Monday, May 26, 2008

Exceptional Article Marketing - Become an Expert

Article marketing is an effective, low-cost way to promote a website or business. Although there are innumerable article marketers saturating the web with countless articles, few will experience notable success. Most will fail through lack of effort and focus; some, of course, will use poor or even unethical techniques and they will be ferreted out soon enough. To reach the upper echelon, one must become an expert in the industry about which they write, and that requires work, dedication, and integrity.

Thankfully, becoming such an authority is a learnable skill, not an art or inborn trait. There are three essential keys to exceptional article marketing: research, revision, and repetition.


Obviously, a high degree of knowledge about a particular subject is what truly defines an expert. Naturally, reading is an invaluable way to expand your own knowledge base and broaden your horizons. Books are not the only source for your reading, however. Go on any of the many good article directories on the internet, or simply use your favorite search engine. You are very likely to find a number of articles (many written by other article marketers) on your chosen subject. Not only will you learn new things, you may find some new ideas for your own writing. Find a respectable online newsletter and subscribe to it. Learning cannot be easier than having your reading material come to you automatically.

Isaac Newton said, "If I have seen farther than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants." To become an expert in any field, you must emulate that attitude. The pool of collective knowledge that already exists is vast and accessible. Tap into it. Acquire a capable mentor, or interview an established expert. Asking questions may often be the most valuable and rewarding thing you can do.

When most people think of "learning," they think of books, classrooms, and teachers. Consider this - the world is your classroom, and life is your instructor. Rely on your past experience, venture fearlessly into new experience, and then write about it.


After all the research, your skull will be bursting with all the new knowledge packed within it. Now is the time to write; but anyone who simply jots down a few hundred words and quickly posts them as articles is fooling themselves if they believe they will soon be perceived as an authority. Write what you know, and then do a thorough spelling and grammar check. Next, very importantly, you would be well advised to put the article away for a while. When you come back to it later - maybe tomorrow or maybe next month - you can approach it from a fresh perspective. You will often find mistakes or omissions that you would not have caught had you immediately posted your article to a dozen article directories. Your patience will be rewarded by a growing readership, drawn to you for your clarity and veracity.

This does not mean that your article marketing productivity will be limited. When you put one article away, write an outline for your next two or three articles. Soon, you will be ready to churn out heaps of well-written, factually accurate content. You put down one article, outline two more, pick up and revise another, and post yet another polished piece of work to the article directories.


Let's imagine that you woke up one morning with the secret to world peace. You decide that you will reveal this secret at the next town hall meeting and never again. Do you think you would be considered an expert or a hero? The answer is probably, "no." Why would people believe you? Have you compiled a body of work that would lead them to believe that you knew what you were talking about? Even if some people did believe you, would they be taken seriously by those that they tell?

If you have knowledge to share, do so often. Tell those who will listen, those who are seeking the information you have. Approach your topic from different angles and explain it in various ways. Find niches within your niche and give detailed accounts of the inner workings.

Utilize the many options available to distribute your articles. Many very good article directories will allow you to submit your work for no charge. You may use a mass-distribution service to deliver your article throughout the internet. Social networking facilities are becoming an ever more powerful method to spread your word. Be on the lookout for other methods, as well.

Success requires sincere effort and dogged determination. Article marketing is very effective, especially once you establish yourself as an expert in your industry. The good news is that article marketing gets easier with practice. With that in mind, sharpen your pencil or stretch your typing fingers, and begin your journey to the top!

Article Ranger is a free submission article directory where authors may post articles about subjects of interest, and publishers may pick up articles for use in ezines, newsletters, etc. Michael Rasco is the Owner and Chief Editor of Article Ranger.

It's All About Building Back Links

If you have a website, it's crucial that you get it noticed so that people can find it and thus buy your product or service. Now, of course, you can pay for advertising, but the best way to get traffic to come to your site is to have the search engines recognize you and rank you highly in search results. One of the ways you can do this is to build backlinks. One of the best ways to build backlinks organically is to use Web 2.0, or social bookmarking.

Social bookmarking is basically the web redefined, organized by users. The most popular sites are "bookmarked" online, which means they get many more visitors because they're so much more visible both in the search engines and on the bookmarking sites themselves. With social bookmarking, you can go online to sites such as and not only save your favorite bookmarks there (similar to saving bookmarks on your own computer, but this is a website), but you can swap, share, and see what other users are marking is their favorite places, so you can visit, too.

This means that social bookmarking is a great way to get your site noticed. How do you use social bookmarking to increase the number of backlinks to your site and therefore increase traffic to your own site, though?

