you build a list. You get 40 subscribers for every 100 visitors. Now you can send follow-up emails to these 40 subscribers and get them to see you store or your sales page a few times. Many experts agree it often takes a few exposures for a prospect to buy your product. These 40 subscribers are going to give you a repeat traffic source for a long time to come.

Think about it. If someone is not willing to give you their first name and email address, what more their credit card details. Some people are just paranoid about giving away their details online or are just skeptical about everything.

So work with building a list. You can turn that 50-100 visitors into 500-1000 repeat visitors from your emails to your product and to other products if you choose to.

All it takes to build a list is a simple one-page website, and an autoresponder account. I use Aweber, and the service is a charm to use. Don't procrastinate in building a list. Go and build one. Today.

Fabian Tan is the author of the free 51-Page Report:

"Murder Your Job: How To Build Cash Sucking Autopilot Businesses In 30 Days Or Less!"

Head over to to get your free copy now before it's gone!

Profitable Article Marketing - Revealed - 5 High Impact Steps to Accelerate Your Article Marketing

Popularizing your website and promoting your products online cannot get easier these days even if you don't have the money to cover for your advertising cost. As long as you have the knack for writing and you can share valuable information to your potential clients, you can easily augment your traffic and your revenue by writing and submitting your articles to various publishing sites.

Here are the 5 high impact steps to accelerate your article marketing:

1. Know how to use intriguing titles to boost your clickthrough rate. Headlines like "The Best Kept Secret is Out", "Tiger Woods Hidden Techniques, Revealed", "What your Real Estate Agents Will Never Tell you", etc. can easily pique the curiosity of online users and will easily move them to check on your content.

2. Pack your articles with valuable information. Grabbing the attention of online users is tough but trying to sustain it is much tougher. You need to device effective techniques in order to convince your readers to read your articles until they reach your resource box so you can increase your conversion rate. This can easily be done by making your articles content-rich, useful, and loaded with valuable information that your readers truly need. Once online users see that you are a great source of information, they are most likely to click on your resource box, visit your website, subscribe to your email marketing list, and who knows, they might eventually buy your products and services!

3. Produce more articles. To easily boost the number of your inbound links which can tremendously help you improve your page ranking, you must be willing to multiply the number of your articles and your submissions. This can be done by staying motivated and focused all throughout so you can be more productive.

4. Consider your potential readers. You always have to keep them in mind when writing your articles as they are the ones that you would like to impress in order to succeed in this field. Strive to address all their needs and demands through your content and make your articles easy for them to understand by using their own language and simple terms as much as possible.

5. Proofread your articles before you make them available online. One of the best ways to earn the trust and confidence of your potential clients is to project a professional image online. This can easily be achieved by making sure that your articles are well-written, flow well, and free from any type of errors.

Do you want to learn more about how I use article marketing to drive over 5194 unique visitors to my site each month?

Find out free here: article marketing traffic generation

Do you want to learn how I add over 1987 subscribers to my list each month? Discover my secret here: list building secrets

Do you want to learn how I generate over $15,347 online each month? Download this: Find out free here: How to Make 7 Figures Online

Sean Mize is an internet marketing mentor who teaches people to generate over $15,347 per month online via automated systems and product funnels.

Three Things You Must Do Before You Submit To Article Directories

To all writers and non-writers out there, now is the time to start digging up those creative writing skills.With modern communication technology comes the popularity of information-based marketing, which is one of the oldest and most effective techniques in getting targeted prospects to sites and converting them into buyers. This is

A resource box is the few lines of text found at the bottom of most topical articles one might read on the Internet. And savvy article marketing experts know that the resource box, albeit small, is a prime piece of online real estate for attracting qualified website traffic.

In fact, a great article writer will compose the entire body of an article for the sole purpose of retaining the reader's interest until she reaches and reads the tiny resource box at the end.

When a reader likes the content they just finished reading, it's a case of human nature to want more. So in its turn, the resource box should provide a live link to further related information, or at least to the source of the article. But like the article itself, the resource box must demand the reader's interest, and then motivate her to click the embedded link.

If the article body acts as the bait, then the resource box must act as the hook. Every fisherman knows that good bait is essential, but a sharp hook is what catches the fish.

Here are a few tips toward creating sharp article resource boxes that will reel in highly targeted prequalified website traffic and potential customers, without fail.

1- Pick at least one primary keyword or key phrase from the article body, and use it in the article resource box. That will serve the reader as a strong visual and mental trigger, as well as a lead in to the next set of information you want her to view.

2 - Where possible, use keywords and/or key phrases as the anchor text for resource box links. In other words, 'click here for more candle making tips' will prove much more effective than a link that says only 'click here to read more.'

3 - Clearly illustrate the benefit that the reader will receive simply by proceeding onward and clicking the link to the next page.

4 - Mention the author's name and/or the company name where appropriate, along with a few words to enhance credibility. As an example: 'Master candle maker Jane Doe has operated Doe & Doe Artistic Candles Studio since 1996.'

5 - Use the ad writing principles of attention, interest, desire, and action to craft the text of the resource box.

6 - All unnecessary and transitional words (and, the, or) should be edited out wherever possible.

7 - And finally, we suggest writing at least 3 to 5 versions of the resource box before choosing the final copy for publication.

Expert article writers regard fifty words or about five lines of text including the link - as the optimum length for a sharp resource box. More than that may actually reduce the overall effectiveness of the resource box, and the reader motivation it intends to create.

So, given that much needs to be said in a limited space with very few words, it almost goes without saying that the resource box must be as carefully crafted as any small classified type advertisement that one might insert for fee into any national publication.

While small in size, the article resource box remains as prime real estate in terms of driving prequalified website traffic. Don't underestimate the power that can be unlocked within five short lines of text.

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The first step in article marketing is the submission process. Ezine publishers, article announcement lists and article directories are the most common places for submission. This will accomplish several things.

For starters, you will be considered as an expert in your field. This will establish a trust between you and the readers, as they will be able to value your opinions.

Submitting articles will also allow for greater publicity of your business. Submission requires a resource box to be attached to your article. This contains a link to your website that will be seen by the reader. If the reader wants to know more about what you do, they can simply click to see more.

Article marketing also allows for a non-reciprocal link to your website. This is important for your search engine page rank. Typically, more weight is given to non-reciprocal links in search engine page rankings.

So maybe this all sounds good to you, but you aren't comfortable writing your own articles. If you don't have the writing skills necessary, consider using private label articles. These are becoming more and more popular, and many of such services are available with new ones popping up all the time.

However, there are some specifications that need to be taken seriously. Otherwise the results produced may be problematic

The good thing about private label articles is that they may be able to offer the non-writer a high advantage over other markers. When used properly, they will likely increase your sales, traffic and opt in subscribers.

Be cautious of making the most common mistake known to private label articles: getting lazy. Put it in your mind from the start that copying and pasting the article for submission is a bad idea.

The majority of directory software will automatically do a search in their database to see if the title has been used before. If this is the case with an article that you submit, then yours will be rejected.

So, change the title at the very minimum. It's also recommended to change the wording in the first paragraph.

Another word of caution regards the number of links placed in your article. Many marketers will include so many links that the article just becomes an ad in a longer form. This will definitely get your rejected and maybe banned if it occurs too often.

The purpose of an article is to provide the reader with valuable and useful information. As long as your content is well written, the chances of the reader clicking on your link will increase.

Jason Pearson is an online marketing expert who wants to share his secrets with the world. To find out more...

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