One of the best ways to increase traffic to your site through social bookmarking and therefore get backlinks is to write articles. In the article itself, of course, you include a link to your website at the end. That way, when readers finish reading your article, they'll also likely click on your website to go see what it's all about.

Then, you post those articles to social bookmarking sites such as,, and, as well as the aforementioned Technorati. These articles should have several things in common. With them, you should:

Write something readers really want to read, and make it fresh and original

Simply "spinning" articles really doesn't do it, nor does posting old articles from other sites. You need to write your own fresh, original content that readers really want to read, on a subject you are really knowledgeable about. If you play your cards right, this will fit right in with your website content and product or service, because of course, you should be an expert about that, too.

Have catchy headlines, so that readers are sure to click on your article because your headline caught their attention

This is pretty self-explanatory, but if your title doesn't catch someone's attention, they'll never read your article.

Your first paragraph should be killer

Again, similar to the headline, you want to catch and hold the reader's interest, so that he or she will want to read the rest of the article, too.

Make the entire article count

Your reputation is going to go downhill fast if people associate you with articles that have catchy headlines and great first paragraphs, but then have just "filler" content for the rest. Again, you can't skimp here. You have to write articles that people will really want to read and find valuable. If they like what you have to say, they'll not only bookmark it for themselves, but they'll pass it on to friends as well, which in turn will create more backlinks to your site.

Make it easy for people to bookmark you

Include a way for people to bookmark your article as a favorite, so that it shows up on the front pages of all of the social bookmarking sites. In just a little bit of time, you can have literally 20,000 hits or better to your website a day, which of course increases traffic and therefore sales for you.

Another thing that may happen is that if your articles truly are fresh content and a good read, sometimes even bloggers can start blogging about your articles, which in turn mentions your website and creates more backlinks.

In short, getting backlinks is pretty easy to do, as long as you do so honestly and truly want to provide good content and a good product or service as well. Of course, your products or services, too, will create backlinks as long as what you provide is quality. First, you have to get people to go to your website, and the articles will do this for you. Then, your products or services can create their own buzz, which in turn creates more backlinks, which in turn creates more traffic, which in turn creates more sales.

You see? Social bookmarking is relatively simple, as long as you keep it honest and work to provide a good product and service, as well as good articles, which will help keep you on top of the search engines' favorites list.

Building back links to your site is the most important thing you need to do to get traffic. For more information visit Internet Marketing Bytes.

Breakthrough Article Marketing - Announcing 6 Authentic Ways to Increase Your Article Marketing

It is no doubt that article marketing is currently the best traffic-generating tool these days. It is not only cost-efficient but it is also proven effective in augmenting the number of online visitors plus establishing a webmaster's expertise on his chosen niche.

If you have been using this technique and you would like to increase your marketing effort so you can better improve the benefits you are getting from it, these 6 authentic ways will help you succeed further in this method:

1. Provide your readers with quality content. Your articles should contain information that are not only interesting to read but most importantly, useful to your potential readers. Your content should also be timely and relevant to your target niche.

2. Your articles must be well-written. Your ideas must flow naturally and must be presented in a logical manner so your readers will be able to easily understand your points.

3. Be familiar with SEO. Learning how to optimize your articles can be your greatest weapon so you can succeed in article marketing. By knowing how to insert relevant keywords to your copies, you do not only make your articles search engine friendly, but you also make them searchable online.

4. Frequently search the internet for new publishing sites. The more publishing sites you post your articles to, the more back links you can obtain for your website.

5. Write topics that are directly relevant to your website's topic. This is to make sure that you will have an opportunity to showcase your expertise while promoting your website at the same time.

6. Call to action and promote your website. Move your readers to act by writing a powerful and attention-grabbing resource box. This should contain your name, your expertise, what you offer, and why readers should click on your website's URL.

Do you want to learn more about how I do it? I have just completed my brand new guide to article marketing success, 'Your Article Writing and Promotion Guide'

Download it free here: Secrets of Article Promotion

Sean Mize is a full time internet marketer who has written over 1574 articles in print and 11 published ebooks.

Article Income Secrets - How to Make Indirect and Direct Profits with Your Articles

Q: I've hear you say that you can make both indirect and direct profits from your articles. What's the difference between the two and how do you do it?

A: While there are those who will tell you that you cannot profit from your articles, let's start with 3 points about these folks:

1. They are wrong.

2. They are your competition.

3. This is a good thing.

With that out of the way, let's take a closer look at some indirect and some direct methods for profiting with your articles.

Indirect article profits

Indirect is all the traffic and visitors that come to your website from these articles you have out there, and all the inbound links you have from your articles out there. I've received new subscribers and added new list members while I have been writing this article.

All you have to do is get one article on and you have a link coming in from a website ranked consistently in the top 300 in the world.

Direct article profits

Now the direct way is taking the 7 tips articles or any other articles you write and building it out, expanding and repurposing it into different information products.

A 7 tips article (or any article) can be easily expanded and repurposed into the following information products:

  • a mini-guide
  • an ecourse or eprogram
  • an ebook
  • a teleseminar

From now on I want you to look at a simple article and see the many information products they can grow into, because that is how you can create your information empire with your articles.

And now I would like to offer you free access to 2 of my Instant Article Templates when you subscribe to my free Article Marketing Minute, a 52 week audio/video newsletter on Article Marketing. You can get your instant access at

From Jeff Herring - The Internet Article Guy & the Great Article Marketing Network

Write Your Affiliate Business Marketing To Success And Build Trust

Article marketing is an extremely strong targeted internet marketing system to drive organic search engine and article directory traffic to your own website. It`s low-cost or no-cost and an excellent way to make yourself trustworthy.

One of the best ways to distribute your marketing articles widely and build contacts for your affiliate business program is to submit articles via submission service or software, which can throw your article into thousands of websites and directories all over the Net.

Your blog is an ideal place for article submissions, especially if you use the social bookmarking and pinging and let the whole internet society to know that your new post has just arrived!

The mass distribution does not require an original marketing article, but when you include, as I recommend, the high ranking, authority article directory, like, into your medium arsenal, they require original one and they thank you by throwing your article high into the search engine result page.

In the article marketing the content is the king and if you write royal stories, other affiliate business marketing webmasters will copy your article into their websites.

Now you just got free advertising, which shall bring targeted visitors and more fame to yourself!

The affiliate business marketing get gimmick to the reader to get more and especially makes him to click the link in the Bio Box.

If the title is the king of the article, the teaser makes the reader to go on, the article body gives additional information ( but not everything ), the Bio Box is a text ad, which draws the enthusiasm to the top in the article end and makes the reader to want more, to click.

We can say that the Bio Box is very important and it must include your name and the keyword as an anchor text plus a small text ad, which can persuade the reader to click the link there.

Many affiliate business marketers publish articles on their websites in the article pages or in their blogs. This is a great visitor service and after you have written a nice set of marketing articles, visitors can use them as an affiliate business library by bookmarking that page.

One of the article marketing benefits is that it works also long term and if you have done a careful work with the keyword picking you can enjoy a regular traffic during a long period of time, because the marketing articles will stay in the Net for years.

If you sometimes feel, that your head is empty and you just cannot find new topics, just type your affiliate business keyword into Google and you can get tons of good ideas or go to the EzineArticle and look at the table of the latest submissions there.

I like the article marketing especially because you can express yourself and really show that this is your way to do the affiliate business marketing. That is the fact, which know one can copy. So just do it!

Juhani Tontti, B.Sc., Marketing. Let The Article Marketing To Make Your Promotions! Visit My Site And Find Lots Of Good Examples Of My Marketing Articles And Copy Them Into Your Own Affiliate Business Marketing Site.

Article Marketing - Your First Steps in Article Marketing

Would you like a free strategy for driving traffic to your web site? Would you like a free strategy for creating more prospects? Would you like a free strategy for building your list? Would you like to know a free strategy for creating more customers?

Would you like all these things even if you knew that these strategies slam dunk work?

Then article marketing is for you.

Now, here are your first steps in article marketing.

Step 1 - Write a great quality article. Offer good information that your reader can use right away. Help them to know, like and trust you.

Step 2 - Write a great resource box that invites the reader to take an action. Ask them and guide them to click on the links back to your web site or blog.

Step 3 - Have the reader go to a page in your web site where they opt-in with their email address to get something of value that you are offering for free.

Step 4 - Take really good care of the people on your list. Stay in touch with them. Ask them what they want to learn and then deliver it.

Step 5 - Offer the people on your list your quality products and services.

Step 6 - Rinse and repeat. In other words, do this over and over again.

This simple six step process will drive more traffic to your web site, create more prospects, build your list and create more customers.

So please tell me why you would not want to jump right away into article marketing.

With your permission, I'd like to offer you free access to two of my Article Writing Templates to help you get started in Article Marketing. You can download them by going to

Would you like to get in on our free weekly Article Guy TeleSeminars? Visit to get started today!

From Jeff Herring - The Article Guy and